Whats your definition of rich?

The 1% thread got me wondering. I’ll give it a stab,

Never having to worry about where a meal is coming from, or where I am staying that night. Never having to worry if my car was going to get me somewhere. Knowing if I got in any kind of a situation, there was enough money to get me out. Never worrying about going to the Dr. or ER if someone needed it, never worrying about how to get medicine.

And maybe my definition is just a sad statement on America. But to me if you have all that, your rich.

The 1% thread got me wondering. I’ll give it a stab,

Never having to worry about where a meal is coming from, or where I am staying that night. Never having to worry if my car was going to get me somewhere. Knowing if I got in any kind of a situation, there was enough money to get me out. Never worrying about going to the Dr. or ER if someone needed it, never worrying about how to get medicine.

And maybe my definition is just a sad statement on America. But to me if you have all that, your rich.

I agree. It is way better than the situation my parents were in and they felt their situation was way better than their parents in Holland prior to WW2. Historically and compared to most of the world we are rich.

I’d say something like having enough money you don’t have to worry about that sort of stuff, but then again a lot of people could be in that situation but they live beyond their means so they aren’t.

I think a lot of people are house/vehicle poor and prop up a lifestyle by being in debt.

Around 2.5 million in investment accounts is what I would consider rich.

It’s also around what I start the estate tax.

The 1% thread got me wondering. I’ll give it a stab,

Never having to worry about where a meal is coming from, or where I am staying that night. Never having to worry if my car was going to get me somewhere. Knowing if I got in any kind of a situation, there was enough money to get me out. Never worrying about going to the Dr. or ER if someone needed it, never worrying about how to get medicine.

And maybe my definition is just a sad statement on America. But to me if you have all that, your rich.

I would call those things being comfortable. I would put rich as all those things without having to go to work every day. Of course it’s all relative.

The 1% thread got me wondering. I’ll give it a stab,

Never having to worry about where a meal is coming from, or where I am staying that night. Never having to worry if my car was going to get me somewhere. Knowing if I got in any kind of a situation, there was enough money to get me out. Never worrying about going to the Dr. or ER if someone needed it, never worrying about how to get medicine.

And maybe my definition is just a sad statement on America. But to me if you have all that, your rich.

That is a pretty loose definition of rich. There are a lot of people that meet most of that criteria, if not all of it, and they (we) are the ones that are tipping the server at the restaurant, buying the new cars that keep the auto workers employed, paying to have cars serviced that keep that industry running, etc. They (we) are literally the backbone of the service economy, and the people that make a living off that industry want to tax us so we can’t do that.

The stupid in this thread is reaching new heights. People are literally espousing for Socialism.

The 1% thread got me wondering. I’ll give it a stab,

Never having to worry about where a meal is coming from, or where I am staying that night. Never having to worry if my car was going to get me somewhere. Knowing if I got in any kind of a situation, there was enough money to get me out. Never worrying about going to the Dr. or ER if someone needed it, never worrying about how to get medicine.

And maybe my definition is just a sad statement on America. But to me if you have all that, your rich.

That is a pretty loose definition of rich. There are a lot of people that meet most of that criteria, if not all of it, and they (we) are the ones that are tipping the server at the restaurant, buying the new cars that keep the auto workers employed, paying to have cars serviced that keep that industry running, etc. They (we) are literally the backbone of the service economy, and the people that make a living off that industry want to tax us so we can’t do that.

The stupid in this thread is reaching new heights. People are literally espousing for Socialism.

I think you’ve got your threads mixed up!

The 1% thread got me wondering. I’ll give it a stab,

Never having to worry about where a meal is coming from, or where I am staying that night. Never having to worry if my car was going to get me somewhere. Knowing if I got in any kind of a situation, there was enough money to get me out. Never worrying about going to the Dr. or ER if someone needed it, never worrying about how to get medicine.

And maybe my definition is just a sad statement on America. But to me if you have all that, your rich.

That is a pretty loose definition of rich. There are a lot of people that meet most of that criteria, if not all of it, and they (we) are the ones that are tipping the server at the restaurant, buying the new cars that keep the auto workers employed, paying to have cars serviced that keep that industry running, etc. They (we) are literally the backbone of the service economy, and the people that make a living off that industry want to tax us so we can’t do that.

The stupid in this thread is reaching new heights. People are literally espousing for Socialism.

Not really, people are questioning historically low tax rates and accelerating income inequality controlled by unharnessed greed.

We’re getting closer to the opposite of socialism where 1% of the population with no oversight owns the food stock, energy stock, housing stock, medical stock that the 99% require to live.

Should the 1% get richer and richer off the necessities of life? Did we really need venture capital to get involved in medical care and turning single family homes into rental stock?

Should the Waltons be hyper involved in water policy? Should the tech bros be hoovering up farmland? Should my dermatologist work on commission selling beauty products? Should my anesthesiologist be a profit center for a company that will not negotiate in good faith with my insurance so I get billed despite doing everything I could to be protected?

You can be mad all you want- but we are at a level of income inequality that historically would predict a revolution and the 1% just keeps going. There’s nothing off limits to what they will squeeze a completely unnecessary for them $ from someone drowning financially.

Rich is relative. The US is a rich nation with the third highest median income. Compared to the average person in the world, almost every American would be rich. But what you describe isn’t rich, it is comfortable. Rich isn’t just being comfortable but being able to do things that most people can’t.

The 1% thread got me wondering. I’ll give it a stab,

Never having to worry about where a meal is coming from, or where I am staying that night. Never having to worry if my car was going to get me somewhere. Knowing if I got in any kind of a situation, there was enough money to get me out. Never worrying about going to the Dr. or ER if someone needed it, never worrying about how to get medicine.

And maybe my definition is just a sad statement on America. But to me if you have all that, your rich.

That is a good definition. Not having to worry or even think about those issues. I am essentially retired and rich enough that I do not worry about money or any of those issues and have enough that I live off the income without depleting my investments. I invest my time in my family (wife, children, grands) and that is what makes my life rich.

Being able to go to that island where you can hunt human beings at least twice per year and when the room rates are at their highest.

If you are referring to purely a financial response - When your money works for you, rather than when you work for your money.

The 1% thread got me wondering. I’ll give it a stab,

Never having to worry about where a meal is coming from, or where I am staying that night. Never having to worry if my car was going to get me somewhere. Knowing if I got in any kind of a situation, there was enough money to get me out. Never worrying about going to the Dr. or ER if someone needed it, never worrying about how to get medicine.

And maybe my definition is just a sad statement on America. But to me if you have all that, your rich.

That is a pretty loose definition of rich. There are a lot of people that meet most of that criteria, if not all of it, and they (we) are the ones that are tipping the server at the restaurant, buying the new cars that keep the auto workers employed, paying to have cars serviced that keep that industry running, etc. They (we) are literally the backbone of the service economy, and the people that make a living off that industry want to tax us so we can’t do that.

The stupid in this thread is reaching new heights. People are literally espousing for Socialism.

Not really, people are questioning historically low tax rates and accelerating income inequality controlled by unharnessed greed.

We’re getting closer to the opposite of socialism where 1% of the population with no oversight owns the food stock, energy stock, housing stock, medical stock that the 99% require to live.

Should the 1% get richer and richer off the necessities of life? Did we really need venture capital to get involved in medical care and turning single family homes into rental stock?

Should the Waltons be hyper involved in water policy? Should the tech bros be hoovering up farmland? Should my dermatologist work on commission selling beauty products? Should my anesthesiologist be a profit center for a company that will not negotiate in good faith with my insurance so I get billed despite doing everything I could to be protected?

You can be mad all you want- but we are at a level of income inequality that historically would predict a revolution and the 1% just keeps going. There’s nothing off limits to what they will squeeze a completely unnecessary for them $ from someone drowning financially.

Actually it is. You are suggesting that the people that have worked hard for their life style be taxed to the point where they are like everyone else. Why should I bust my ass to get to where I am if I am penalized to the point where I live no better than a floor supervisor? On the flip side, how do you feel about socialized (government provided) medical care? For some reason most people that take your stand do not want to equalize the one major expense that varies greatly by working class. I have never understood that thought process.

You (the royal you) are seeing a problem that I agree exists, but you are trying to fix it in the wrong and, in my opinion, dangerous to the economy way. In my opinion, the tax codes have not kept up with the current economy. Digital merchants - companies and individuals that make a living providing digital services, advertising, information, etc. are not being taxed like a brick and mortar company (like mine). That fix alone, along the other similar problems, would greatly improve our debt ratio.

Take the need to purchase medical care off the individual’s budget and watch what happens to the standard of living for the lowest earners, or even the lower middle class.

There are fixes, and many smart people have suggested them, but the ruling class seems to keep shooting that down. That’s our problem.

In case you are wondering, by 2020 standards I’m not quit in the top 5% of all US earners, and probably will not get any higher before I retire.

The 1% thread got me wondering. I’ll give it a stab,

Never having to worry about where a meal is coming from, or where I am staying that night. Never having to worry if my car was going to get me somewhere. Knowing if I got in any kind of a situation, there was enough money to get me out. Never worrying about going to the Dr. or ER if someone needed it, never worrying about how to get medicine.

And maybe my definition is just a sad statement on America. But to me if you have all that, your rich.

This global wealth comparison calculator helps reminds me how fortunate I am on a relative basis. Just owning a car is a huge luxury for many.


Being able to go to that island where you can hunt human beings at least twice per year and when the room rates are at their highest.

I prefer going to an island restaurant where the chef might murder all the guests and staff once a year.

Being able to go to that island where you can hunt human beings at least twice per year and when the room rates are at their highest.

I prefer going to an island restaurant where the chef might murder all the guests and staff once a year.

Maybe if you are poor, I hear they will make you a burger there if you ask.

When none of your problems can be solved by simply having more money.

Not flying coach regardless of your airline status.

When none of your problems can be solved by simply having more money.

I like this definition.

The 1% thread got me wondering. I’ll give it a stab,

Never having to worry about where a meal is coming from, or where I am staying that night. Never having to worry if my car was going to get me somewhere. Knowing if I got in any kind of a situation, there was enough money to get me out. Never worrying about going to the Dr. or ER if someone needed it, never worrying about how to get medicine.

And maybe my definition is just a sad statement on America. But to me if you have all that, your rich.

That is a pretty loose definition of rich. There are a lot of people that meet most of that criteria, if not all of it, and they (we) are the ones that are tipping the server at the restaurant, buying the new cars that keep the auto workers employed, paying to have cars serviced that keep that industry running, etc. They (we) are literally the backbone of the service economy, and the people that make a living off that industry want to tax us so we can’t do that.

The stupid in this thread is reaching new heights. People are literally espousing for Socialism.

I assume your talking about the other thread. Have not been there for a bit, but I didn’t see anyone talking about the community as a whole owning a business. I am not sure you know what Socialism is.

Sorry, I missed your definition of rich, which is what this thread is about.