I’m having my SLAP http://www.vimeo.com/3162567 (not for the weak at heart) done on Thursday and that means a lot of down time from training. The first week of course will be pretty much vegging on the couch.
What can I eat that won’t pack on the lbs while I’m a potato on the couch?
In short, I eat everything when I can’t train. The last time I took a week off training I gained six pounds. I’m not kidding. Six pounds in ONE week. I gain weight very quickly when I don’t train.
First off… awesome video
Second… For the first week… whatever you want, you had surgery! Your body will be trying to heal itself, and your current muscle mass will still burn a similar number of calories as they do normally, just without the spikes from work-outs.
Ungodlike… I cannot gain 6 lbs in a week…I’ll die, no really, I’ll die.
That’s not my video, just one I found of the procedure. I had the same freaking surgery on my right (football injury) a few years ago. This time I tore the labrum when I got hit by a car while running.
Why am I a bird?
My wife thinks I should eat a lot of watermelon/cantaloupe and stuff like that. I was thinking brocolli/cauliflower and stuff like that.
I’d imagine after a surgery like this you will want to reduce inflammation. The “Primal Blueprint” or Paleo type diet work well to reduce inflammation. IMO the Primal Blueprint is great. I personally have changed the way I eat after reading the book and love it.
If you don’t want to gain weight I would suggest that you do a BMR calculation (link below), then multiply that by your new activity level, which will be couch potato (link below).
If you eat the amount of calories suggested by the calculations above you should gain little to no weight. Just make sure you eat the right kinds of food. Ie. what the primal blueprint describes. Eating X amount of deep fried chicken a day won’t do you any good.
Although after my last surgery (distal femoral osteotomy, followed by a broken femur) I was so immobile for the first few weeks I didn’t really eat much at all–largely b/c getting to the food was way too much of a pain in the ass.
I’ve been out of commission for about 3.5 months now, and my weight has changed very little.
Eat your normal diet and if you’re craving anything go with that. If you’re seriously in tune with your body you may find that what you are craving is fruits and veggies because your body needs that to help heal itself. When I broke my leg I was craving dairy like nobody’s business.
That being said, when I was injured and couldn’t workout I found that my appetite also naturally decreased so I simply ate until full and then stopped. I ended up losing 15lbs (on a small frame to begin with) but I was on crutches for 3 months so a lot of that was also, sadly, muscle mass.
Ungodlike… I cannot gain 6 lbs in a week…I’ll die, no really, I’ll die.
I cried a little, but I’m still alive. What really hurts is the fact I lose weight really slowly. It took me six weeks to lose that six pounds then I put it back on in just ONE. I managed to lose twelve pounds in twelve weeks then in just one week I undid half that. It is a miserable feeling.
If you are not training, you need less CHO. You might look at replacing some of the carbohydrate in your diet with more protein and fat.
If you gain a pound or two: it may be from storing water as your glycogen stores refill and stay that way . So, if you calculate your calorie needs and still gain a couple (1-2) pounds, don’t stress too much.
If you don’t want to gain weight, no desserts and keep sugar low… alcohol calories pretty easily add weight too…
Best wishes for your surgery. I’ll watch the video sometime when I haven’t just eaten dinner.
I hear ya on the weight gain. Between catching a cold, tweaking my knee and breaking my rib I think I’ve run 2x/week on average since March. I’ve put on 6lbs and its driving me nuts.
Thanks for starting the thread, I need the advice too!
Be sure to eat a huge meal before the surgery. You’ll need your strength!
Seriously, good luck. I think you should eat whatever the heck you want that isn’t forbidden by your doctor. IMHO, no surgery recovery is complete without ice cream and comic books.
Pretty much the same stuff I ate normally, just less of it. This isn’t including the destructive pizza and icecream binge I went on for the 2-3 days after the crash.
On the positive side, it taught me to think about whether stuff before I eat it more (sometimes, I still like icecream too much). Did manage to not gain weight tho.