What is McConnell thinking?

What a fucking genius Mitch McConnell is. 3 weeks from the mid term elections, when he is not on the ballot, he espouses the idea of cutting social security insurance, medicare and Medicaid. Really? Great timing if his goal is to help the Dems. He even says, without a hint of giggle, that the deficit has nothing to do with the tax cut (that hasn’t generated the revenue predicted and isn’t revenue neutral as was touted).

As if Tiny Dick Donnie isn’t enough of a drag, why not heap the 3rd rail of politics into the fray? Geez.

Since the individual names of candidates no longer matter, as they only have the option of voting on any issue how their national party tells them to (instead of listening the their constituents), I am seriously thinking of voting straight ticket for the Dems at the state and national level. I’ve never voted straight ticket before but as one who paid into the SS and Medicare insurance for decades, fucking with it now will cause that.


I want my benefits!!!


You mean the benefits people have spent a lifetime paying towards and have been promised? Or do you mean the benefits we get from ever expanding military spending?

Oh, forget it, you just wanted to post another cute gif and show how you are a deep thinking nihilist.

More like “I was forced to pay for SS insurance for decades and I’m damn well going to get the benefits promised”.

That in no way diminishes McConnell’s stupidity of raising this issue 3 weeks before the midterm elections. But hey, if you or the Repubs think this is a winning topic, go for it. It’s a dumb political move. Even Mitch said he couldn’t pass it without Dem support. All the more reason to vote Dem.


I pay $18K/year for these “benefits” or even better…“entitlements”

I love the idea of privatizing them. I think it’s a horrible terrible idiotically bad idea…but personally, I love it. Let the idiots who vote for this die destitute in the streets, hahaha.

You mean the benefits people have spent a lifetime paying towards and have been promised? Or do you mean the benefits we get from ever expanding military spending?

Oh, forget it, you just wanted to post another cute gif and show how you are a deep thinking nihilist.


You mean like how I’m going to save money on my health insurance premiums?


I want my benefits!!!

I pay $18K/year for these “benefits” or even better…“entitlements”

Yes and that money sits in a separate account that the federales only use to pay back the money with interest and everything.

It would be a shame if they raided that account to pay for things like, uh, tattoo removal and, uh, wars and stuff.

Give me my money!!!

Your deep thinking response aside, it is a losing political issue. Seniors vote. Allienate them at your peril.

What was Moron Mitch thinking?

The timing is terrible no doubt.

I want my benefits too. For the self-employed the taxes are double and I have been paying them for 27 years.

However, I also realize that money is finite and the benefits “promised” (no benefits are actually promised but we all act as if they are.) cannot be delivered after 2034 without some sort of modifications of delayed retirement, increased taxes, reduced benefits or means testing. The math just isn’t there.

A responsible government should come up with a bipartisan committee like the previous base closure and realignment committee from years ago to try and come up with longer term solutions to benefit everyone. Should be in pink, will never happen in today’s climate.

PS-you aren’t keeping your part of the “promise” either. When the benefits actuarial tables were figured you (plural collective not individually) “agreed” to die much earlier as well! If you will keep up your part of the equation the government will find it easier to keep up their’s.

What a fucking genius Mitch McConnell is. 3 weeks from the mid term elections, when he is not on the ballot, he espouses the idea of cutting social security insurance, medicare and Medicaid. Really? Great timing if his goal is to help the Dems.
When Trump announced the tax cuts, McConnell came out and said they were not going to cut social spending, that the tax cuts would decrease the deficit and that there would be no reason to cut social spending.

Now that the deficit is spiraling out of control, far higher than it ever did under Obama, he says they need to cut social spending.

So, after 2 years of completely ignoring the long-held mantra of the GOP to reduce deficits and debt it’s once again become as important as it was for the 8 years under Obama.

And people will fall for it…

PS-you aren’t keeping your part of the “promise” either. When the benefits actuarial tables were figured you (plural collective not individually) “agreed” to die much earlier as well! .

BS! I didn’t promise anything. I was forced to fund it.

I want my real estate depreciation ;).


Your deep thinking response aside, it is a losing political issue. Seniors vote. Allienate them at your peril.

What was Moron Mitch thinking?

We have got right wing GOP candidates by the score here in AZ and I have yet to hear one say let’s cut SSI. It would be political suicide. What a maroon.

More like “I was forced to pay for SS insurance for decades and I’m damn well going to get the benefits promised”.

That in no way diminishes McConnell’s stupidity of raising this issue 3 weeks before the midterm elections. But hey, if you or the Repubs think this is a winning topic, go for it. It’s a dumb political move. Even Mitch said he couldn’t pass it without Dem support. All the more reason to vote Dem.


What a fucking genius Mitch McConnell is. 3 weeks from the mid term elections, when he is not on the ballot, he espouses the idea of cutting social security insurance, medicare and Medicaid. Really? Great timing if his goal is to help the Dems. He even says, without a hint of giggle, that the deficit has nothing to do with the tax cut (that hasn’t generated the revenue predicted and isn’t revenue neutral as was touted).

As if Tiny Dick Donnie isn’t enough of a drag, why not heap the 3rd rail of politics into the fray? Geez.

Since the individual names of candidates no longer matter, as they only have the option of voting on any issue how their national party tells them to (instead of listening the their constituents), I am seriously thinking of voting straight ticket for the Dems at the state and national level. I’ve never voted straight ticket before but as one who paid into the SS and Medicare insurance for decades, fucking with it now will cause that.


He is tired of winning.

Did you read the Forbes or WA Post articles? I can’t see where he “espoused” making cuts. All I see is where he said its unlikely that cuts will happen. Furthermore, the Post story reminded us that Trump made promises not to make SS & Medicare cuts and that he has largely stuck to those promises. The headlines of these stories appear to be somewhat misleading. I think this is a case of the tail wagging the dog. Did I miss something?

Agree that McConnell should give those subjects a wide berth and not even mention them this close to an election

i don’t worry about across the board cuts (political disaster for any who try) but i do worry that SS and medicare will become means tested by the time i retire. i can see the majority of voters for both parties supporting cutting or stopping payments to those considered wealthy enough to take care of themselves, in order to keep the system functional for those with the greatest need. Now i type it it seems quite reasonable…but sure will suck to pay into a system for decades, almost always at the max (and i do the self employed double payment thing now) and then get reduced or zero benefits.

Agree that McConnell should give those subjects a wide berth and not even mention them this close to an election

i don’t worry about across the board cuts (political disaster for any who try) but i do worry that SS and medicare will become means tested by the time i retire. i can see the majority of voters for both parties supporting cutting or stopping payments to those considered wealthy enough to take care of themselves, in order to keep the system functional for those with the greatest need. Now i type it it seems quite reasonable…but sure will suck to pay into a system for decades, almost always at the max (and i do the self employed double payment thing now) and then get reduced or zero benefits.

I think you are right it is quite likely that will happen.

Well now trump has tweeted that the republicans are FOR protections for pre-existing conditions AND further funding medicare, AND its the democrats who are against those things…

Oh man trump is going to be angry when he realizes that 1) he has a lawsuit trying to remove the pre-existing conditions, 2) McConnell last week said they would try to take away medicare, and 3) the obamacare repeal vote.