What's happening in Venezuela?

It sounds like people are getting shot and some put in jail.

Nothing unusual so far. Dictator-poor economy-dissatisfied people - rigged election-pissed off people.

That’s what an actual rigged election looks like.

That’s what an actual rigged election looks like.

Or this is what a successful election steal looks like.

Diaper Donnie’s first attempt was piss poor.

He’ll try again though, I have no doubt.

That’s what an actual rigged election looks like.

Or this is what a successful election steal looks like.

Diaper Donnie’s first attempt was piss poor.

He’ll try again though, I have no doubt.

Kinda surprised he hasn’t been pall-ing around with Maduro to learn how to do this “dictator” shit better.

Diaper Donnie’s first attempt was piss poor.
He’ll try again though, I have no doubt. //

The only good part about this time around is that he wont be president when he loses, and thus will not have control over many of the levers of govt to spew his nonsense. He will just be another aggrieved losing candidate, with a bunch of whiners calling foul. Only this time they know the consequences of actually doing something silly, like all the Jan 6 convicted criminals who are serving their sentences for that bad choice…And we haven’t put all of those in jail as of yet, but many still in the que…

This was Putin’s test-bed.


I was hoping this time it might be different. It still may be I suppose. Venezuela could be a kick ass country with good government. Tourism potential would be through the roof

Sounds like tyranny.

Too bad the people of Venezuela don’t have anything to stop it.


I was hoping this time it might be different. It still may be I suppose. Venezuela could be a kick ass country with good government. Tourism potential would be through the roof

About 25 years ago I developed some software for two guys who were working in Venezuela in the oil and gas industry. The money helped pay for me to build a new house. I almost went down there to install some software, but I couldn’t get a passport in time so I walked them through it. Then Hugo Chavez (before he changed votes on the 2020 election) nationalized the oil industry and the American oil companies pulled/cut back.

Both of the guys loved it there and brought back wives. It is a shame that the country has been struggling for so long.

Sounds like tyranny.

Too bad the people of Venezuela don’t have anything to stop it.
Did you start this topic so that you could make your anti gun control points and avoid the moderator’s directive regarding your 2A posting?

Sounds like tyranny.

Too bad the people of Venezuela don’t have anything to stop it.
Did you start this topic so that you could make your anti gun control points and avoid the moderator’s directive regarding your 2A posting?

Currently Venezuela is a country suffering a humanitarian crisis where the citizens were disarmed about a decade ago. And the current government approach is authoritarian which is allowing the economy and services for citizens to implode.

The citizens are defenseless and at the mercy of a corrupt government compromising their civil rights and it is now obvious their elections are not free or fair.

Seeing as how we are a country that formed by citizens defending themselves against an unjust tyranny Id said Jim’s thread, concerns, and comments are on target.

I personally think the mod’s comments to Jim were unfair and I hardly think this thread goes against the “directive.”

The people of Venezuela are getting royally fucked and they have no means to speak up or defend themselves. And this exact position is where people in the United States and elsewhere disagree on what they want their options to be. I don’t think we’ll ever square that circle.

What would you do if Trump is elected president and then decides that he wants to be the King of the United States for the rest of his life and started killing anyone that disagreed with him?

What would you do if Trump is elected president and then decides that he wants to be the King of the United States for the rest of his life and started killing anyone that disagreed with him?

That is why you have the well armed/organized/led militia. Of course, if they are on the side of the said dictator wannabe, than all is well, democracy in the form of dictatorship is preserved. If they are not on his side, my bet is that they will not do jackshit as it is much easier to talk and play soldier than be killed for their ideals. Family or get killed fighting Trump? Would they transform their shiny pick up trucks into a technical? BS they would. Give up their jobs to become guerrilla? Yeah sure…

What would you do if Trump is elected president and then decides that he wants to be the King of the United States for the rest of his life and started killing anyone that disagreed with him?

We all know which way your guns would be pointed in this scenario.

What would you do if Trump is elected president and then decides that he wants to be the King of the United States for the rest of his life and started killing anyone that disagreed with him?

I’m guessing the vast majority the gun crowd would just bow down and go along with it, tbh.

What would you do?

What would you do if Trump is elected president and then decides that he wants to be the King of the United States for the rest of his life and started killing anyone that disagreed with him?

If the US military was under his control, and the courts, and the police, there’s nothing anyone could do. If you think your popguns and AR-15s are any match for the US military then you’re delusional. You’d be better off voting for someone not interested in being a dictator and rewriting the constitution while we still have a democracy.

What would you do if Trump is elected president and then decides that he wants to be the King of the United States for the rest of his life and started killing anyone that disagreed with him?

I’m guessing the vast majority the gun crowd would just bow down and go along with it, tbh.

What would you do?

I truly think people underestimate where the extreme conservative right’s loyalty lies. I think it is not Trump but rather the person who is most likely to defend their beliefs/rights. Currently they believe that person to be Trump.

However I feel people think they are in love with Trump for Trump and would lay down their arms for him. I believe that is a gross miscalculation in their motivation.

Sounds like tyranny.

Too bad the people of Venezuela don’t have anything to stop it.

Sounds like he’s better at it than when Trump tried this.

What would you do if Trump is elected president and then decides that he wants to be the King of the United States for the rest of his life and started killing anyone that disagreed with him?

If the US military was under his control, and the courts, and the police, there’s nothing anyone could do. If you think your popguns and AR-15s are any match for the US military then you’re delusional. You’d be better off voting for someone not interested in being a dictator and rewriting the constitution while we still have a democracy.

You still don’t get it. Every single person who owns guns, supports guns, and wants to continue to own guns understand the difference in firepower and the might of the US military.

The point is many of those people, if faced with the decision, prefer to go down with a fight and not just roll over. It’s a statement. It’s a principle.

I’d say it’s you who are delusional for not understanding the basic concept of someone wanting SOME chance to defend themself and their family IF it ever came to it.