What do YOU gain from a Harris/ Waltz presidency? what might you lose?

Not really.

“[Her] values have not changed.” What’s believable is that she will say whatever she needs to say to get elected.

It’s fewer flip flops than Trump.

And don’t even get me started on Vance.

But yeah flip flops is a good argument against Harris…

Probably. Then there’s Trump who takes that to a whole new level.

Obama was the last big gun snatcher boogeyman. His total impact on gun rights was to expand them.

Harris said in the debate she’s not taking guns away. I believe her. History and a divided congress tell us this.

It’s fearmongering.

On September 13, 2024, Kamala Harris said:

“I feel very strongly that it’s consistent with the 2nd Amendment to say we need an assault weapons ban. They’re literally tools of war they were literally designed to kill a lot of people quickly.”

Good. I agree. If she can get it through Congress, I’ll call it a win.

But it won’t happen.

Her quote from last week sounds like she wants to take assault weapons away from law abiding citizens.


Like most reasonable people Harris’ position evolved over time. In this case she moved closer to your position…and you use it as an excuse to hate her even more.
