hello. I’ve raced marathons and now want to do triathlon. For about 2 months, I’ve added swimming and stationary bike. I’m pleased so far. Very excited by this sport.
Yesterday, I took a tumble and broke the metacarpal of the middle finger, and fractured the metacarpal of the ring finger (in my non-dominant hand). I have a fiberglass cast extending from the middle of the forearm to @3-inches short of finger tips.
Because I can’t get the cast wet I can’t sweat. So all I can think of to do is:
(1) reduce # of calories in diet, and make sure they are all “good” calories.
(2) do more flexibility exercises.
(3) do medium intensity lower body strengthening.
(4) do a lot of walking.
(5) just chill-out and don’t try to ramp back up too soon.
The cast should come-off in about 7-weeks (that is an awful long time to not really do anything).
Anyone have opinions about what I can do to maintain my health?
technical addendum: I misused the terms “break” and “fracture”. In the medical literature, each defines the exact same condition. anyway…
What about riding a trainer, in aero, in a cold room and a fan?
yes. I did forget to list the stationary.
But it is a great idea about the fan (Ive never used one so it slipped my mind).
I’d no idea some fiberglass casts can get wet! I’m seeing a hand specialist on tuesday and I’m gonna ask about this.
Gifted makes a casting material that can get wet. I had to buy mine and take it in for the doctor to use because it wasn’t covered by insurance, but it wasn’t expensive and it was so nice not to have to worry about keeping it dry…for both training and showering.
Just get that fan pointed at you and open a window (if it’s cold out by you). You can get a pretty good workout in without getting dripping wet on a trainer if you set it up correctly.
If I forget to put the fan on when I’m on my trainer, I’m easily dripping all over. With the fan I’m just a bit “glossy.”
You also don’t have to be pushing hard enough to build fitness, just log some easy hours and maintain what you’ve got until you’re ready to push hard again.
I crashed at IMMT and fractured the 3rd metacarpal in my right hand. Had a cast on for 4 weeks. I biked (trainer) and ran my ass off during that time. Yes you’re going to sweat and it’s going to stink like crazy after two weeks but who cares. I bought a latex glove to cover the cast while showering and a spray that’s supposed to help with itchiness and odor (Google drycast). I used a hair blower to dry it after each workout… It sort of works but it takes a looong that time.
Worse part is after you remove the cast and you can barely move your fingers… It took me 5-6 weeks to regain full mobility. I started swimming right away and I’m currently almost at my pre injury levels. Good news is that my FTP increased 15W since the accident and my run is better than ever.
hello. I’ve raced marathons and now want to do triathlon. For about 2 months, I’ve added swimming and stationary bike. I’m pleased so far. Very excited by this sport.
Yesterday, I took a tumble and broke the metacarpal of the middle finger, and fractured the metacarpal of the ring finger (in my non-dominant hand). I have a fiberglass cast extending from the middle of the forearm to @3-inches short of finger tips.
Because I can’t get the cast wet I can’t sweat. So all I can think of to do is:
(1) reduce # of calories in diet, and make sure they are all “good” calories.
(2) do more flexibility exercises.
(3) do medium intensity lower body strengthening.
(4) do a lot of walking.
(5) just chill-out and don’t try to ramp back up too soon.
The cast should come-off in about 7-weeks (that is an awful long time to not really do anything).
Anyone have opinions about what I can do to maintain my health?
ghezz. If that’s what it takes to excel in tri, I might need to re-think this endeavor. But, I do like the warrior spirit mindset!
The er doctor/intern last night said 7-weeks with the cast, but I’m hoping its really more like the 4-weeks you got. I’m seeing an orthopedist Tuesday to settle this.
I crashed at IMMT and fractured the 3rd metacarpal in my right hand. Had a cast on for 4 weeks. I biked (trainer) and ran my ass off during that time. Yes you’re going to sweat and it’s going to stink like crazy after two weeks but who cares. I bought a latex glove to cover the cast while showering and a spray that’s supposed to help with itchiness and odor (Google drycast). I used a hair blower to dry it after each workout… It sort of works but it takes a looong that time.
Worse part is after you remove the cast and you can barely move your fingers… It took me 5-6 weeks to regain full mobility. I started swimming right away and I’m currently almost at my pre injury levels. Good news is that my FTP increased 15W since the accident and my run is better than ever.
hello. I’ve raced marathons and now want to do triathlon. For about 2 months, I’ve added swimming and stationary bike. I’m pleased so far. Very excited by this sport.
Yesterday, I took a tumble and broke the metacarpal of the middle finger, and fractured the metacarpal of the ring finger (in my non-dominant hand). I have a fiberglass cast extending from the middle of the forearm to @3-inches short of finger tips.
Because I can’t get the cast wet I can’t sweat. So all I can think of to do is:
(1) reduce # of calories in diet, and make sure they are all “good” calories.
(2) do more flexibility exercises.
(3) do medium intensity lower body strengthening.
(4) do a lot of walking.
(5) just chill-out and don’t try to ramp back up too soon.
The cast should come-off in about 7-weeks (that is an awful long time to not really do anything).
Anyone have opinions about what I can do to maintain my health?
Definitely see a specialist and call ahead to ask if they specialize in hand fractures, not all orthopedists do. The ER docs are not exactly experts in the field… I’m surprised they put a cast on. They usually just splint it until a specialist can see you. They told me 7 weeks and/or surgery at the ER… ended up with just a cast for 4 weeks plus another week with a removable brace mostly for protection.
The cast is pretty annoying but the stiffness that sets while you have the cast on is what really sucks… so make sure you go to physical therapy afterwards to make sure you regain mobility in the fingers and wrist. When they took the cast off I could barely move them.
Good luck and speedy recovery!
ghezz. If that’s what it takes to excel in tri, I might need to re-think this endeavor. But, I do like the warrior spirit mindset!
The er doctor/intern last night said 7-weeks with the cast, but I’m hoping its really more like the 4-weeks you got. I’m seeing an orthopedist Tuesday to settle this.
I crashed at IMMT and fractured the 3rd metacarpal in my right hand. Had a cast on for 4 weeks. I biked (trainer) and ran my ass off during that time. Yes you’re going to sweat and it’s going to stink like crazy after two weeks but who cares. I bought a latex glove to cover the cast while showering and a spray that’s supposed to help with itchiness and odor (Google drycast). I used a hair blower to dry it after each workout… It sort of works but it takes a looong that time.
Worse part is after you remove the cast and you can barely move your fingers… It took me 5-6 weeks to regain full mobility. I started swimming right away and I’m currently almost at my pre injury levels. Good news is that my FTP increased 15W since the accident and my run is better than ever.
hello. I’ve raced marathons and now want to do triathlon. For about 2 months, I’ve added swimming and stationary bike. I’m pleased so far. Very excited by this sport.
Yesterday, I took a tumble and broke the metacarpal of the middle finger, and fractured the metacarpal of the ring finger (in my non-dominant hand). I have a fiberglass cast extending from the middle of the forearm to @3-inches short of finger tips.
Because I can’t get the cast wet I can’t sweat. So all I can think of to do is:
(1) reduce # of calories in diet, and make sure they are all “good” calories.
(2) do more flexibility exercises.
(3) do medium intensity lower body strengthening.
(4) do a lot of walking.
(5) just chill-out and don’t try to ramp back up too soon.
The cast should come-off in about 7-weeks (that is an awful long time to not really do anything).
Anyone have opinions about what I can do to maintain my health?
A few years ago I had surgery on my thumb. Required a cast for eight weeks.
For various medical reasons, I had like six casts in those eight weeks.
So, I didn’t care about the casts. I couldn’t run, but did ride my trainer a bit.
I got various colors and even had a black one to almost match my suit to be in a wedding.
Maybe you’ll get lucky in a similar way.
I had that exact same injury about 20 years ago. Nobody told me not to run so that’s what I did. It was a plaster cast though, It was on for three weeks.
It was a bit unpleasant removing it as I remember.
Yes- like another mentioned there are definitely casts that can get wet. Any hand specialist should have this type of cast padding- used a lot with kids so they can shower, go to the pool in the summer, etc. You can always call ahead to the Dr.'s office and ensure they have waterproof cast padding. ( it’s actually the padding/wrap and stockinette underneath that need to be waterproof materials)
Finally a topic I’m qualified to give an opinion on- I’m an orthopedic hand surgeon. Seven weeks in a cast is very unlikely. Find a hand surgeon- the ASSH (American Society for Surgery of the Hand) has an online database look for a local one (I’m in SW Florida). Hopefully, you won’t need surgery- although sometimes that gets you back to full activity sooner. If a cast is necessary, definitely get a waterproof one put on. Oh- stay away from ibuprofen/NSAIDs/anti-inflammatory meds if you can- can slow healing down.
I also have personal experience with broken bones and training. In 2013 I fractured both elbows and one wrist. Couldn’t get either hand to my mouth for 3-4 days. I was back to work in 4 days, running 1st week, biking on trainer inside 2 weeks, biking inside in 3 weeks (carefully), swimming in 5 weeks, and back to unrestricted training inside of 6 weeks. This was in April during the build for my first ironman. Oh, and then I broke my big toe in October- 1 month before ironman. All part of the adventure of this.
Good luck- and trust your gut if you get advice that doesn’t sit well. I would be happy to look at your xrays and give you an unofficial opinion as well.
(1) 4:00-pm I’m running along, trip, and tumble a little to the left down a pretty flat ridge. My left hand hurt a moderate amount so I walked home.
(2) I put ice on it until I went to dinner at 7:00-pm.
(3) At dinner I saw the hand was hugely swollen. Moving the fingers hurt a lot. Vertical movement was unbearable.
(4) After dinner, I went to ER for a diagnosis. They actually put a splint, not a cast, on. With my phone, I took photos of the x-rays:
I don’t have the appointment yet. I’m contacting the orthopedist first thing Monday. With Thanksgiving coming-up, I might not get it looked at until 10 days after the break. So, tell me everything you can about my hand.
xrays don’t look bad- you have a base of metacarpal fracture with minimal displacement; but only one view and one fracture seen. if that is it, then you should not need a cast or surgery (removable brace for comfort) and be 70% or so in 3 weeks and 90%+ by 6 weeks. This assumes that you don’t have another fall/injury and are careful until the tenderness is gone. the hand will not feel right for a long while, but will likely be okay to do whatever you want (and not hurt it-although you may still feel some discomfort). where do you live? I might know someone in your area. i don’t see this as a long or even medium term problem.
Thanks for the excellent news! The hospital clearly didn’t have their talent working the ER Friday night.
I live in Orlando, FL. I’m already a patient of record at Orlando Hand Surgery Associates because they treated my broken clavicle (bike wreck) a few years ago (which caused me to fall-off the triathlon wagon). I am assuming that my already being a patient of record there will expedite the chance of me getting an appointment before Thanksgiving.
So, that’s my plan. I’d welcome any further advice you might have.
that sounds good. my only other piece of advice- if they say surgery, get pics of all x-rays and send to me (looks very nonsurgical to me), and consider 2nd opinion (I do know people in your area). good luck-
I got the orthopedist diagnosis done this afternoon!
As best as I could understand he agreed with your assessment.
I’ve got the next appointment on Dec. 17 to get the new splint taken-off.
Now, this one is huge. I can’t wear long-sleeve shirts until it comes off. At least it does not go too far up the forearm. Any opinion about this?: https://drive.google.com/...Fpj/view?usp=sharing
To end on a triathlon-related note, that splint totally wrecks my running posture. Cardio-wise, riding stationary bike with fans on me is the ticket.