What can I do with Retul measurements?

Long story short, I have my initial measurements from a Retul scan but, unfortunately, won’t be getting any more information.

What can I do with this info?

I know the bike selector isn’t available to consumers, because the next step would ordinarily be typing my info in there to see a list of suitable bikes?

Can I do anything with this info that would help me aside from starting all over with another fitter?

The Bicycle Setup Report includes the frame Stack and Reach of either the fit bike which was used, or the bicycle itself (if a fit bike was not utilized). Search through the Stack and Reach articles on this website, and you should be able to understand how to use those numbers. Feel free to ask questions. Besides the stack and reach, the report should also include the stem length and angle, the numbers of spacers under the stem, the type of aero bar utilized, and the stack of said areo bar (the difference between the handlebar drop and arm pad drop on the report). Feel free to ask questions.

If you believe the fit was good, you shouldn’t need another.

I’m a Retul fitter up here in good ol’ Canada. If you want to send me what you got from your fitter-I assume it was emailed in pdf- I can have a look and help you sort it out. Are you looking for a new bike?

Assuming you’re happy with the fit, if you keep the same pedals, shoes, saddle, and bars, these measurements should be 100% transferable to another bike(of same style ie. road, mtn, tri, etc.). If you change any of those items, it should give you a good starting point, but you’ll likely need tweaking to arrive at the same joint angles.