When will the Garmin Edge 500 be available?

My birthday is coming up and the family want to give me something. Me thinks i need an Edge 500 to replace my Polar 720i with the low battery. (and create a demand for a powertap)

I see them on the internet but nobody has them. I want the model with the HR monitor and speed sensor. Any ideas when and where i can get it first?

Order it online or ask your LBS to order one.

I struggled to find the 705 locally, and asked a LBS to order one.
This let me see if I liked it, and deal with a local company.

A lot of the LBS don’t carry the expensive accessories, such as $350 bike computer, as a lot of people won’t buy them and then they are left with inventory that doesn’t sale.

There is a new bike shop in town. Maybe they want to exercise some good customer service. I wouldn’t think of ordering from the other shops, the stuff would never come in. Good Idea.

I probably also should have said that i live close enough to the San Diego Tri shops to go there. Nytro, Hi Tech, B&L etc. Does anyone know if they have them in stock?

B-Dub, I mean you could get a used Edge 705 for like $30 more.

I just happened to walk by the Garmin store last week, display is up & they expect delivery 12/1…

end of november for the edge 500 and edge 500 bundle in Canada. In very high demande… very nice computer…lot smaller and lighter than the 705!

im gonna get one for sure.

with a srm or powertap… it would be very nice! The Edge 500 is nicer than both the srm or powertap head unit. Looking forward to play with it soon! oups…there is snow in canada :frowning:

I have power tap and would like some more stuff but not really a full on garmin like a 705