Whats your avatar?

Just wondering about some folks avatar’s and how they decided to use that image.

Mine ported over during the cutover. I don’t know how many years ago, but while playing around with my profile under the old site I set my avatar. Pretty much completely forgot all about it until the great awakening a couple of weeks ago.

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Mine is large scale RC model I built.

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Me and my favorite little dude.


Cupcakes I decorated!

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From my last overseas performance. Boy did I upset a lot of Americans! /p

Full photo. My then 9 year old son thinking this statue in Hawaii was funny. “Dad, his wiener is hanging out.”

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I thought the username would be a sly attempt at double entendre - those of a certain age, and in the U.S., would get the reference. The avatar is the character with whom I most identified. I might have wanted to be a Vinnie, but I’ve always been an Arnold.


Wiener pics are not “family friendly.”

Mine is a Christopher Walken pawn. It combines my love of chess and the actor. And it’s kind of creepy.