What makes someone unlikable?

I get along with just about anyone, you have to be a fairly arrogant ass for me to genuinely dislike you, but it seems like a lot of people have a much lower threshold for disliking someone. Thinking about this in relationship to a hiring/promotion decision and a person who really seems to be disliked by a number of other people being a candidate. While I wouldn’t say I dislike them, I wouldn’t hang out with them if I didn’t work with them, and I definitely see some of the things that others are less understanding of.

So what do you think as far personality traits or behaviors that push people towards disliking someone?

A total lack of humility, humanity and introspection

I met someone a couple of weeks ago who behaved like they were doing me a favour and I should be grateful to be in their presence. That sort of behaviour just grates, and the complete callousness of some people posting at present about 400 children being killed daily I find pretty disgusting.

**A total lack of humility and introspection **

I met someone a couple of weeks ago who behaved like they were doing me a favour and I should be grateful to be in their presence. That sort of behaviour just grates

Really good one. I would add someone who is unable to look at things with different perspectives and is unwilling to listen.

People who don’t or can’t respect social norms.

**A total lack of humility and introspection **

I met someone a couple of weeks ago who behaved like they were doing me a favour and I should be grateful to be in their presence. That sort of behaviour just grates

Really good one. I would add someone who is unable to look at things with different perspectives and is unwilling to listen.

Both of these are very good. When I read them, my mind immediately jumped to a couple of people I know.

I edited it to include the other thing that annoys me which your point goes to. The total blind spots of people is just a degree of ignorance I’ve no time for

It’s become very evident here recently, and I can’t even put it down to trolling

**A total lack of humility and introspection **

I met someone a couple of weeks ago who behaved like they were doing me a favour and I should be grateful to be in their presence. That sort of behaviour just grates

Really good one. I would add someone who is unable to look at things with different perspectives and is unwilling to listen.

Both of these are very good. When I read them, my mind immediately jumped to a couple of people I know.

Yes this person thinks they are not “defensive” but are incredibly defensive. This seems like the source of a lot of the friction between them and students, no other faculty seem to have this problem but it seems like whenever they review exams it turns into a big contentious argument with the students, like it happens consistently, year in year out.

People who don’t or can’t respect social norms.

There’s an asterisk on this for me. If the person genuinely isn’t aware - for example, some people with autism - I don’t hold it against them.

I think this is somewhat related to being very rigid. In general when people discuss things there’s a give and take, you may allow some things to go because it would be rude to call someone out on it, generally you give the other person the benefit of the doubt in the name of coming to some sort of understanding that doesn’t leave either person feeling aggrieved.

But if you’re the kind of person who plants a flag in the ground and there is no give and take, and you’re looking to be critical of anything they say that deviates from your position,* people are going to find you off putting.

*Which is basically how most people behave on internet forums.

So many possible jokes for this thread.

What makes someone unlikable?

  1. I don’t know, you’d have to ask (insert LR poster’s name here,…e.g. Windy, Tyler, SDG, slowguy,…)

  2. Insisting that birds’ names are racist.

  3. Being Canadian (mainly this would be a Windy response).

  4. Whining about the undue hardship that a weekday court appearance would put on you and your team of well paid nannies and handlers.

Sorry guys…

Things that make one unlikeable.

  1. Humility
  2. Honesty
  3. Integrity
  4. Use of logic


Windy IS popular precisely because he shows none of these attributes.
He is our resident psychopath.
He is well loved.

You are unpopular because you show most of these attributes. (Usually not all at once though. So most people will forgive you).

So many possible jokes for this thread.

What makes someone unlikable?

  1. I don’t know, you’d have to ask (insert LR poster’s name here,…e.g. Windy, Tyler, SDG, slowguy,…)

  2. Insisting that birds’ names are racist.

  3. Being Canadian (mainly this would be a Windy response).

  4. Whining about the undue hardship that a weekday court appearance would put on you and your team of well paid nannies and handlers.

I don’t know about you, but I’m a whole lot more likable in person than I am in the LR (not that that is a high bar to get over).

  1. Being Canadian (mainly this would be a Windy response).

I don’t dislike Canadians

Sorry guys…

Things that make one unlikeable.

  1. Humility
  2. Honesty
  3. Integrity
  4. Use of logic


Windy IS popular precisely because he shows none of these attributes.
He is our resident psychopath.
He is well loved.

You are unpopular because you show most of these attributes. (Usually not all at once though. So most people will forgive you).

I am honest, have integrity, and logical. My policy is you can call me almost anything but call me a liar and you’re dead to me.

I concede humility is for the peasants

Sorry guys…

Things that make one unlikeable.

  1. Humility
  2. Honesty
  3. Integrity
  4. Use of logic


Windy IS popular precisely because he shows none of these attributes.
He is our resident psychopath.
He is well loved.

You are unpopular because you show most of these attributes. (Usually not all at once though. So most people will forgive you).

I am honest, have integrity, and logical. My policy is you can call me almost anything but call me a liar and you’re dead to me.

I concede humility is for the peasants

Please refer to post #2.

You need to concede the other two attributes as well.

Sorry guys…

Things that make one unlikeable.

  1. Humility
  2. Honesty
  3. Integrity
  4. Use of logic


Windy IS popular precisely because he shows none of these attributes.
He is our resident psychopath.
He is well loved.

You are unpopular because you show most of these attributes. (Usually not all at once though. So most people will forgive you).

I am honest, have integrity, and logical. My policy is you can call me almost anything but call me a liar and you’re dead to me.

I concede humility is for the peasants

Please refer to post #2.

You need to concede the other two attributes as well.

Humanity and introspection? I possess both.

If this is about Gaza that goes to being logical. I erased what I wrote so as to not derail the thread since there are several Israel threads already. However I stand by my position that just shrugging your shoulders because the enemy lair is under a hospital is not a legitimate expectation for how Israel should address the issue.

Humanity and introspection? I possess both.

The character you play here doesn’t frequently reflect that.

  1. People who seem disinterested in a conversation and appear to want to find “better” people to talk to.
  2. People who love to hear their own voice and don’t listen to others.
  3. People who think they know-it-all about topics they clearly don’t.
  4. People who lack empathy for others, and have an inability to relate to others from different backgrounds or cultures.
  5. Religious zealots.
  6. People who don’t answer questions honestly (most politicians).
  7. People who won’t admit they’re ever wrong (I don’t include myself in this because I’m never wrong).

So many possible jokes for this thread.

What makes someone unlikable?

  1. I don’t know, you’d have to ask (insert LR poster’s name here,…e.g. Windy, Tyler, SDG, slowguy,…)

  2. Insisting that birds’ names are racist.

  3. Being Canadian (mainly this would be a Windy response).

  4. Whining about the undue hardship that a weekday court appearance would put on you and your team of well paid nannies and handlers.

You wanna hurt me? - YouTube

Humanity and introspection? I possess both.

The character you play here doesn’t frequently reflect that.

Or the logic backstopping the position(s) creates discomfort since it requires others to be introspective and they don’t like the answer