Whats your A priority race this year?

Hey there all, well just as we enter the new year, im sure most of you know what races you wanna do great at, and i think it’d be cool to know which ones they are. So what are you peaking for?

Personally, I’m looking to qualify for U.S. Nationals in Shreveport in October with a good race at Wildflower olympic or San Jose Intl.

My priority is a two-step process. I have to have a good race at Muskoka in June and snag a slot for Lake Placid or Wisconsin then have a second good race at either of those.

My favorite race every year is St. Anthony’s. This will be my fourth year and it is top priority in addition to being a lot of fun. In June is the FL 40K TT which is also an A race. I usually finish the season in Lake Placid. That is an A race, but it is dicey to measure your season by an Ironman. So many things can happen during a long day.

It will be a good season if I set PR in all three. The toughest will be the TT since I had such a good race last year.

Best of luck to everyone for 2003. Keep it safe out there.

Wildflower - long course, looking forward to seeing what the hype is all about.

Troika - a half-iron in spokane, WA. last summer was my 1st half-iron and had some real trouble with my back. I want to get this worked out before signing up for an Ironman. If all goes well I hope to sign up for IMC at the end of august after having 2 successful half-irons this summer.

Qualify for Boston Marathon, not sure which race yet. Maybe at yakima canyon, but I’m not trying to peak for that race given how close it is to wildflower.

Depending on how the boston qualification goes, I’d like to continue my 3 year trend of improved times at the seattle half marathon.

St. Anthony’s and IMF are my “A” races this year. I’m curious about the time trial you mentioned. I saw this on the race schedule in 2002 but had another race conflict. Can you give me some details on this race - course, field, set-up, etc.? Also, what kind of speed is competitive on this course. I’m in the 35-39 age group. I think I might give it a go this year.


Unfortunately, my A race is too early. The Cal Half is my focus for the year, and it’s the first weekend in April. I can’t be in my best shape by then. I’m going to give it what I have, though. Maybe I’ll get psyched up for something else later in the year. I’m considering Half Vineman.

I’m gearing up for a couple of the off-road Ironman-distance races, probably the Utah and Virginia races. I’ll toss in some XTERRA’s and a marathon for B races, with singlespeed MTB’ing and other runs for the C’s.

IM Austria is my A race this year. Wildflower long course and Blackwater are also big races for me. Odyssey 1.2 Iron in Sep and Great Floridian in Oct (1.2 or full depending on how I feel) to round things out. I have a couple of olympic races interspersed along the way.

Good luck everyone. Be safe and have a happy new year!

For the past six years the Florida State 40K TT has been held in West Palm Beach on the first weekend in June. You simply couldn’t ask for a better course. Flat as a pancake, Good roads on much of it. A total of only five turns to negotiate, only one of which is any challenge at all. I averaged over 22.5 mph last year, which is amazing for a rider of my ability.

The only drawback is that it is always hot. Be prepared for that.

There were only eight finishers in your age group last year, the slowest of which was under 1:05:30. Expect to be humbled by the quality of the competition. Despite my 1:06 time, I only beat four straglers out of about 18. I would have had to be under 1:03:30 to have a shot at beating anyone else in the 45-49 age group. Not likely. My age group winner averaged around 27. Ouch.

Here is the link to last years site: http://www.florida-cycling.com/statett2002/top.htm There is no need to sign up until a week or two before. You will have to join USCF with an annual license for like $45 unless you show up the day before to buy a one day license for like $5.

This is a fabulous race. It just doesn’t get any better and is an excellent test of your fitness from one year to the next. Check it out.

I averaged over 22.5 mph last year, …

That is one helluva thing there, Art. You should be right proud of that ride. I’ve still got some hope for that kind of result.


I’ve divided my season into two. First half my ‘A’ race is Cal half. I need to maintain my early season peak through the Wildflower Half, if for nothing else but to settle a bet with some redneck mountain hick.

For the second half, this is where it gets tricky. I am doing Ironman Canada, and between Cal half or IMC, hope to qualify for Hawaii. I am setting up the second half of the season based on Hawaii. But if I am having a great day in Canada, I’m going for it and not holding anything back, and will just see what happens in Hawaii. If things aren’t 100% in Canada, then I’ll back off and just do enough to hopefully qualify for Hawaii (if I haven’t already), then hit Hawaii hard.

In between, lot’s of ‘B’ races:

Dannon Florida (maybe)

Dannon Phoenix

Carlsbad Triathlon

Dannon Atlanta (Nationals, maybe)

Dannon Carlsbad

plenty of running races, some time trials races and some local club triathlons

St Croix in May and IMLP in July. ?Hawaii if I have a good day at the first two. Based on the times of prior years I should be able to make the cut at St Croix, but I got a feeling that course will kick my ass.

1st Marathon in Cape May in March.

1st Half-Ironman at Tupper Lake in June.

Also, going to hit 3 Xterra’s and try to qualify for Nationals in Tahoe.

After that, I’m considering another 1/2 IM, Timberman in August, and a smattering of sprints & olys throughout the year.

Looking forward to it!

Thanks for the kind words Julian. Yes, in fact, I am very proud of it. Not as fast as a Francois recovery ride, but I will take it. Keep in mind that conditions were perfect. No wind whatsoever.

You are a stronger rider than I, Julian. Come to Florida. in early June and stay at my compound. I am sure you could go even faster on that course.

This will be a tough one to beat this year. We will see what 2003 brings.

Two of 'em. IMUSA (the original) and assuming I don’t crash again, Kona.

It’s always a secret until its over in case I look like a buffoon. “Let you plans be as dark as night and fall like a thunderbolt” Sun Tzu.

“It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy course; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.”

Theodore Roosevelt

That quote is engraved on a plaque on the wall next to this computer monitor and I’m not kidding. I can recite it from memory.

Ditto. Perhaps my all-time favorite quote. For the longest time I attributed it to Churchill - which seems fitting. Superlative quote for our sport, one that is exhilerating and endlessly humbling as well.



PS. I sent you a personal e-mail to get your thoughts on the Colnago C-45 Carbonnisimo. I think I’m in love. And yes, it is a purely physical thing, or should I say visual. I know you espouse fit first, but . . .

So Francois, will us Orlandonians see you at the Clermont sprint series? If you have never raced this series, it’s quite a bit of fun with some strong elites showing up, like Marty Gaal, Picciano Brothers, Alec Rukoshev (sp?), etc.