What are your weekend plans? July 6/7 Edition

What are you up to?

I’ll be on Mt Desert Island and one of its surrounding islands w a friend :slight_smile:

Oo la la! 💞

I’m home this weekend. I have an exciting lineup of chores:
• continue to give haircut to my little cavapoo
• begin haircut on big dog, who my mom says should be named Moose
• my daughter says the small dog should be called squirrel
• finish writing list of chores
• go to San Marcos to a nursery that sells actual dinosaur trees from Australia! I am considering buying such a tree to celebrate my upcoming birthday, the natural wonders of Oz, and the great people known as Aussies.
• work for just a few hours
• exercise/ build some muscle

I’ll be on Mt Desert Island and one of its surrounding islands w a friend :slight_smile:


The weather forecast for St Louis looked bad for July 4th so we made a last minute decision to go to Chicago.
We will spend the weekend exploring Chicago.

I ended working a few hours yesterday so flexed off early today. Nothing exciting planned, it’s a surprising 75 degrees out, so I’m sitting on the back deck just enjoying being outside.

Tomorrow is dog bath day, then probably grocery shopping.

Sunday is game day. You’ll find us planted at Coors Field in section 243, row 13, seats 1 &2.

Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
I’ll be on Mt Desert Island and one of its surrounding islands w a friend :slight_smile:

yup. for both the friend and the island

Beach/family stuff, with a 2.4-mile swim race (not other forum-related) on Sunday morning.

I’ll be drinking wine with breakfast and climbing via ferrata in Andorra.

Quiet one planned - I have the house to myself so will spend it watching football, Wimbledon and catching up on the election news (UK).

Will try and do some stuff in the garden - and go for a couple of runs or swim.

Dealing with my kitchen and bathroom remodel. The kitchen is finally finished! I am very happy with it.


The rest of the weekend I now need to organize all the stuff that I moved around in the kitchen, read, write a poem, watch another episode of The Bear, and tomorrow we’re going to brunch. I have a horse racing this afternoon.

Dealing with my kitchen and bathroom remodel. The kitchen is finally finished! I am very happy with it.


The rest of the weekend I now need to organize all the stuff that I moved around in the kitchen, read, write a poem, watch another episode of The Bear, and tomorrow we’re going to brunch. I have a horse racing this afternoon.

Looks great! The counters are a huge level up.

Binged all of season 3 last week. Not quite as good IMO. Still enjoyed, and a couple of really good episodes. But too many long stares off into space while all characters wrestle their demons.

Thanks! I figured if I’m going to live here, I might as well make how I like it.

I’ve one seen Ep. 1. I like to watch an episode and then let it percolate before watching the next. And I could stare at JAW’s pouty face for any length of time.

This weekend promises to be quite interesting for me. On Saturday morning, I plan to go for a long hike - there is a beautiful trail nearby that I have been wanting to explore for a long time. It’s a perfect way to get some fresh air and enjoy nature. After that, I’m thinking of going to a local cafe that I really like, grabbing a good book and spending a couple of hours there, just resting and relaxing. In the evening I’ll probably get together with my friends to watch a movie, we always like to get together and laugh at some cool comedy or get scared by some horror movie.

This weekend promises to be quite interesting for me. On Saturday morning, I plan to go for a long hike - there is a beautiful trail nearby that I have been wanting to explore for a long time. It’s a perfect way to get some fresh air and enjoy nature. After that, I’m thinking of going to a local cafe that I really like, grabbing a good book and spending a couple of hours there, just resting and relaxing. In the evening I’ll probably get together with my friends to watch a movie, we always like to get together and laugh at some cool comedy or get scared by some horror movie.

This is a bot account

This weekend promises to be quite interesting for me. On Saturday morning, I plan to go for a long hike - there is a beautiful trail nearby that I have been wanting to explore for a long time. It’s a perfect way to get some fresh air and enjoy nature. After that, I’m thinking of going to a local cafe that I really like, grabbing a good book and spending a couple of hours there, just resting and relaxing. In the evening I’ll probably get together with my friends to watch a movie, we always like to get together and laugh at some cool comedy or get scared by some horror movie.

This is a bot account

Really? It sounds like someone I’d like to date or, maybe, help manage some of my investments.

I notice they incorrectly used a comma at the end of the piece to connect two complete sentences, instead of a semi colon. It just seems like an authentic, relatable mistake by a nice person

This is a bot account

Really? It sounds like someone I’d like to date or, maybe, help manage some of my investments.

I vote for bot. Account just registered yesterday.

This is a bot account

Really? It sounds like someone I’d like to date or, maybe, help manage some of my investments.

I vote for bot. Account just registered yesterday.

Hey, your kitchen looks fantastic! I love the tile work!

Regarding the bot— I suppose you’re right. They seemed like such a nice person, although they need to read Elements of Style.

This weekend is half awesome for me/ have tough. I’m trying to groom my poodles, and it’s really hard to make them look uniformly trimmed. But I learned yesterday that it was Saturday, not Sunday, so it’s like I was gifted an extra weekend day. Yay!

Nothing particular. Dog, kids, BBQ-ing home made burgers…that sort of things. And I plan to open a bottle of Henessy cognac a grateful patient gave me :slight_smile:

Four Pass loop backpacking trip outside of Aspen with wife and two teen daughters.

We just got back, it was amazing. Perfect weather. No mosquitos. Muddy trails were the only rough spot.

Also walked by Kevin Costner in Aspen. I’m mostly shocked I recognized him.

These days I never seem to plan but rather spontaneously do.

Saturday I took my son for some country driving experience to log his last few hours before he can sit his test. My daughter, who is such an easy going delight, tagged along.

I chose a route that followed some of my old long ride routes of years past. I got this really nice memory recall of happier times; kids may have wondered why I was smiling quietly.

Weather was cold and gloomy as rain was imminent. But it accentuated the lush green paddocks, farm animals and flocks native birds. Roads were also quiet so all up it was very peaceful.

Alas Sunday was back in the office planning a way forward with some design challenges.