What happened to the 100 / 100 thread?

Link is dead…


We’re in logistics mode (and broke that thread in the process).


Its coming back? “Somewhere” on here?

We plan on having a 100/100 challenge in some form or fashion, yes.

Details to iron out. Details to then communicate when we have those I’s dotted and T’s crossed.

Things that make you go, Hmmm…


I assume you are trying to come up with another place to log other than the log that Eric Jensen had previously made for ST? While Eric is running his own 100/100 in parallel ? So some of us will have to log in two places?

Please note that I was running a 100/100 in 2007-08 and we had 200+ users on a simple google sheet. Then in 2008-09 is when Herbert+Jordan+ Eric started to put the log in place to support the challenge so we went off the google sheet:


But mainly it was about bringing a community of runners together. This should not be a competition (at least that what it feels like from the outside now)

I’m going to close this thread out, in order to consolidate any discussion over in the Official thread that I’ve linked to.

Where we will be logging, for the purposes of the Challenge, will be communicated as soon as it is finalized.

As mentioned in other threads, we made the business decision to end our association with EJ. That includes for the purposes of this challenge.