What exactly does UAE put up their noses during warmups?

Anyone have direct knowledge what UAE team is putting up their noses during their warmups?


I’ve assumed it was to block out their nose to force breathing through their mouth.

Not sure what Pog is doing there, but some riders put variants of “smelling salt” type stuff in cutton in their nose under the theory that it “opens up airways.” But I thought that was a fad that’s mostly gone away.

Pog could be doing something completely different.

This is very common during professional rider TT warmups. The cotton has some menthol on it to help open up the nasal passages for easier breathing.




This is very common during professional rider TT warmups. The cotton has some menthol on it to help open up the nasal passages for easier breathing.




I call dibs on standing in line with the 75min swim group at the next Ironman with these stuffed in my nose.

Intranasal epo

Froome said its Olbas oil in his book. Its antiinflammatory, thins mucous and wakes you up. Similar powerlifters sniffing smelling salts before a lift to get alert

olbas oil. opens up the sinuses.


Pro riders are so talented & aero that they ride with their mouths closed & breathe through their noses (except during a warm-up & don’t need nasal strips any more). Also way more ‘pro’ than just wetting philtrum.

Tramadol induced cotton plugs.

Also way more ‘pro’ than just wetting philtrum.

Awwww, c’mon

Leave Liggett alone

Pro riders are so talented & aero that they ride with their mouths closed & breathe through their noses

You are kidding, right?

Kind of; but if they’re not, how exactly can having opened sinuses help mouth breathing?

Years later, this little guy is still going strong…

Too much of a whiff and it feels like it’s frying your sinuses.

Kind of; but if they’re not, how exactly can having opened sinuses help mouth breathing?
Definitely helps with post nasal drip, which occurs while heavy mouth breathing.