Whatever happened to Fitstick?

Years ago there was a fitting tool called Fitstick (FitStick?) and I believe it was purchased by . . . some company. I don’t recall ever seeing a new version or any available afterwards. It’d be very useful to actually maintain and/or transfer fit coordinates from bike to bike.

Any idea what happened to them? Is there something else readily available that doesn’t require some pro-level fit machine?

Are you talking about the Fit Kit Fit Stick?


And . . . that is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

I am working with the folks at QBP (who hold the patent) on a redesign that will be made from more sturdy materials and cost less than version 1.0. Expect something early next year.

What year did QBP purchase this?

I think they actually spelled it Fit Stik or was it Fit Stic…?

Contact me directly and I’ll give you the details, Paul

It was called the Fit Stix, and yes QBP acquired it many years ago and promptly shelved it. I was interested in redesigning it and bringing it back to life, but got no response from QBP when I contacted them about this last year, which lead me to create the Fit Stick which I first showed at CABDA this year. Obviously Chris got a better response out of QBP than I did.