What Are YOUR Favorite Websites for Swim, Bike, and Run?

EDITED to avoid infringing on ST offerings.

Here are some of my favorites. (no affiliation, particular order, rhyme or reason)

https://intervals.icu/ Use for easy highlighting of ride-best-efforts and easy visualization of power curve.
https://pjammcycling.com/ I live in an RV and use this sometimes to plan where we travel to for fun climbs.
https://www.gribble.org/...g/power_v_speed.html Math!
http://bikecalc-staging.herokuapp.com/speed_at_cadence More bike math!
https://ridewithgps.com/ Route planning sometimes.
https://runsmartproject.com/...ulator/#modThreshold Run math!

I would love to see your resources/calculators/databases etc. What am I missing?

Global Triathlon Network
Global Cycling Network
Effortless Swimming

It’s only slightly ironic that you’re asking for your favorite SBR sites…in our forum.

Alanis Morissette would be proud.

There are more than one?

There are more than one?


It’s only slightly ironic that you’re asking for your favorite SBR sites…in our forum.

Alanis Morissette would be proud.

One answer is permitted here:


It’s only slightly ironic that you’re asking for your favorite SBR sites…in our forum.

Alanis Morissette would be proud.

I thought it was self-evident that this was the only forum that mattered, and would trump all others. Am I wrong?

I hoped that the sites I listed, and that others would list, would be things that weren’t offered by ST. I may be completely off-base here as I haven’t scoured slowtwitch.com much outside the forums… which are absolutely awesome.

Now, I’m curious.

Are the sites that I listed duplicates of pages on this site, in terms of purpose? Happy to abandon ship on all others if ST offers all this and I’m just painfully unaware!

Enlighten me! (and maybe other newbies to ST, who arrived here only because of the forum). I imagine there are hundreds like me, because in all my internet browsing over the years, I routinely stumbled into the ST forums but never saw another page of the website in google, so in my very small mind, my conception of ST was “90% triathlon forum, 10% other stuff I’ve never clicked cuz Google linked me to forum.” Color me lazy, apparently. I’m sure there others :wink:

Alanis Morissette would be proud.

PS. Feeling a bit like I’m crawling out of a dark box for the first time… I’m not connecting the dots. Care to enlighten me there too? …just want to understand the humor!

Global Triathlon Network
Global Cycling Network
Effortless Swimming

Thanks! Love GCN & GTN. Hadn’t heard of effortless swimming.

Let’s get part of this out of the way up front: https://youtu.be/Jne9t8sHpUc

Now, let’s tackle the rest of your endeavor, shall we?

We offer a training log, which yes, syncs with Strava. But it also does some different stuff/tracking, if you so choose. That’s under the big training thing up top.

We don’t do a lot of route mapping, etc. but we sure do try to offer a good repository of information on the front page about not just the training, but the products you’re likely to be using. And then there’s the local listings of retailers, coaches, fitters, etc.

We’re a lot more than the forum. =)

Slowtwitch…but you know thus already.
+1 on YouTube
*1 on Effortless Swimming
Bodyweight Warriors
Redefining Strength

Both on YouTube

Let’s get part of this out of the way up front: Video.

Now, let’s tackle the rest of your endeavor, shall we?

We offer a training log, which yes, syncs with Strava. But it also does some different stuff/tracking, if you so choose. That’s under the big training thing up top.

We don’t do a lot of route mapping, etc. but we sure do try to offer a good repository of information on the front page about not just the training, but the products you’re likely to be using. And then there’s the local listings of retailers, coaches, fitters, etc.

We’re a lot more than the forum. =)

LOL Alanis reference clicks now.

Noted re: training log! Thank you! Had I realized this was on offer, I’d have avoided linking to other similar products. I hope that the other calculators and such were valuable for their niche offering.

I just discovered ST’s stack reach database and stem calculator and am in love!! Gems like this are what I was hoping to find in such an initial inquiry!

Thank you for all that you’ve put together. Amazing resource. :slight_smile:

I think the problem was simply the title of your post. Maybe a title like “other than this great site, where else do you find training help and/or motivation?”

As a novice, I subscribe to around 15-20 running, swimming and/or cycling YouTube channels and add more anytime I see one that might educate or motivate me (added another one this morning). All the ones that have already been mentioned are on my channels list. Some others I watch have been dissed here on ST, but they still meet my needs. Some are new channels. The one I subscribed to today is new and only had about 700 subscribers. I’m at the stage where I’m trying to soak up everything I can.

I don’t have any specific non-YouTube sites other than here. If I think of a question, I normally just do a Google search and go to several different sites.

TrainerRoad forums are awesome, as are their podcasts.

Marathon swimmers forum and USMS discussions.

Slowtwitch for “fun”