i’m aware nutrition needs are every bit as personal as chamois creme, but does a hierarchy exist for minerals that are lost during a race? for those IM vets, which seem the first to go and which have the most detrimental effect… sodium? potassium? other electrolytes?
if you do use supplements to train/race, what (type, brand) do you use and why?
aside form sports drinks, the only thing I add is table salt to my drinks during long hot rides and races. No vitamins/minerals except those I get in my diet.
aside form sports drinks, the only thing I add is table salt to my drinks during long hot rides and races. No vitamins/minerals except those I get in my diet.
Have you ever used or considered using Morton’s Lite salt instead of table salt? Morton’s Lite salt is half table salt and half fillers. The fillers in this case are potassium, calcium, and magnesium. All of which are considered by many to be valuable electrolytes.
I take Succeed caps, which have sodium and potassium in them. The potassium, while important, is not lost as fast as the sodium, so is less crucial. You need to add up sodium losses just as you do calorie losses, and replace them accordingly.
the composition of the morton’s lite salt sounds compelling and i’ve heard rather good feedback from succeed cap users as well. anyone experiment with Lava Salts? almost looks like a tablet form of the morton’s lite salt… sodiume + potassium + magnesium + maltodextrin.