What are we listening to tonight?

That’s really cool, always fun to dig those up and see clips online that you saw live. Thanks for posting this guy, I’d never hear of him otherwise. Good shit.

I’m imagining in my head Frank performing that song (NTYFTM) live with Green Day and it sounds fucking incredible. That would be a great song for them to cover.

Just saw this on twitter:

“Frank Turner officially broke the world record for the most shows live shows played in 24 hours.

He played 15 independent shows across 15 different cities in a 24 hour period on Saturday.”

Just saw this on twitter:

“Frank Turner officially broke the world record for the most shows live shows played in 24 hours.

He played 15 independent shows across 15 different cities in a 24 hour period on Saturday.”

He’s a touring lunatic, in February he’ll be playing his 3000th live show. Best live shows I’ve been to, I think I’ve seen him 19 times. I’m getting close to groupie status.

Pride night


Luxury’s latest,* Like Unto Lambs*, dropped yesterday a week earlier than scheduled, and it even made Bandcamp’s Essential Releases for this week.



Angie McMahon - Light, Dark, Light Again.

Super talented indie Aussie singer songwriter. Got my ticket for show at the Thunderbird in Pittsburgh and don’t care if i am the oldest by 20 (or more likely 30) years.

…and thank you to Thom for letting us know Frank Turner has a new album out. Was a big fan, and have seen him live twice - but have drifted away recently.

Just listened to Post Malone’s new country song (with Morgan Wallan). I didn’t hate it.


I also like his song with Taylor Swift.


I don’t know by what metric that qualifies as country.


That TS song is growing on me. I do like Down Bad from that album probably more than the rest of it, but I haven’t listened to the second part of the double album. Mostly been in my Sturgill collection this week with a healthy sprinkling of Tyler.

Sturgill and Tyler! Excellent choices.

Never heard of him before. Five songs in and I’m digging it. Never Mind the Back Problems is great.

I’m absolutely obsessed with his work. Discovering him about 10 years ago changed the entire trajectory of the music I listen to. His live shows are fantastic. I tend to bring him up in most of the music threads here.

Fun fact, if you watch the video for Do One, it was shot at the HOB in Anaheim and my son and I were in the crowd.

Have you listened to Billy the Kid’s “Horseshoes and Hand Grenades” album from about 2014 - which Frank produced? Frank sings on “Sure as hell ain’t my life”…which is easy to find live on youtube; but i think the whole album is really good. i have a signed hand written lyrics sheet of “The Satellites + 1” on the bookshelf in my study. That Billy is working as a teacher somewhere in the south shows how difficult it is to be a successful musician.



I discovered this band Night Verses the other day and it actually made me think of you. After the best living musician thread and your thoughts on Danny Carey and Tool, I figured they might be in your wheelhouse. It’s like Tool, Rush and a hardcore band got stoned together, kicked the singers out, and made an instrumental album. Wild stuff with weird time signatures, polyrhythms, and sick musicianship. Buckle up:


That’s a pretty good description, thanks for the suggestion. I’m around 10 songs deep into their playlist at the moment. Vice Wave, Copper Wasp, and 8 Gates of Pleasure stand out so far. I’m getting a hint of Incubus vibes here as well.

Love in a Liminal Space is a great atmospheric track.

Trading Shadows is a journey. This is some cool stuff! A+ recommendation.

Edit: I was listening to their playlist on YT Music (I don’t do spotify) and when I posted hadn’t heard the song with Justin Chancellor. I was thinking they could use some Justin style bass in the rhythm section. Another great song.

I just read in the comments for this song that they’ve opened for Tool. Every Tool show I’ve seen (six at last count) had an opening band I’d never care to see again. Perfect opener for a Tool show.

Greatful Dead & CSN mix playlist, digging my toes in the sand, watching dolphins feed and Navy jets fly over in formation. Pretty awesome.

I bounce around the channels on SiriusXM. Currently I have 80’s on 8 running because we have a gig this Saturday and we are supposed to play danceable 80’s music and I’m trying to get in that mood.

That’s a pretty good description, thanks for the suggestion. I’m around 10 songs deep into their playlist at the moment. Vice Wave, Copper Wasp, and 8 Gates of Pleasure stand out so far. I’m getting a hint of Incubus vibes here as well.

Love in a Liminal Space is a great atmospheric track.

Trading Shadows is a journey. This is some cool stuff! A+ recommendation.

Edit: I was listening to their playlist on YT Music (I don’t do spotify) and when I posted hadn’t heard the song with Justin Chancellor. I was thinking they could use some Justin style bass in the rhythm section. Another great song.

I just read in the comments for this song that they’ve opened for Tool. Every Tool show I’ve seen (six at last count) had an opening band I’d never care to see again. Perfect opener for a Tool show.

Yeah it’s weird, on paper it doesn’t seem like something I’d normally be into (especially the instrumental aspect), but it’s really engaging even without vox. Super cool stuff, glad you’re enjoying it!

ETA: one of the songs on the newest album has guest vox by Brandon Boyd from Incubus.

I discovered this band Night Verses the other day and it actually made me think of you. After the best living musician thread and your thoughts on Danny Carey and Tool, I figured they might be in your wheelhouse. It’s like Tool, Rush and a hardcore band got stoned together, kicked the singers out, and made an instrumental album. Wild stuff with weird time signatures, polyrhythms, and sick musicianship. Buckle up:


Solid recommendation - thank you!

ETA - Just realized where I vaguely knew the band’s name from. Chancellor and Aric Improta collaborated a while back:


Last night was Tyler Childers live. He was great and his opener was 49 Winchester and they were really good too.

Sturgill is finally touring again? Tickets not yet posted.


If you want tickets you’ll need to reserve purchase rights at his website. Booked mine for DC

Listening to this on vinyl is a completely different experience from streaming services.
