What just happened to me

So I just went swimming in a lake this weekend, was 7 degrees (Celsius) out, not sure about the water temp but was pretty cold, I put my wetsuit on and go out but my throat, hands and feet get numb. I push forward and swim about 1k and I get out cause I can’t take the cold anymore and decide to do a short run… to find out I can’t run anymore. Like severe asthma signs and symptoms, throat is tight, lungs feel small and I can’t even run 500m without blowing wind. I’ve never had asthma before but figure it might have been triggered by the cold? My girlfriend has a pump so we try hers but nothing.

2 days after, I still can’t run around the block without getting winded. I have no other signs and symptoms and I feel fine when I don’t exercise.

What’s going on?

I had something similar when I was 18. Went to visit a buddy in Utah in winter and ran for about a minute during a snowball fight. Ended up a wheezing wreck and couldn’t breathe properly for a few days after. Weird thing is, it’s never happened since (and I spent 7 years snowboarding in the French Alps).

Go see the doc.

When you try to exercise, are you wheezing and/or can’t get a full breath in, or are you just out of breath with high heart rate, like if you ran up a hill?

When you try to exercise, are you wheezing and/or can’t get a full breath in, or are you just out of breath with high heart rate, like if you ran up a hill?

Can’t get a full breath in and it hurts, it’s like I don’t have enough lungs…

Sounds like a chest infection…

Sounds like a chest infection…

So… go see the doc? :stuck_out_tongue:


Sounds like a chest infection…

So… go see the doc? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, but keep in mind if it is a chest infection there’s not much you can do except wait it out. It would be useful to get an inhaler just in case though (salbutomal no longer needs a TUE but I’ve found albuterol to be pretty much as effective).

Sounds like a chest infection…

So… go see the doc? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, but keep in mind if it is a chest infection there’s not much you can do except wait it out. It would be useful to get an inhaler just in case though (salbutomal no longer needs a TUE but I’ve found albuterol to be pretty much as effective).

Okay! Not sure how much knowledge you have on this but how much can I train on this? Can I get hurt? And how long would chest infections typically last? I have a race in three weeks :frowning:

Sounds like a chest infection…

So… go see the doc? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, but keep in mind if it is a chest infection there’s not much you can do except wait it out. It would be useful to get an inhaler just in case though (salbutomal no longer needs a TUE but I’ve found albuterol to be pretty much as effective).

Okay! Not sure how much knowledge you have on this but how much can I train on this? Can I get hurt? And how long would chest infections typically last? I have a race in three weeks :frowning:

See the doctor.

I occasionally get chest infections & a touch of asthma (used to be an issue when I was younger, now it’s mild).

If it’s just a little asthma (chest feels a little tight) I might use the inhaler & do some light jogging, if it’s more chronic then I’ll know after a couple of minutes that jogging isn’t on the cards.

Tricky bit is a chest infection, really want to avoid pushing yourself, it’ll just make it last longer. If it’s at the ‘coughing up gunk’ stage though I find a light run can help clear it out quicker.