What is your favorite recovery tool?

Massage gun? Recovery boots? Foam roller? Compex?

I’ve just ordered a massage gun. I have recovery boots and compex but just find I never want to get them setup after a long workout. I wish I had a pain cave where I would just leave the recovery boots out and setup for use.

High quality nutrition, sleep and getting outside for a walk in the woods. Anything else is burning $$$

Beer. Without or with alcohol, depending on if it’s during the week or on the weekend.

A snack and not moving for a while.

Sleep. Easy to do, free, and works amazingly well. I find I don’t need any fancy recovery expenses if I can consistently get 8-9 hours of sleep a night. With two young kids it’s hard to do some nights, but when I can it does wonders.

High quality nutrition, sleep and getting outside for a walk in the woods. Anything else is burning $$$

I always find these posts interesting and comical. I go out of my way to eat as well as I can and am content walking with my dogs for their exercise and my own stress relief - have done this for 20 years in the sport. Fact is, since I started using a massage gun regularly over the last 6 months I’ve felt better and move better than I did in the 5-10 years prior.

To the OP, a massage gun has been huge for me - I thought my days of moving without some sort of niggle were done, the hypervolt changed that.

a comfortable bed.

High quality nutrition, sleep and getting outside for a walk in the woods. Anything else is burning $$$

If you’re not burning $$$, are you actually a triathlete? /pink

High quality nutrition, sleep and getting outside for a walk in the woods. Anything else is burning $$$

I always find these posts interesting and comical. I go out of my way to eat as well as I can and am content walking with my dogs for their exercise and my own stress relief - have done this for 20 years in the sport. Fact is, since I started using a massage gun regularly over the last 6 months I’ve felt better and move better than I did in the 5-10 years prior.

To the OP, a massage gun has been huge for me - I thought my days of moving without some sort of niggle were done, the hypervolt changed that.

I get enough sleep. Walk my dogs 3 times a day albeit short walks. If time abs money was no object I would get a massage from a pro 3-4 days a week. I ordered an addaday massage gun which was less expensive. I’ll see how it feels and if I consistently use one.

a comfortable bed.

Definitely a must. What type of bed do you have? We had a sleep number for a long time with the frame that adjusts up and down but it broke too many times. We got a tuft and needle bed in a box and have been happy with that although wife prefers a super soft bed.

Foam Roller
Air Relax Pneumatic Compression Boots
Compex Sport elite Stimulator

Sleep. Easy to do, free, and works amazingly well. I find I don’t need any fancy recovery expenses if I can consistently get 8-9 hours of sleep a night. With two young kids it’s hard to do some nights, but when I can it does wonders.

I believe this is the only answer to this thread. The human species used this as the fundamental recovery tool since we existed, so may as well roll with the flow and use that proven process.

I agree - too many athletes that I coach want to know what the recovery secrets are. The low hanging fruit in ALL cases is sleep (duration, quality, hygiene, etc). The badge of honor of only getting 4-6 hours of sleep is pretty dumb IMO. For me personally, I can’t workout (at least a higher intensity, or quality workout) past 8:00-8:30pm - if I do, I stare at my ceiling for hours on end. Then it turns into a vicious cycle in order to get up the next AM for the early morning swim, bike, or run. Curious if anyone else has that issue?

Massage gun? Recovery boots? Foam roller? Compex?

I’ve just ordered a massage gun. I have recovery boots and compex but just find I never want to get them setup after a long workout. I wish I had a pain cave where I would just leave the recovery boots out and setup for use.

Interesting in that it seems I could have been the OP. I have those very same things and feel the same way. Like you I also walk the dog, eat very well and sleep 8-9 per night. It seems we’re always looking for the solution when I think the combo is the cure. That said, thanks to the poster as to the massage gun, as I also have one on the way. 40 years of triathlon takes it’s toll, but good training plans also help. Good luck.

The message gun has been the best purchase I have ever made for a recovery tool just behind my California king mattress.

a comfortable bed.

Definitely a must. What type of bed do you have? We had a sleep number for a long time with the frame that adjusts up and down but it broke too many times. We got a tuft and needle bed in a box and have been happy with that although wife prefers a super soft bed.

no idea. its a soft one, because my wife prefers a really soft bed.

I’m not sure it is measurably improving my recovery but I have a Theragun Mini massager that sure makes me feel better. If it breaks, I’ll have a new one on order the next day.

Other than the massage gun, learning to listen to the cues of fatigue and adjusting accordingly has been incredibly helpful for me in terms of both progress and quality of life.

Massage gun? Recovery boots? Foam roller? Compex?

I’ve just ordered a massage gun. I have recovery boots and compex but just find I never want to get them setup after a long workout. I wish I had a pain cave where I would just leave the recovery boots out and setup for use.

It depends on the activity. For general recovery, there are no ‘tools’ additionally required. Appropriate nutrition/hydration with extra protein for harder workouts in the vulnerable period immediately afterward is a given *(I usually aim for 30 gm 30-60 min afterwards)…and I will sometimes take a longer and warmer shower and stretch after shorter/faster efforts but this also doesn’t fit in the toolbox. And enough rest, including sleep, prior to the next workout is also a given.

I do have 2 portable massage guns. Works quite well on the legs. I use them often. Also have a massage chair and one for the floor which I can work the PF out along with a tennis ball while watching TV. No recovery boots. DW (the wife) swears by her foam roller, but I hate it. I’d rather have her walk on my back to crack it and a nice bath works to loosen the muscles.

My favorite tool to hasten recovery is ice. I have ice packs loaded in the freezer and need them for my old knees/shins/ankles etc. Works well on tired, overworked muscles too. Also will do a modified ‘ice bath’ with really cold water from the shower-(legs down only*) for super long efforts. This has always helped recover from those wicked long trainer rides and I’ve done them after each of these: the mega Pretzel, uber Pretzel, PRL full and lots of Norseman races on Zwift.

I’ll be doing it again tomorrow evening after our Basecamp ride…and again after v-Everesting next month…

A double ipa and well balance meal and a gummy for some nice sleep.

My compression boots. I really need to start using my massage gun more though.