What's on your bucket list?

It is storming here and I’m bored. What are some of the items on your bucket list? I don’t actually have a list, but these are some things that I came up with.

See the Northern LightsSpend several weeks in Alaska where I sightsee, hike, and fish for halibut and salmonGo on a multi-day back-packing trip in the mountains and not get eaten by a bearGo on a multi-day canoe-camping trip to some place like the Boundary Waters or a park in CanadaSpend summers out west and along the Great LakesTravel to Europe and Asia
What you got?

It is storming here and I’m bored. What are some of the items on your bucket list? I don’t actually have a list, but these are some things that I came up with.

See the Northern LightsSpend several weeks in Alaska where I sightsee, hike, and fish for halibut and salmonGo on a multi-day back-packing trip in the mountains and not get eaten by a bearGo on a multi-day canoe-camping trip to some place like the Boundary Waters or a park in CanadaSpend summers out west and along the Great LakesTravel to Europe and Asia
What you got?

With a bit of random luck, you could knock out the northern lights and a canoe trip in the boundary waters together. In fact, the northern lights would be spectacular from the boundary waters with the total absence of lights.

It is storming here and I’m bored. What are some of the items on your bucket list? I don’t actually have a list, but these are some things that I came up with.

See the Northern LightsSpend several weeks in Alaska where I sightsee, hike, and fish for halibut and salmonGo on a multi-day back-packing trip in the mountains and not get eaten by a bearGo on a multi-day canoe-camping trip to some place like the Boundary Waters or a park in CanadaSpend summers out west and along the Great LakesTravel to Europe and Asia
What you got?

With a bit of random luck, you could knock out the northern lights and a canoe trip in the boundary waters together. In fact, the northern lights would be spectacular from the boundary waters with the total absence of lights.

Good point. I watch several guys on Youtube that canoe in Canada and they have all posted video of the northern lights that they took while camping.

  1. Finish top 5 in my AG at IMWC
  2. Finish the PCT, and do the CDT
  3. Circumnavigate the world (as best possible) by bike.
  4. Create endurance video art- that I am proud of
  5. Make a significant gift towards land conservation and public access- probably near the Gila wilderness

There’s more…

  1. I want to kayak all the major rivers of AZ.
    (This will be especially difficult as most flow only sporadically).

It is storming here and I’m bored. What are some of the items on your bucket list? I don’t actually have a list, but these are some things that I came up with.

See the Northern LightsSpend several weeks in Alaska where I sightsee, hike, and fish for halibut and salmonGo on a multi-day back-packing trip in the mountains and not get eaten by a bearGo on a multi-day canoe-camping trip to some place like the Boundary Waters or a park in CanadaSpend summers out west and along the Great LakesTravel to Europe and Asia
What you got?

I don’t know Rick, that list has “eaten by a bear” written all over it.

In no particular order:

  1. knock off a few 5-10 day hikes. I have Northern Italy and Wadi Rum in Jordan in mind. I’ve always been fascinated by the Camino de Santiago too, though that is a much more worn path.

  2. Complete a trail ultra. Maybe a 100k.

  3. Complete IMC in Penticton. This was the race that originally drew me to triathlon at the age of 17. I was just in awe of people who could do that race, in that climate. I spent over a decade of my life enjoying triathlon, but by the time I got to the longer distances that race was no more. Despite the fact that I have largely done what I wanted to do in triathlon, I would still like to do that race, if for no other reason than to realize the dream I had when I was still in high school.

  4. Some of my best memories have been from solo traveling adventures. There are still places I would love to go and experience that I probably wouldn’t want to bring the family. They want to vacation, I like to explore.

  5. Skiing in the alps.
    5a) Heli skiing anywhere.

  6. I’m not sure what yet, but I want to do memorable, awesome things with my kids. They’re still very young but I really look forward to the days when they are either teenagers or young adults and we can do cool, challenging shit together. Like maybe one of those multi day hikes, or ski trip to the Alps, or even IMC. Something thrilling and adventurous. Hopefully I’m still game for that in my 50’s.

It is storming here and I’m bored. What are some of the items on your bucket list? I don’t actually have a list, but these are some things that I came up with.

See the Northern LightsSpend several weeks in Alaska where I sightsee, hike, and fish for halibut and salmonGo on a multi-day back-packing trip in the mountains and not get eaten by a bearGo on a multi-day canoe-camping trip to some place like the Boundary Waters or a park in CanadaSpend summers out west and along the Great LakesTravel to Europe and Asia
What you got?

Liveaboard sailing around the Caribbean. Unfortunately, that is not on my wife’s bucket list, but I’m working on it.

I wish the “bucket list” was never invented. It has ruined many places and events round the world.

Do a race in every state.


Die at the same time as my wife (peacefully) and well before my kids, but leave them a ton of cash.

Have you seen this video of Wadi Rum? Harmen Hoek does silent hiking videos and is an excellent videographer. He captures some beautiful video and photos.

. https://youtu.be/gGjypazdj9E?si=iKp0ZayS_Q-T2lfH

Do a race in every state.

From The Archives

You haven’t really visited a state until you drop a deuce there.

Now THAT’s a bucket list: Shit in all 50 states; piss in all 5 Oceans PLUS the 5 Great Lakes


At current count I have: 14 States, 4 Commonwealths , The Republic of California, and The District of Columbia, as well as USVI; Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean; Lake Erie, Lake Ontario

I’ve been knocking some off the last few years so I need some new aspirations

Not have to look for a new job before I decide to retire in 5 - 8 years
See the pyramids and temples of Egypt
Visit Athens

Now that I’m in my 60s I pretty much hit all my athletic-related bucket list items- IMC (penticton), Alcatraz tri, long distance bikes tours in Europe, multiple boston/nyc marathons, some ultras etc. I’ve been fortunate to travel a quite a bit to Europe and throughout the US, so most of my travel jones have been satisfied. I would like to go back to Thailand for an extended bike tour like Bangkok to Phuket. Right now my bucket list items are pretty tame…like keep becoming fluent-ish in spanish, get more flexible with yoga, and master vegetarian cooking.

Run the Marine Corps Marathon- I have been trying for 6 years now and have been foiled again and again.

Hike the John Muir Trail- planning to do it next summer.

See the northern lights - has been a goal since I was 10.

Hike in the Alps

Athens was mentioned by someone else. Never been, but I have a four and a half hour layover in the airport next month. Trying to figure out how to manage a quick trip to Parthenon. Will be tight.

Tru By Hilton Massage Slowtwitch Style

In addition- Set up DJ equipment for IRONMAN 70.3 Texas 2028…

  • Get back in shape

  • Swim at Masters Nationals

  • Live in France

  • Visit Italy (though I think I’d want to stay forever)

  • Go to the Super Bowl every time the Chiefs play in it

  • Figure out where I want to live when I retire


Accept Cordial Invitation From Speaker Johnson To Write His BASIC Code.
Then Use COBOL C.
Then Download Pascal To ironclm.
Mo A Tru By Hilton.