What mechanical problems are you prepared for in IM?

 I'm not talking about taping 12 gu's to your bike or anything.  I'm talking about flats and such (tubular tires).  Do you carry a patch kit or something?  In the past I have used a big rubber band to attach a spare tire behind my seat, but it just feels really heavy.  I'm not looking to podium or qualify for Kona so every little ounce isn't a concern for me nearly as much as paying over $600 for a race and not being able to finish it due to a flat tire.  Still, I don't want to have a 30 pound bike.  Patch kit?  Spare tire?     

  I always see the motorcycles riding around with spare wheels attached to the back.  Do they let you borrow a wheel to finish the race if you need it?  Do they have spare tubular tires?  Mostly dumb questions I'm sure, but I'm just curious about what other people are prepared for...thanks!

Two tubes, 2 CO2’s, a hand pump, multi tool and a patch kit. I’ve flatted in races two times.

Bag Behind Seat: 2 Levers, 2 CO2, 1 Microflate, 1 Tube, 1 Park Tool Patch Kit, 1 Small Piece of Duct Tape (in case the tire needs to be “booted”)
Bike Spec Needs: 1 Tube, 1 CO2.

My bike is checked over for all foreseeable mechanicals before each big race. During a race I am ready to change/repair flats. Anything else is poor luck or your own fault through crappy maintenance.

On the bike - 1 spare tube, 1 tire lever, 2 CO2 cartridges, 1 inflator

Bike special needs bag - 1 spare tube, 1 CO2 cartridge (I’ve only needed these one time. Every other race I left them behind in the bag.)

I check the bike beforehand, and I’ve never had anything other than a flat tire to deal with. If you use up your spare tube(s), a support vehicle will come along eventually, but you could be in for long wait.

My bike is checked over for all foreseeable mechanicals before each big race. During a race I am ready to change/repair flats. Anything else is poor luck or your own fault through crappy maintenance.

Same here.

When my wife did IMUSALP in 2007, she flatted her front tire coming out of T1. She was literally less than a half mile into the ride. So, her hands are tiny and it takes her a little longer to fix a flat. She finally got it changed, but for whatever reason it went flat again, immediately. Frustrating. But like the calvary coming over the hilltop, the service car came by–just then. Rather than attempt to fix her flat, they just gave her a new wheel and took her flat front wheel. She rode 111.5 miles on that wheel, and got her wheel back after she finished.

I only carry pitstop, co2 cartrige and a tube.

Flat tires caused by alien attack. So I carry 2 tubes and a pump, along with a cavalier attitude crafted by meticulously studying the exquisite filmography of Will Smith.

One spare tube and one CO2 with another pair of the same in special needs in case the first set gets used in the first 56 miles. Anything beyond a flat and time becomes a non-issue.