Wheel on trainer and tubeless dilemma


I am resistant to upgrading my trainer and process. I enjoy traditional trainer sessions (music/TV + interval session), on my wheel-on Trainer. I don’t want a subscription, not interested in Zwift video games, and don’t want to shell out >$500 on a trainer upgrade.

I ride indoors weekdays and outdoors weekends, swapping trainer tire with clincher tire both with tubes. The slight misalignment on my roller to axle and pushing high watts means I need the trainer tire, otherwise I shred a normal tire and the roller starts slipping: Why trainer tires were created in the first place.

Now that I got a taste for tubeless on the road, I don’t want to go back to clinchers. Switching tubeless to clinchers every week seems like a total pain in the ass and expensive with the glue.

My wheels are 12x144mm thru axle, and I’m not finding a cheap CL trainer version and nothing new for less than $350.

Should I use the $350 toward a direct drive trainer? Do I have to upgrade?
Is there a cheap thru axle wheel for trainer?
Is there an alternative solution I’m not finding?


Maybe pick up a Saris M2 on ebay? they are pretty cheap right now and you could grab a cheap spare wheel to install your trainer tire on too. Saris sells a thru axle adapter to make bikes fit wheel on trainers too.

Rrutis, I think you’re missing it…I already have a wheel on trainer and don’t need another one. I also can’t find a super cheap 12x142mm thru axle bike wheel for my current one: where do these exist?

they exist here
…and here

sorted! Thanks Fredly!

Sorry about that… sometimes my reading comprehension is not what it should be when I think I have an answer!