What Happened at the Edmonton Marathon

Title says it all. There are a few people who posted of allegedly being drugged with meth at the Edmonton marathon. Does anyone know anything about this?

Saw one of the threads on Reddit this morning but didn’t believe it at first. But there seemed to be a few witnesses in the comments that corroborated the story.

Overall didn’t sound like meth because the report I read said the participant drank a small amount of ‘water’ that was very bitter. Probably something stronger or a cocktail to cause the blacking out and aggressiveness reported.

Very weird though, who would do something like that? Like was it just for a good laugh.

Someone linked it to me on Xhitter. It could be fake, just curious.

The guy ran, that is not for debate.

His whole story though sounds like a tale that bullshitters make up.

Apparently if you look at his Strava stats, he barely trained for the race.
I think he took the drugs on his own, but it got WAY out of hand and he ended up in jail and is now trying to cover his ass saying he drank a spiked drink.
Classic doper deflection.

I’ve been drugged in Deadmonton before (who hasn’t), but at the marathon is crossing the line. The Oiler game 7 meltdown hangover lives on.

The guy ran, that is not for debate.

His whole story though sounds like a tale that bullshitters make up.

Apparently if you look at his Strava stats, he barely trained for the race.
I think he took the drugs on his own, but it got WAY out of hand and he ended up in jail and is now trying to cover his ass saying he drank a spiked drink.
Classic doper deflection.

The idea:
"Never attribute to malice (or conspiracy) what can be explained by idiocy "

Cuts both ways here.

Why would anyone poison a random runner him with meth?
Why would someone make up this story, once the police had let one go?
(Supposedly, without charges).

There are a lot of fishy details in the story.

I feel that stupidity had to have played a very, very significant role.

But what exactly happened???

Even God, will never find out.

The guy ran, that is not for debate.

His whole story though sounds like a tale that bullshitters make up.

Apparently if you look at his Strava stats, he barely trained for the race.
I think he took the drugs on his own, but it got WAY out of hand and he ended up in jail and is now trying to cover his ass saying he drank a spiked drink.
Classic doper deflection.

I did some snooping before and can’t completely rule out something crazy happening like he claims, but I agree that this was probably his own doing and it misfired. Just my unofficial opinion here, but there wasn’t anything in his race pics, or his very limited Strava training/previous race results, that stood out as really unusual to me.

Microdosing during ultras has become a bit of a thing, and every few months someone asks about dropping a full dose of acid mid-ultra on reddit (or writing a race report after actually doing it)…so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a similar attempt but he miscalculated/got something that was laced. I can see someone trying to fun run a marathon on drugs way before a malicious person managing to get someone on course to drink their tainted water. Will be real interesting to see this one play out.

The downtown Edmonton start location for the marathon is totally sketch AF, but I still don’t see street people handing out their drug supply to a runner.

The guy ran, that is not for debate.

His whole story though sounds like a tale that bullshitters make up.

Apparently if you look at his Strava stats, he barely trained for the race.
I think he took the drugs on his own, but it got WAY out of hand and he ended up in jail and is now trying to cover his ass saying he drank a spiked drink.
Classic doper deflection.

I did some snooping before and can’t completely rule out something crazy happening like he claims, but I agree that this was probably his own doing and it misfired. Just my unofficial opinion here, but there wasn’t anything in his race pics, or his very limited Strava training/previous race results, that stood out as really unusual to me.

Microdosing during ultras has become a bit of a thing, and every few months someone asks about dropping a full dose of acid mid-ultra on reddit (or writing a race report after actually doing it)…so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a similar attempt but he miscalculated/got something that was laced. I can see someone trying to fun run a marathon on drugs way before a malicious person managing to get someone on course to drink their tainted water. Will be real interesting to see this one play out.

Personally, someone with very limited strava training/previous race results doesn’t strike me as someone who would try to microdose unless they’re in a medium level fitness (fit enough to know they can finish a marathon but not fit enough to really care about a race result).

I would normally agree that a fun run on drugs is more likely than than someone tainting and handing water out on course except you’re forgetting that this is edmonton…

as someone who once lived in the city of champions, i can honestly say that i’ve never been drugged during a race there. but i did swim in the duck pond at hawrelak during the ITU race, which honestly . . . might’ve contained meth.

Wow, gotta love ST’s court of justice: guilty because “he sounds like he is guilty”.

He does claim that he learned from the hospital that other folks were taken to the hospital due to the same drugging issue.

I wouldn’t be quick on judging the guy though that he is a methhead trying to run a marathon, why would he publish the incident on Reddit and publish his Strava run? If there is a criminal investigation going, he could have simply told his story to the authorities.

My big question is why are all his training runs so slow/painful (his words) and then he crushes the first 30+km of the marathon? I mean, that alone makes the meth seem plausible.

Wow, gotta love ST’s court of justice: guilty because “he sounds like he is guilty”.

He does claim that he learned from the hospital that other folks were taken to the hospital due to the same drugging issue.

I wouldn’t be quick on judging the guy though that he is a methhead trying to run a marathon, why would he publish the incident on Reddit and publish his Strava run? If there is a criminal investigation going, he could have simply told his story to the authorities.

Read it carefully:
"I’ve since learned from the hospital and others online that several marathon participants were taken to the hospital, potentially due to the same drugging incident. "

He is speculating from drugs. He has no idea. It’s another attempt to try and say that it happened to someone else and he’s a victim, instead of an idiot who decided that a little bit of self medication for performance was in order before a marathon he had poorly trained for.

People get taken to the hospital from marathons all the time. It’s not unusual. There are ZERO public reports of others being drugged and the marathon was 5 days ago.

pics, the pic of him just past 5k by the golf course. he started 20 minutes late and arrived there at the same point as another person in that pic did that had a 10k split 5 minutes slower than him.

Your long list of speculation is based on the fact that you are certain the guy did not train…because it doesn’t show a ton of runs in his Strava. So you are certain he is a tweaker and oded. Also, just because we are not aware of other people reporting to be intoxicated doesn’t mean it didn’t happen for sure.

This might be shocking for a ton of egocentric middle aged AG triathletes, but just finishing a marathon is not that big of a deal of athletic achievement for many healthy young guys. A guy I work with in his late 20s ran a marathon with very little training, yeah he did a really shitty time like 4:20 and he ended up doing a ton of shuffling/walking, but he got his finisher medal.

That guy could be a tweaker, but not ready to judge him based on a ton of assumptions.

I’m not ready to believe him based on the glaring red flags.

After doing a thorough and exhaustive deep dive (aka 10 min of google) - he ran, something happened, he DNFed.

Actual details are not likely quite as described.

The biggest problem I have with this story is the narrative gap between “drinking something questionable” and “being a semi-nude lunatic detained by the police.”

I don’t believe an orally injested drug experience, would go from 0 to 10,000- without some conscious middle ground.

That’s not to say that drugs and marathons weren’t involved.

Just that they are NOT the whole story.

Perhaps stupidity, bad story telling and overlooked details.
Perhaps a psychotic break. (Drugs may or may not have been involved).

Perhaps the story is just pure bullsh#t.

But I don’t think the guy is cynically lying, to get out of something.
(The wisest course of action, in that case, would be to shut up).

I don’t believe an orally injested drug experience, would go from 0 to 10,000- without some conscious middle ground.

The new drugs hit hard. I am skeptical about the details of this particular story, but not that someone could go from zero to 100 on some of the new chemicals floating around.

The EPS is aware of several circulating social media posts regarding events at the Edmonton Marathon last weekend. We can share that, on Sunday, Aug. 18, 2024, at approximately 9:50 a.m. police stationed in the area of 102 Ave. and 130 St. on the Edmonton Marathon race route received multiple reports from citizens and race participants that an aggressive male was yelling and attacking people on the race route.

Officers located the male behaving erratically and observed him assault another runner, at which time he was removed from the course. Officers attempted to take him into custody; however, he resisted arrest, broke free and began to run towards other participants, at which time officers took him to the ground and placed him under arrest.

The male was placed into a marked police cruiser, where he began kicking at the windows and spitting inside the vehicle. EMS also responded but did not assess the male due to his violent and erratic behaviour. At the time of arrest, officers were concerned the incident was intoxication or mental health related.

The male was subsequently transferred to a marked police van and a spit mask was applied to prevent bodily fluid exposure to officers. Police then transported the man to the EPS Detainee Management Unit located at Northwest Branch.

Following a brief medical assessment by an onsite paramedic, the male’s behavior calmed, and he was subsequently released from police custody and dropped off at his residence. No charges were laid.

Police continue to investigate the reported assaults against other race participants and encourage anyone else who was assaulted to contact the EPS at 780-423-4567 or #377 from a mobile phone.

The EPS is unable to release details about the cause of the male’s behaviour; however, to date, we are unaware of a fraudulent water station and we have not received reports of other race participants being drugged along the race route.

There we go. No others reports of drugged participants. Dude made the whole thing up to cover his ass.