What are your weekend plans? Sept. 14/15

What are you up to?

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Maybe buying a rusty square body chevy.

Gonna fly my snake and Harris flags while driving around the neighborhood.

Gonna have to buy some flags though.

Flying to Kansas City tomorrow and going to the Chiefs game on Sunday.

Watching the Wildcats v. Wildcats game tonight.

Two horses race tomorrow. One horse races on Sunday.

Staying tuned to the LR to see if any changes happen this weekend?

On an interesting note (for me), this weekend is the club weekend racing event (cars). I volunteered for registration duties, so will be helping check folks in Sat and Sun morning. Flagging would’ve been fun too, but I didn’t get that assignment :frowning:

On a positive note, after the morning rush of checking folks’ in, I expect to have decent downtime for most of the days to catch the racing action. :slight_smile:

And a bonus is that my volunteer hours put me over the threshold this year for some free track time before the season ends. :slight_smile:

So all good.

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also staying tuned here

I will get together with a friend, work, read, and generally rest
am in a ton of pain from ongoing medical stuff so mostly I just rest… if they have the diagnosis right (hopefully confirmed with MRI soon) I’m a couple months out from the surgery that will fix this.

I love you all! or, at least most of you

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Hope you get some answers and pain relief!

I am tidying my house and anticipating fall weather when we travel soon.

ROAD TRIP! Not far, just a bit south, but still excited to get out of town. Visit some family, watch the kid play baseball (the reason for the trip).

Sunday is more baseball, just local.

I am celebrating the MT Supreme Court’s Commission on Practice decision which paves the way for sanctions against AG Knudsen. I understand the flip-side of my celebration is the attendant grief or hardship which will flow from the possibly termination of his career. My celebration will take that into consideration.

The MT bar’s requirement for mandatory membership turns 50 years old this year. Just like me! It is a nonpartisan organization.

The MT state bar is making a statement today about protecting the rule of law and the regulation of attorneys. Omg.

I filed the grievance against AG Knudsen in June 2021. His response and the response the republicans in the MT legislature was to argue that the ethics committee does not have authority to regulate lawyers. The new state bar president says she is going to focus her attention on this issue and on the preservation of the integrity of lawyers and the rule of law.

I’m going to add non-professional/ non-political info in order to be a complete, well-rounded contributor.

I’m going to mow the lawn. I hope to paint my college kid’s bedroom walls. I’m not going to hang out with my girlfriends because time slips away and I don’t have time or energy for that this weekend.

I’m navigating a hard time in my divorce, and I hope to make good decisions in the best interests of kids, myself, my support people, my dogs, and my ex. In that order! lol

Last weekend in the Azores. Home tomorrow. It’s been fantastic. The weather has been way hotter than anticipated. Last night was the Gin Library and Azoresan sushi. Today is a few sightseeing stuff we missed earlier in the week and then we’ll head to the beach for a relaxing afternoon. I’ve been surprised at the number of runners here. And cyclists. I’d like to come back someday. But already thinking of Malta and Sicily as our next trip.

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Getting running boards installed on Mrs. mck414’s new Highlander. Then hopefully becoming one with the couch for most of the weekend. She brought home the elementary school kid crud and it’s kicking my ass.

Currently waiting to get on plane to Boston from Toronto. We are in a ground stop due to weather but the weather is perfect outside. Strange. Just talked to a couple who are now in their second day trying to get fro pie to Washington. His father was a very prominent naval aviator (First prominent African American one). He flew 300 combat missions Vietnam. Last name Patterson. I meet really interesting people in airports

Actually Frank Peterson naval aviator. They named a ship after him

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Now I am sitting in the breakfast room of the Marriott in Roxbury. Surrounded by Haitians in nice suits having breakfast before going to church. There must be some sort of conference going on. With my basic French I helped one guy find the toaster. Moments like this I love America

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Spent the whole weekend sick after finally returning home after 4 weeks of travel and mostly being not home.

Haitians eating breakfast… they’re not actually eating, you know, pets, right?

Looked at truck, didn’t buy. Needed to be 1 of these 3 things

Closer to home
Less rusty

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I spend yesterday doing work in bed trying to avoid pain and was in pain by midafternoon. I read a bit and finished watching The Perfect Couple on netflix.
Today I shuffled around walmart and have been working on my novel. And I did my shoulder PT. Some mild twinges but the pain meds I took last night are keeping pain away mostly, as long as I take short tiny little steps.