When it´s time to change tires?

It could be a pretty stupid question… but I don´t exactly when do I have to change my tires ???

Do you guys change when do you reach a high mileage ??? How much ??? Or do you change when you get a lot of flat tires ???


Tire mileage varies a lot depending on tire compound and the conditions that you ride in, so you can’t really make a general statement about tires lasting 2000 miles, for example. I’d replace the tire if 1) you’ve worn through the top layer of rubber and any of the internal casing is showing through, 2) if there are any big cuts in the tire, 3) before a big race.

Also, keep the old one as a spare just in case. Tubular or clincher.

I change the tires I use for important races when I see any sign of wear, minor damages and cuts. Then I “degrade” them to minor races. When significant signs of wear or cuts, I use them only for training, till they are completly worn out. This way I always have 100% perfrect tires for big races, and never by any training tires.

I put on new tires to start the season. Then change the rear about mid season when it looks worn. Continentals seem to get square instead of round. Through them both out and start the following year with new rubber again. Even though the front still looks good, it gets a lot of nics, scuffs and cuts in a season. Also, new rubber for any Ironman. Not too scientific, but this works for me.