What Phase or Word Triggers You?

Someone said something about triggers in another thread. Got me to thinking, what phase/word triggers you?

For me, it is and oldie but a goodie, “go for it”. Very 80’s and yes, it has triggered me since the 80’s. Go for what??

“Left” and “right”.

They’ve become meaningless.

Lean into

“God doesn’t give you any more than you can handle.”

“We’re putting it in God’s hands now” said in response to my advocating for terminal patients to be allowed to pass peacefully when the family chooses artificial life support and futile interventions and bone breaking CPR.

These statements makes me want to choose violence on the spot

“How are you doing?”
“I’m doing good”. 😣


“How are you doing?”
“I’m doing good”. 😣


One could feel well due to doing good, but that’s not what most people mean.

Someone said something about triggers in another thread. Got me to thinking, what phase/word triggers you?

For me, it is and oldie but a goodie, “go for it”. Very 80’s and yes, it has triggered me since the 80’s. Go for what??

Triggers? Or annoys? I feel as if “triggers” is a very specific type or level of reaction.

If that is the case, then nothing for me.

Totally irrational, but I hate the “thumbs up” reply to a text. Feels so dismissive. Like, a condescending “yup”.

Give me the decency of typing OK

Totally irrational, but I hate the “thumbs up” reply to a text. Feels so dismissive. Like, a condescending “yup”.

Give me the decency of typing OK


“reach out”

I’m a nonviolent person; hearing “I reached out to…” almost convinces me that Gandhi was wrong.

Note to OP…
the first word should be phrase, not phase.
Kinda different.

“We’re putting it in God’s hands now” said in response to my advocating for terminal patients to be allowed to pass peacefully when the family chooses artificial life support and futile interventions and bone breaking CPR.

It’s been years since I worked in an ICU. The ones who infuriated me were the family members who had no (or very little) contact with their loved one, and now wanted to do everything possible to keep “mamma” alive with her massive brain bleed and no chance at life. I always suspected there was a sense of guilt involved. They had not spent anytime with “momma” and now were feeling the remorse of that so they wanted to keep her alive. This happens over and over.

The word “trigger” b/c my sibling w BPD uses it so much and has so many. I’m so tired of it (and the sibling).

thanks for letting me rant

Totally irrational, but I hate the “thumbs up” reply to a text. Feels so dismissive. Like, a condescending “yup”.

Give me the decency of typing OK

I’m with you 👍

The word “rant.”

Look, it wasn’t a rant, okay? You only expressed your ideas and it’s not a big deal. Don’t undermine yourself that way.

ETA: the word doozy (over in the 2A thread) is a good one. I think if you call a problem a doozy, your brain will fire up disused regions and maybe that’s helpful.

“reach out”

I’m a nonviolent person; hearing “I reached out to…” almost convinces me that Gandhi was wrong.

Note to OP…
the first word should be phrase, not phase.
Kinda different.

Oh this. And lean in and trigger.

Someone said something about triggers in another thread. Got me to thinking, what phase/word triggers you?

For me, it is and oldie but a goodie, “go for it”. Very 80’s and yes, it has triggered me since the 80’s. Go for what??

To me, a “trigger” is something that elicits a strong emotional response that is out of character. I have never been triggered, and doubt if it is even possible to trigger me.

I also suspect that most well adjusted, emotionally stable people can’t be “triggered.”

“reach out”


also all business-speak like “lets circle back” etc

Totally irrational, but I hate the “thumbs up” reply to a text. Feels so dismissive. Like, a condescending “yup”.

Give me the decency of typing OK

I’m with you 👍


To me, a “trigger” is something that elicits a strong emotional response that is out of character. I have never been triggered, and doubt if it is even possible to trigger me.

I also suspect that most well adjusted, emotionally stable people can’t be “triggered.”

Sounds like “trigger” is yours… :slight_smile:

“reach out”


also all business-speak like “lets circle back” etc

I wouldn’t use the word trigger but those do annoy me.