What's going on at the Tour of Flanders?

Just tuned in…32km to go and guess who is out front solo after attacking Koppenburg!!!

Looks likea group of 7 behind at 1.28. Is Mads Pederson in there?

OK Mads in second group with Bettiol and Dylan Tuens, but Mads and Jorgensen look like they are being strung out

A dynastic prodigy in striped elegance delivered the inevitable.

It would be amazing to see a Puck Pieterse win on the women’s side.

Matthews is always so close. This time for second vs for the win in Milano-San Remo (or whatever they call the departure point outside Milano these day haha). Bettiol and Tuens really just had to cover too much real estate with no buffer.

Just tuned in…32km to go and guess who is out front solo after attacking Koppenburg!!!
Looks like a group of 7 behind at 1.28. Is Mads Pederson in there?I appreciate you are making the point that you made and reiterated with far greater ‘depth’ on the 2030 thread, @devashish_paul, but it you want the ST views on “What’s going on at the Tour of Flanders?” go to the perfectly useful and enduring Bike Racing 2024 Spectator thread and you 'll find it there (pages). From people who don’t just switch on with less than an hour to go.
Starting a ‘this race only’ thread just divides, imho.

Nice finish for Lidl-Trek on the womens’s side. Camera angles are deceptive, for a while I thought the chasers may have had a chance if the cat and mouse kept going.

Bummer about Matthews being relegated. It did not look too bad too me (his left to right traversal). There seemed to be plenty of room for everyone to play

Exactly the counterpoint. If you want a topic buried, let’s put it in an annual thread. And topics should not be limited to discussions of who choses to tune in for part or all of anything (that talk down was unneccessary as if some people are more important than others…they are not). I don’t care about anything on ST other than discuss topics I have an interest in. If they are buried in annual threads people may not even know that 5 people are discussing them.

As it is, there are days with no new topics on ST, so you come here, and a thread from 5 days ago is still in the top 15 with no replies.

In any case if you don’t like it take it up with Ryan, He can ban me from here for actually starting a discussion and contributing. It is a free world and people can comment on things how they want as long as they don’t hurt anyone.

Exactly the counterpoint. If you want a topic buried, let’s put it in an annual thread.

What he said^^

I think the issue though is on stuff like this, there’s already topics being discussed. So that I think the point of getting new content on what you wanted, won’t actually get much traction,

Now if you wanted an 2024 Ronde started 5 days ago, great, you’ll likely get more traction then coming in “late” with commentary.

I also think in a “triathlon” forum, uoir going to get less indicidual running / swimming or cycling specific race coverage and in that manner a single thread likely works better. Whereas T100 or big IM events, or Wtcs having individual threads makes sense. You’re likely not going to get every individual pro big time cycling their own individual threads- thus the commentary will be in those single threads and that’s where the action is going to be vs a thread like this that will die a quiet death.

Nothing wrong with a kiddie table. :slight_smile:

Lol there are 2 threads that pretty much stay to themselves - itu thread and cycling thread folks. It’s where all the info is for said subjects. Want to talk shop- go to those threads (yes Wtcs will have its own threads sometimes).

nothing wrong with a year or multi year long thread on any topic. In parallel, sometimes there are topics that have a short time span (example a single event, a single move in an event, or what a personality did that may warrant a short flurry of discussion before it dies off (and that is more than fine…these disucussions don’t need to persist over years).

Back to race at hand, Flobikes has the video up of Matthews’ line on Polit and an interview with Polit:


In the youtube video, the comments seem to be split that Polit was still a ways back when Matthews closed the door. From the front it looks clear cut, but I am told from overhead it is not so clear cut.

Here is the upload of highlights from flobikes. Love the visual of the guys walking up in cleats on the cobbles while MVDP powers away


3:49 in looks like a cascade of riders having to dismount and not being able to clip back in while MVDP kept riding away

Bummer about Matthews being relegated.

…and so painfully ironic given he likely lost MSR due to his desire to ride a “clean” sprint.

Do you know anywhere on the internet where there is the overhead aerial shot on video? Would love to see exactly where the wheels were when he went left to right and shut the door on Pollitt

Haven’t seen one yet, will post a link if I do

Matthews is always so close. This time for second vs for the win in Milano-San Remo (or whatever they call the departure point outside Milano these day haha). Bettiol and Tuens really just had to cover too much real estate with no buffer.

This is a dynamic that happens rather often when there’s a clear favorite. The favorite (MVDP) can be taken down if the group works cohesively. But everyone in the the group wants to limit their own input. So nobody actually works and the favorite gets away.

nothing wrong with a year or multi year long thread on any topic. In parallel, sometimes there are topics that have a short time span (example a single event, a single move in an event, or what a personality did that may warrant a short flurry of discussion before it dies off.

What you describe is exactly how the 2024 racing threat (and all the previous year’s thread) operates. There’s a flurry of discussion leading up to, during, and after the single event, then it moves on to the next event on the calendar.

This is a dynamic that happens rather often when there’s a clear favorite. The favorite (MVDP) can be taken down if the group works cohesively. But everyone in the the group wants to limit their own input. So nobody actually works and the favorite gets away.

That does happen in the game theory of bike racing, but that wasn’t the case today. There was no bringing MvDP back.