What in the sweet hell is going on?

Apparently autumn is here already.

My front lawn:


You really love setting up Windy for Canada comments…

You really love setting up Windy for Canada comments…

What? I kept the moose locked in the backyard.

I’ve got acorns dropping already.

We went to the beach today to meet some friends and it was cold and miserable.
Also, our fig tree barely produced anything this year and our tomato crop is sub standard as well.

June was cold and rainy. Summer didn’t really kick off until July, and now appears to be ending early. For reference, we generally get T shirt weather until middle of October.

I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit. Starting to look at winter trips to Mexico…

As someone who owned a lawn care business for 12 years, that’s a very nice looking green lush lawn.

As someone who owned a lawn care business for 12 years, that’s a very nice looking green lush lawn.

Don’t give me too much credit. We just had new sod put in this spring. Give me two years and it will look like shit.

May 2nd, 2024


We went to the beach today to meet some friends and it was cold and miserable.
Also, our fig tree barely produced anything this year and our tomato crop is sub standard as well.

June was cold and rainy. Summer didn’t really kick off until July, and now appears to be ending early. For reference, we generally get T shirt weather until middle of October.

I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit. Starting to look at winter trips to Mexico…

I have 12 bloody tomato plants and they just aren’t producing this year: not getting that overnight heat. It’s very annoying. Snap peas and cukes and radishes are plentiful though.

If I didn’t know better, I would think that the climate was getting more unpredictable.

Nobody gives a shit about radishes!

Late summer always has some leaves falling off trees.

We have a bumper crop of tomatoes this year. The field tomatoes, corn, soybeans are all looking great. I saw somebody’s third cut of hay looking like a first cut of hay today. I have had to cut the grass twice a week since spring and I don’t have a sprinkler system.

Nobody gives a shit about radishes!

Au contraire, I love radishes. If I ever had to grow my own food again, they’d be high on the list. They’re super easy to grow, they grow fast, and they’re delicious.

Late summer always has some leaves falling off trees.

We have a bumper crop of tomatoes this year. The field tomatoes, corn, soybeans are all looking great. I saw somebody’s third cut of hay looking like a first cut of hay today. I have had to cut the grass twice a week since spring and I don’t have a sprinkler system.

It’s August 11th! (In that photo)

Geez, The Ex hasn’t even started yet.

Nobody gives a shit about radishes!

Au contraire, I love radishes. If I ever had to grow my own food again, they’d be high on the list. They’re super easy to grow, they grow fast, and they’re delicious.

Another radish fan.

We are going to be in the 60s overnight this coming week. I might need a jacket. We have high 80s and 90s in the daytime. At least that has dropped down from the high 90s.

51 degrees yesterday morning in Shandaken NY, 52 this morning; beautiful!

We went to the beach today to meet some friends and it was cold and miserable.
Also, our fig tree barely produced anything this year and our tomato crop is sub standard as well.

June was cold and rainy. Summer didn’t really kick off until July, and now appears to be ending early. For reference, we generally get T shirt weather until middle of October.

I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit. Starting to look at winter trips to Mexico…

Same here, already looking at going somewhere sunny and warm in December. Having 2 months of summer (at most) is depressing.

A few trees in the neighborhood always turn early, but they are getting pretty red already. Drove 3 hours north of the twin cities (proper northern Minnesota) for a mountain bike race yesterday and you can see the green fading from the aspens already.

Garden has been terrible this year, beans didn’t even come up, 'maters in the ground have produced 0 fruit, container 'maters are aborting flowers, usually have a couple hundred jalapenos between 4 or 5 plants, might get to do one round of popper this year…

Long range forecast has us above average for the next few weeks, but the nights are already pushing into the low 50s.

Did get a great aurora show last night at least…

We went to the beach today to meet some friends and it was cold and miserable.
Also, our fig tree barely produced anything this year and our tomato crop is sub standard as well.

June was cold and rainy. Summer didn’t really kick off until July, and now appears to be ending early. For reference, we generally get T shirt weather until middle of October.

I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit. Starting to look at winter trips to Mexico…

Same here, already looking at going somewhere sunny and warm in December. Having 2 months of summer (at most) is depressing.

It really is. The worst part out west was we didn’t even get warm weather until a couple weeks after the days started getting shorter.

I just got back from a 4 mile run. The weather I glorious and the creek that I run along is roaring from the storm that just passed by.

This is a funny time of year at my house. It’s the middle of summer but the sun has dropped some in the sky the sunlight can’t make it through the trees and we have lights on inside in the middle of the afternoon.