What are your weekend plans -- July 13/14 edition

Haven’t seen post from Dr. Tigerchik, so I hope it’s ok if I get it started?

How’s your weekend looking? What do you have going on? Have a good one!

We are in Kansas.
Over the weekend we plan to visit the Evel Knievel museum, Wizard of Oz museum, Eisenhower Museum and the Cosmosphere. Hopefully we can find somewhere to have an icy cold beer and a swim.

The Cosmosphere has a lot of great exhibits. Strataca in Hutchinson is another interesting site if you are into that sort of thing and have the time.

Planning my retirement starting Oct 1st 2024.

Going to be spending time in Colorado & Hawaii.

Traveling before WWIII

Planning my retirement starting Oct 1st 2024.

Going to be spending time in Colorado & Hawaii.

Traveling before WWIII


Easy. Sunday is futbol… Euro final at 3pm, Copa final at 8pm.

I will be practicing gratitude that my daughter’s softball team wrapped up this season a little early and we are not spending 10 hours a day at the fields in 102 degree heat. (Sorry to my friends who asked her to guest play but I said no).

And I’m going to be eating dinner and dessert with a friend at 12,000 ft. Then maybe some kayaking.

Today I’m doing stuff around the house and probably a little work since I’m getting ready to go on a work trip. I also need to go to the gym.

Tomorrow there’s a book club get together and I need to pack. Plus, the usuals – read, try and write a poem, work out.

And of course, watch the Tour de France 🇫🇷

Climbing via ferrata in the Spanish Pyrenees today.

Looking to watch the Tour de France pass by while en route to Toulouse tomorrow. Bastille Day!

Wowee!!! That sounds great!

Rat adventures continue at my house. My Big Dog caught a rat last week, and he chased a rat into a rain downspout on my house a few days ago. The rat was next observed on the ROOF OF MY HOUSE! The rat ran up the downspout!

I found the rat on the ground, dead, yesterday. He appeared to have been chewed and slobbered upon. After I disposed of his remains, I issued an injunction against my kids touching, kissing, or otherwise getting near Big Dog’s mouth. So gross!

I hope Dr.TC tells us her plans.

I’m going to run/hike around my nearby lake w/ a girlfriend. I have a few hours work. I need to buy milk and food for my kids.

I think I might have a plan for fun with my girlfriends tonight. But I’m also still kind of worried about energy & relapsing mono. Considering my plans to exercise & work today, I probably need to go to bed early. Oh well. I’m happy about my plans.

Those of you on worldwide adventures are cordially invited to post pics. Please & thank you.

I would post a pic of my rooftop rat, but it’s not that great. He just looks like Ratatouille on a roof.

The Cosmosphere has a lot of great exhibits. Strataca in Hutchinson is another interesting site if you are into that sort of thing and have the time.
As an underground mining engineer I am into that sort of thing.
We will visit the Strataca after the Cosmosphere.
Thanks for the tip.

So glad you started this! I had a really busy workday Friday and spaced
I’m on MDI for the weekend after visiting a cousin in Bucksport yesterday.


My weekend was: prep for a family bday gathering for my husband; watch the Tour; host bday gathering and try to ignore the family who brought politics to the table (grr); watch the Tour, and rest from our recent vacation to Glacier NP, which was gorgeous!

Hope you don’t mind I posted! I always look forward to these posts each week.

The Cosmosphere has a lot of great exhibits. Strataca in Hutchinson is another interesting site if you are into that sort of thing and have the time.
Unfortunately all of the Strataca tours were booked out today and they are closed tomorrow.
However this meant that we did not have to rush the Cosmosphere. We had a great time and spent 6 hours there.

I’m glad you made the thread!

Worked on my novel a bit yesterday:)