What do YOU gain from a Harris/ Waltz presidency? what might you lose?

Not a fan of democrats because I believe in a strong border, small government, states rights, America First and individual liberties (doesn’t include killing an unwanted baby). I see nothing positive of a futhrer left administration. I want change from the last 4 years. What am I missing from a Harry/ Balz administration?

What am I missing from a Harry/ Balz administration?

If your actual goal (however unlikely) is to start a serious conversation, this isn’t the way to go.

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During the Trump administration my taxes increased, the deficit blew up for no good reason, race riots were a fact of life, there was constant saber rattling with nuclear powers, we pulled out of numerous international treaties and environmental protections were weakened.

During the Biden admiration (which I don’t think Harris had much influence over) we had the strongest economy of the world as we recovered from a major economic shock, saw increase in real wages, finally passed an infrastructure bill (a promise that Trump failed to deliver), we were able to build an international coalition to stop Russia, saw a significant weakening of China and would have had the strongest immigration reform since Reagan if Trump hadn’t stopped it.

I am hopeful that Harris takes the strongest parts of the Biden policy while moving away from some of his weaker efforts (student loan forgiveness). I am hopeful we can restore some integrity to SCOTUS which for some reason doesn’t have to follow the same anti-corruption measure as every other part of government. I am hopeful to that the infrastructure investments will be executed. That Putin will see strong resolve from western allies and sue for peace. The only thing I can think I would lose is material for late night talk hosts.

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What am I missing from a Harry/ Balz administration?

Aren’t you quite the witling.

Gain? A young tri guy!


That’s Lionel Sanders for all you haters…

The gain we all get is blocking a total piece of shit from being President.

It’s that simple.



A million times this.


Clean water, continued expansion of energy polices for the 21st century, sensible views on public health, respect for the independence of the federal reserve, and a commander in chief who I cannot be manipulated with flattery.


Go away, bot

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Neither the current political right or left believes in smaller gov’t. The one positive of Harris/Walz is they are not Trump who is very much an anarchist.

The last two years have seen deficits in America of 2 trillion dollars. This is during a period during which the economy is doing relatively well. Well at least compared to Europe. If you tip into recession (recessions do occur by the way) it gets worse. By CBO projections debt/gdp ratio is at a historic level only seen during financial crisis. By 2033 Social Security will have to run on current receipts a 20 cut in benefits. That should go over well when something like half the population that is their main source of money. Medicare costs will continue to soar. Debt servicing costs will be more than defense or Medicare costs. Neither party has a plan to address this both Mr Trump and Ms Harris don’t have a plan to fix this.
Systemic problems not to be addressed include
Regulatory capture by large corps including outfits like Amazon, Alphabet, Navideia etc.
Supreme Court captured by monied interests a phenomenon that occurred even before Trump took office.
Infrastructure gaps not able to be addressed bogged down by obstruction by both the left and the right.
A drug and addiction epidemic neither side has a plan for
A launch of AI without any significant guardrails to prevent AI from being more about advancing monied interests than real benefit to citizens.

Not to mention global warming.

I think if JFK came back and tried that, “Ask not what your country can to for you” speech he would be booed.

The boomers (technically not me but I think I identify with this group) have basically wrecked things. The hippies put on suits and joined with everybody else.

Bombs away.

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Hi, welcome. First I am a libertarian I am not a fan of Dems or Rep. (and despise Trump)
Well it was the Republicans (on Trumps orders, cause why do whats right for America) who voted down the Boarder bill that would have secured our border earlier this year.

The Govt typically has grown more in modern times under Republican rule than Dems. They both grow it, Rep just grow it faster. (so check your data)

I think both sides equally support state rights.

Well Trump who is the current Republican is a Trump first America somewhere down the line (based on his own statements)

LOL individual Liberties (then you start excluding them) So which one is for open marriages, Keeping the govt out of our bedrooms? Supporting everyone know matter where their parents came from or their ethniticity? Your so out of date on where the Rep party (especially under Trump) stands. Yes if you want what Trump wants you have all the Liberties if your different you have none. GROW UP.

What do you want to change? we are almost over the impacts of the Pandemic, and have returned interest rates to normal levels, Inflation is getting under control, again about where it should be. Yes the Stock market is at all time highs but thats a good thing? We no longer have race riots in the streets, We don’t have people trying to start insurections.

What have they done? Well lets start with brining Chip production back to the US thats a big one financially and Strategically, They have boosted energy production, we are now the Number 1 producer of Petrolium products, despite what the drill baby drill Republicans want you to think. They have moved Solar panel, and EV battery production back into the US. (again more power production in the states). They have stood up to a Communist dictator who is trying to expand his country into Ukraine (I mean if you like Russian expansion vote for trump he all but said it at the debate, he does not support Ukraines rights to run its own country, he wants to give it to Putin)

Now lets talk TRUMP – As he said at the debate, his H.C. Plan (remember during his 4 yrs in the office, he never released a HC plan he was always working on it, but never put one out there) Well now he has lost that plan but has concepts. So yes Biden has not done enough to improve the HC situation in America, but Trump has no plan to anything. He is on record saying he plans to give massive tax cuts to the excessively wealthy, (Think 1 million + a year in income). He plans to cut Child tax credits so more families will be struggling.

Really, if you just went to any neutral newsite, all this information is there. The only ones who believe Trump will be good for this country are those in their MAGA world. Hell Well respective Conservitives are even coming out and saying, nope not voting Trump, will vote for a Dem for the first time in my life.

Only the sheep who don’t know how to find facts for themselves are supporting this clown.

Really people eating pets… No one with a partially functioning brain find that remotely true. And Trump himself even said, well I don’t know thats what I saw on the internet… I mean he is repeating a story, that he himself doesn’t believe and has not bothered to look into it, despite the fact the people from Springfield say its not true, and the origin of the story was out of Canton when American Citizens were arrested trying to catch and eat some duck or geese at a park. But again, this is the MAGA world, ignore facts and just make shit up…


I realize you’re not being genuine with this post, but I’ll play along.

I believe in democracy and freedom. I gain that by not voting for someone who tried to overturn the results of a democratic election, has talked about no more voting, said he wants to be a dictator on day 1 and tried to implement Schedule F. If you really believe in individual liberties then you should be appalled by Schedule F.

I believe presidents should obey the law, so I gain that voting for Harris.

I believe presidents should act professionally so I gain that. I’m tired of adults acting like 5th graders…Harry/Balz, for example.

I believe presidents should speak intelligently so I gain that. There appears to be no bottom to the well of stupidity Trump drinks from.

I believe reproductive decisions belong in the hands of individuals, not the government, so I gain that.

I believe that as long as people aren’t breaking the law or hurting people, they have a right to be whoever they want to be, love whoever they want and marry whoever they want. You know, individual liberties.

I also believe in age limits. If it were up to me neither Trump nor Biden would qualify.

It’s downright comical when Trump supporters claim they believe in small government. There is nothing happening on the right that is in line with the idea of less government. Nothing says less government like dictator on day 1.

At this point, Trump supporters are impossible to take seriously. The Trump supporters I know value anything that upsets liberals more than something they would actually benefit from. They’re the most uninformed, uneducated people I know.

It’s absolutely mind boggling that people still support him.


How about a bot/troll ban? Post history is straight to the LR with a bunch of hot garbage.

I’ve told @Slowman this before in here…make a posting rule about at least X posts in the Tri forum to come here. Other forums do it and it seems to help.

Generally, when someone posts in the lavender room first after registering, I disable that account. I’ve made a couple of exceptions recently, to allow more right wing voices in, and that may be where you see a bit of a problem.

He lives! I knew if we invoked his name enough he would appear.

Btw-quoting from a phone is stll kind of kludgy

Agreed. If someone registers and immediately becomes a top shit-stirrer it would be nice if “something” was done about it. It would at least highly appear to be a prior banned poster. My personal policy is to never respond to trolls.

I engage when they tempt me with actual discussion then don’t respond when it resorts back to trolling. There are a couple of poster here who people like to claim are trolls but they will often contribute to discussions even if other people don’t like what they are saying. I often see that the alleged trolls are often more trolled than they troll.

Given the new turn of page here and wanting to bring some balance- left to right, how about some blanket ban pardons such that oldtrigal might speak as her original persona.

His persona.

With an activist and aggressive DOL and NLRB, I get more business.