When will Biden drop out and who will replace him?

It’s inevitable at this point. He is clearly not fit to run, let alone run the country for 4 more years.

Who can the dems find to step up? It will give them a better chance to win versus holding Biden up.

I don’t see him dropping out. If he had that sort of humility he would have announced he wasn’t running again a year ago.

His pride and arrogance that only he can do this could hurt us all.

I don’t see him dropping out. If he had that sort of humility he would have announced he wasn’t running again a year ago.

His pride and arrogance that only he can do this could hurt us all.

We agree

I don’t see him dropping out. If he had that sort of humility he would have announced he wasn’t running again a year ago.

His pride and arrogance that only he can do this could hurt us all.

That’s the problem with politicians. By definition they are all arrogant, which is why they run for office in the first place. Maybe his wife can persuade him.

I hope so, I would love to see Mark Kelly step up.

It’s inevitable at this point. He is clearly not fit to run, let alone run the country for 4 more years.

Who can the dems find to step up? It will give them a better chance to win versus holding Biden up.

I think the odds of him dropping out have gone up enormously, but still may be below 50%. But I think there will be a huge amount of pressure on him to withdraw.

If he does, I would guess in late July, and either Newsome or Whitmer. But Harris must be a name that is considered.

The polls will be key. If swing voters don’t like Trump’s performance, then maybe the pressure on Biden won’t be too great.

It’s inevitable at this point. He is clearly not fit to run, let alone run the country for 4 more years.

Who can the dems find to step up? It will give them a better chance to win versus holding Biden up.

You clearly do not know how elections work.

Biden has to step down, and then has to tell his delagetes to vote for xx. Its all in Joe’s hands not the DNC.

It’s inevitable at this point. He is clearly not fit to run, let alone run the country for 4 more years.

Who can the dems find to step up? It will give them a better chance to win versus holding Biden up.

You clearly do not know how elections work.

Biden has to step down, and then has to tell his delagetes to vote for xx. Its all in Joe’s hands not the DNC.

That’s not how the DNC works comrade

If I want to know how the DNC works the last person I would ask would be Windy.

If I want to know how the DNC works the last person I would ask would be Windy.

Don’t you have a party to be putting over country???

It’s inevitable at this point. He is clearly not fit to run, let alone run the country for 4 more years.

Who can the dems find to step up? It will give them a better chance to win versus holding Biden up.

You clearly do not know how elections work.

Biden has to step down, and then has to tell his delagetes to vote for xx. Its all in Joe’s hands not the DNC.

That’s not how the DNC works comrade

Can you please point to where that is not the case, Just read again the 2024 Dem convention rules https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2024-Call-for-Convention.pdf

and ballotpedia https://ballotpedia.org/Democratic_delegate_rules,_2020 and they both seem to support my claim, that pledged delegates have to vote their pledge the first time.

I know its tough for you, but instead of just saying no your wrong, how about supporting it, or provide details on how its wrong.

Lifelong Republican but I’m a “will vote for anyone not named Donald Trump.” I know that there are folks that aren’t like that and still need swaying or might sit it out. Biden torpedoed everything last night. Right now, IMO, the Presidency was just gift wrapped to Trump. As sad as that is.

The Dems have no choice but to pivot to someone else and Biden needs to do the most statesmanlike thing he has ever done and step down. It’s a tough pill to swallow for him most certainly but it’s the right thing to do.

Was there any point in US history where an incumbent president, who is running for reelection, steps down 4+ months from Election Day? Not since I’ve been alive.

Short turnaround time for sure but there’s time to reinvigorate voters with the right person. I still think Mayor Pete might be the most presidential person in the country right now but he likes dudes so a huge portion of the electorate thinks he’s the devil. As sad as that is. Newsom has baggage for sure but most of the country doesn’t pay any attention to California politics so not sure overall it’s a big negative. Same for Whitmer. VP Harris has not been propped up properly by the Dems over the last four years so she is not a great option.

“so a huge portion of the electorate thinks he’s the devil.” Think a vast majority could say same thing about trump. “Morals of an alley cat”.

I don’t see him dropping out. If he had that sort of humility he would have announced he wasn’t running again a year ago.

His pride and arrogance that only he can do this could hurt us all.


I don’t see him dropping out. If he had that sort of humility he would have announced he wasn’t running again a year ago.

His pride and arrogance that only he can do this could hurt us all.

I think the only way he drops out is if this has a significant impact on polling. As in moving the margin in the swing states by at least 5 points. It will take a few days to see if that occurs, but my gut says it is impossible. Voters are too set in their ways to change the polling numbers that much. But it is possible the undecided will all of a sudden break to Trump.

If the polling numbers do shift then someone will have to go to Biden and say “We now know for certain that you will not be the President next year. There is no path to victory for you. However, there is a chance that Trump can be defeated if we go with a different nominee. The sooner the better.” As long as they keep telling him he has a chance he won’t drop.

Someone needs to have a come to Jesus meeting and point out to him, his family and his closest advisors that his legacy the day after the election from choosing to stay in our of hubris will have been making a wannabe Putin president.

Lifelong Republican but I’m a “will vote for anyone not named Donald Trump.” I know that there are folks that aren’t like that and still need swaying or might sit it out. Biden torpedoed everything last night. Right now, IMO, the Presidency was just gift wrapped to Trump. As sad as that is.

The Dems have no choice but to pivot to someone else and Biden needs to do the most statesmanlike thing he has ever done and step down. It’s a tough pill to swallow for him most certainly but it’s the right thing to do.

Was there any point in US history where an incumbent president, who is running for reelection, steps down 4+ months from Election Day? Not since I’ve been alive.

Short turnaround time for sure but there’s time to reinvigorate voters with the right person. I still think Mayor Pete might be the most presidential person in the country right now but he likes dudes so a huge portion of the electorate thinks he’s the devil. As sad as that is. Newsom has baggage for sure but most of the country doesn’t pay any attention to California politics so not sure overall it’s a big negative. Same for Whitmer. VP Harris has not been propped up properly by the Dems over the last four years so she is not a great option.

Agree, Joe has to step aside.

Over the last few months we have seen flashes of the Joe we saw last night but watching an hour of it was rough and made me question where he would be in year, let alone two years.

Pete would be my choice.

Lifelong Republican but I’m a “will vote for anyone not named Donald Trump.” I know that there are folks that aren’t like that and still need swaying or might sit it out. Biden torpedoed everything last night. Right now, IMO, the Presidency was just gift wrapped to Trump. As sad as that is.

The Dems have no choice but to pivot to someone else and Biden needs to do the most statesmanlike thing he has ever done and step down. It’s a tough pill to swallow for him most certainly but it’s the right thing to do.

Was there any point in US history where an incumbent president, who is running for reelection, steps down 4+ months from Election Day? Not since I’ve been alive.

Short turnaround time for sure but there’s time to reinvigorate voters with the right person. I still think Mayor Pete might be the most presidential person in the country right now but he likes dudes so a huge portion of the electorate thinks he’s the devil. As sad as that is. Newsom has baggage for sure but most of the country doesn’t pay any attention to California politics so not sure overall it’s a big negative. Same for Whitmer. VP Harris has not been propped up properly by the Dems over the last four years so she is not a great option.

Agree, Joe has to step aside.

Over the last few months we have seen flashes of the Joe we saw last night but watching an hour of it was rough and made me question where he would be in year, let alone two years.

Pete would be my choice.

meh… wake me up in Sept when the polls matter and the real race starts.

anybody making decisions this early in a race doesn’t know their history.

“Biden needs to do the most statesmanlike thing he has ever done and step down. It’s a tough pill to swallow for him most certainly but it’s the right thing to do.”

Aside from personal acceptance of the ravages of time and age, stepping down and setting up another Trump defeat shouldn’t be a hard pill to swallow given the possibility of what he and the nation stand to lose. In my view it’s the only good and reasonable available.

Even with a victory he will be incapacitated before the midterms.

Was there any point in US history where an incumbent president, who is running for reelection, steps down 4+ months from Election Day? Not since I’ve been alive.

From what I remember in 2016, there have been a couple of contested conventions, which would happen if the Biden steps down. I think historically the point of the conventions were to unite the parties behind a single candidate, which now a days happens wayyyy in advance.

The DNC is in like 6 weeks? So for Biden to step down it would really have to happen this week, have the power brokers on different factions select their champions, and then move forward. If it were to happen there would be several people who would come forth.

But it would probably be Newsom, or another moderate that could never win a primary but the party rallies behind to beat trump - which would be the best case scenario.