What kind of weather do you hate most?

Rain, cold, snow, sleet, I can run (and sometimes bike) in just about anything and be happy. But it can be 70 degrees with wind and it just DRIVES ME NUTS!!!

I HATE THE WIND MOST OF ALL and checking the weather for this Memorial Day weekend we’re going to have nothing but wind for three days!

What kind of crappy weather do you hate?


40 and raining, luckily I don’t have to deal with that anymore…

WIND as well…hate it. Love the heat. Heat with no wind is my best.

You guys must be somewhere flat.

Me: Thoughts of Lake Placid 2003 still make my right eye twitch.

Cold and Rainy = Misery. I used up all my cold and wet tolerance Road Racing in Upstate NY from 1990-1995.

Cyclists don’t tan up there, they rust.

Hate: wind

Love: Hot and humid

cold and rainy…the wind is your friend.

Bob, that day the wind was blowing like a SOB. I remember coming back in from the out and back head down going 14 mph down hill thinking my legs were going to fall off.

One of my most vivid memories in triathlong is when Ms. tri_gear came by on the motorcycle and the look she gave me was one of pure sorrow. That day sucked a lot.

You mean you didn’t enjoy wearing the Mylar blanket while still on the run? How about the fact that it took me well over 1:20 to ride the 12 miles back into town. That was one hell of an introduction to Ironman.

Personally, I hate the heat. Give me cold, give me rain, just keep the blast furnace turned down low.

All depends; for running, cold over heat. For cycling, hot and humid with zero wind…hate the wind.

I hate humidity…period…heat or cold does not matter as long as it is dry.

hate: hot and humid

love: cool morning sunrise

cold,windy and rainy–the worst.

Windy and HOT! Second worst.

5 degrees C and pissing rain. I am OK with 36 C and 90% humidity (tropical weather) or minus 20 and snow (Ottawa winter swowstorm). I’ll take cold or heat, and lots of wind at either extreme any day than taking, rain just above zero!

I don’t like wind for cycling either. I always feel like it will knock me right off my bike.

Cold sucks.

Cold and rainy. I can tolerate the cold, I hate the rain, but both and I’m going to be bitchin’ the entire time. Heat, I love it. Humid, I can deal with it. Wind, I’m in between, but doable as well. Cold and wet will make me miserable.

Training still has to be fun for me. If its wet and cold its just no fun and I don’t do it. Luckily I live in Albuquerqe. It doesn’t rain here anymore; it just burns.

i hate the hot humid weather…i can stand clamy bike clothes…and i hate indiana, where humidity rules

Wind. When it’s windy here in Eastern WA, we get dust storms that will shut down the interstates. Here’s a pic from one blowing down the Columbia River last July. We had just finished a run/swim/run duathlon and were in the middle of the awards ceremony when it started blowing. Everyone essentially grabbed their stuff and ran to their cars. This picture was taken by a photographer that was a little farther up the river.

