What happened to the Womens?

It appears to have totally disappeared…
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i don’t know the answer. the women’s forum was very lightly used. maybe the main forum has evolved into a safe enough space that the women’s forum’s suffered lack of traffic while the main forum became less fiery. i didn’t notice it gone until you pointed this out.

i checked. yes. it was purposely removed. it had dwindled down to very little traffic.

i don’t know the answer. the women’s forum was very lightly used. maybe the main forum has evolved into a safe enough space that the women’s forum’s suffered lack of traffic while the main forum became less fiery. i didn’t notice it gone until you pointed this out.

So collectively we are less asshole-ish? :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t say that … I might say that when the Women’s forum was created there was a larger active female population here on Slowtwitch

The % of females have actually grown and continues to grow not only on slowtwitch but also in our endurance space. I just think it shows that we are all learning how to communicate better together than separate.

i don’t know the answer. the women’s forum was very lightly used. maybe the main forum has evolved into a safe enough space that the women’s forum’s suffered lack of traffic while the main forum became less fiery. i didn’t notice it gone until you pointed this out.

So collectively we are less asshole-ish? :slight_smile:

yes. individually i remain a fully vested asshole but there are fewer of me and we’re offset by you and quite a few others.


Did anyone ask any of “the Womens” that post on the weekly check in? Obviously, it’s up to the people that run this site to determine what is on this site, but that seems like a lot of assumptions about the usefulness of that forum.

i don’t know the answer. the women’s forum was very lightly used. maybe the main forum has evolved into a safe enough space that the women’s forum’s suffered lack of traffic while the main forum became less fiery. i didn’t notice it gone until you pointed this out.

So collectively we are less asshole-ish? :slight_smile:

All the degenerates have moved to the LR =).

The % of females have actually grown and continues to grow not only on slowtwitch but also in our endurance space. I just think it shows that we are all learning how to communicate better together than separate.

I disagree

There are quite a few women who used go post here with considerable regularity and amazing quality, who have gone away, and haven’t really been replaced

Off the top of my head, I can only name a little more than a handful of women with a substantial and consistent presence here (and that INCLUDES the LR)

I don’t wanna turn this into a “Whatever Happened To ,?” or “Posters We Miss” thread but

iJen0311 (LOL)

No, nobody asked, or even mentioned in the Womens that it was going to be deleted.

Ugh. That is disappointing. I regret not having participated more (I am not sure I ever posted, but often thought about joining the check in).

Sounds like a good change to me. I want to hear what everyone has to say. I rarely go anywhere hoping to enter a sausage party.

Ugh. That is disappointing. I regret not having participated more (I am not sure I ever posted, but often thought about joining the check in).

I’ll take accountability for how it was done. I did email Allison (aka Dr. Tigerchik) in advance. And I certainly considered doing a post in there. But overall views were pretty low, I figured we’d have a thread like this regardless. Definitely not saying I made the “right” decision in terms of the “how”; I’m sure I rushed it a bit just because I’m off work from my regular job this week and trying to do a bunch of upgrades around the site while I have a window. My apologies for the suddenness of it.

There’s no handbook about how to manage a forum like this, especially for over 20 years. As I looked over the list of admins and forum “subscribers,” we’ve just - sadly - lost a lot of those folks. I remember the core group that asked me to setup that forum. It saddens me that most of them are now gone. Change is the only constant I guess…

The forum is archived - not deleted, and I’m happy to facilitate connecting people from those threads. I.e., if you’re like, “I can’t remember the username of this person…” I can, within reason, get that information for you if you want to PM them.

In the event that it becomes clear we still need that space, I am happy to either resurrect it or spin up a new one. But hopefully we’re can all manage to share a single space… well, a single space plus the LR. We’ve always resisted calls for hyper-specific subforums. People over the years have asked for many. Hopefully our longevity is at least partial confirmation that a singular forum is better than silos.

Sounds like a good change to me. I want to hear what everyone has to say. I rarely go anywhere hoping to enter a sausage party.

I think you’re making the assumption that all the women only posted in the women’s forum. Which was absolutely not the case.

Obviously not if they got rid of it. But segregation is rarely the right way to go, especially if a group wants to be more understood by the collective IMO.

The % of females have actually grown and continues to grow not only on slowtwitch but also in our endurance space. I just think it shows that we are all learning how to communicate better together than separate.

I disagree

There are quite a few women who used go post here with considerable regularity and amazing quality, who have gone away, and haven’t really been replaced

Off the top of my head, I can only name a little more than a handful of women with a substantial and consistent presence here (and that INCLUDES the LR)

I don’t wanna turn this into a “Whatever Happened To ,?” or “Posters We Miss” thread but

iJen0311 (LOL)

That’s assuming any number of new (or existing…) posters aren’t female! How do you know if someone is female, especially with random usernames…?

As a dude who never went in there, I can’t comment on it’s value.

But were there no interesting discussion, ever? Because the there are many gold mine threads on this forum going back decades. Ones that still have value today, or else are good historical record.

If there were good discussions of relevance to women over the years, it’d be a shame to just have them wiped for all time. Vs. just locking the forum from new content. But maybe there was very little of value?

especially if a group wants to be more understood by the collective IMO.

I tend to leave it to the group to decide if they want their own cohort rather than tell them what’s best for them.

And maybe that’s what happened here…as long as Dr. Tigerchik is a good represenatative for all the women on the forum.

I’ve looked at it a couple of times over the years but it had zero value to me. I won’t miss it.