What are Riplaces?

I’ve seen some people commenting on Riplaces and most members have never heard of them so I thought I’d share a bit. We started last year and now have about 30 pros all over the world wearing them, and lots of AG’s! Its been humbling to see how the triathlete community has helped us along the way. My wife and I were new to the tri community when we started going to the Ironman 70.3’s and a few other races last year. We ended up traveling all over the US and met some truly awesome athletes - from the tops pros, to the guy that has brain cancer and is still going hard, to the lady we met who lost 100 pounds and was doing her first 70.3 (Go Tammy!), young pros, and a world champion. All of them have just been awesome cool people. Everyone has been so encouraging to us as we grow as a company and have helped us spread the word through forums like this and word of mouth. Thank you!

Here’s the top comments we get from Riplace users:

  1. Exact precision fit at each eyelet. You never have to adjust your shoe again. You know how your shoe will fit before you put it on.
  2. You don’t look like a weed eater running down the road
  3. A very clean look.
  4. Very easy to install and move from one shoe to another.

Please feel free to contact us for any questions you have. Riplaces.com



You should at least give slow man some money so it doesn’t look like spam.

You should at least give slow man some money so it doesn’t look like spam.
I’ve met the owners of Riplaces at Ironman 70.3 Raleigh and they were very nice. Don’t attack him for coming on here and trying to spread the word about his business.

You should at least give slow man some money so it doesn’t look like spam.
I’ve met the owners of Riplaces at Ironman 70.3 Raleigh and they were very nice. Don’t attack him for coming on here and trying to spread the word about his business.

Why did we attack the guy with the fake D

I run a business…I pay to advertise it though. (Not tri related)

The owner of Dished got laughed at because he kept digging a deeper hole every time he posted. His business plan and ideas of wheels was a bit crazy. He ended up shutting down his business. He also stole Flo’s wheel pictures and passed them off as his own picture.

You should look into his product. It’s different than other laces out there. I don’t own any of them yet but I might buy some to try out.

I use them in all my running shoes. Great for racing and training.
I think they have shorter life span than other brands, but you get lots of extras to quickly replace the ones that break,
Nope, not sponsored by them. Saw hem st Silverman and tried them.
My wife uses them for her walking shoes.

I’m not sure what the difference is between these and elastic laces?

David and Riplaces are great. I met David at either IM Austin or Florida, and have Riplaces on all my shoes. You will not find a company with better customer service ANYWHERE!!! He went out of his way twice to make right, the Postal systems screw up, to make sure I had the Riplaces for IMTX this last May. Thanks David.

They are individual through the pairs of eyelets. So you can have tension set very evenly. Xtenex is close, but evening the tension is not quite as good (in my opinion).

I’m not sure what the difference is between these and elastic laces?

Riplaces are elastic laces, but are more specialized. Tough to explain, just watch the video on their site. I am experimenting with them in my cycling shoes and hope to convert to them for running as well.

is there an Australian distributor?

I have been using these laces for about 2 months and really enjoy them. Great idea, great look (clean) and great fit.

Looks great! Just ordered mine!

is there an Australian distributor?[/quote

Having met Dave myself at Raleigh 70.3. I bet he would send a pair down-under. Shoot him a DM.

  1. You don’t look like a weed eater running down the road

This made me LOL!

This seems like a new spin on an old product. I’ve been using Lock Laces in all my race shoes & at $7.99 a pair (free delivery via Amazon Prime), it’s more economical than these which come out to about $9 per pair if you can get by with just one set of the all sizes bungee kit & 5 sets of the cores. It also assumes that the individual bungees & cores do not break or need to be replaced.

So my question is, what makes these better than something like Lock Laces? As for your comments:

  1. Once I adjust lock laces like a normal shoe lace, they stay in place & fit my foot perfectly. Plus, I can lace my shoes however I see fit for optimal pressure, relief, or to prevent slippage.
  2. I assume this is a reference to regular laces. If you have that much lace left over after properly tying your shoes, you are doing it wrong.
  3. I agree that it’s a clean look, but I’m also not really concerned with the cleanliness of my footwear. Have you seen some of the crap we run through?
  4. Who moves their laces from one shoe to the other? If I put these in one shoe, and take the time to make sure the lengths are right, I am not taking them out & moving them to another shoe.

I think your product is cool, but I can’t see how it’s really better than what’s already out there now and at a cheaper price.

  1. Who moves their laces from one shoe to the other? If I put these in one shoe, and take the time to make sure the lengths are right, I am not taking them out & moving them to another shoe.

I don’t own Riplaces, but being able to move them to another shoe would be beneficial because shoes only last a certain number of miles. It prevent spending $7.99 every time you get a new pair of shoes every few months.

Plus, I can lace my shoes however I see fit for optimal pressure, relief, or to prevent slippage.
I am also somewhat intrigued by these but don’t think the product would work very well with minimalist shoes like the new Nike Free 3/4/RN Flynit series.

Last year at the Great Floridan expo, I was wearing a fire department T-shirt. The Riplaces owner noticed my shirt and gave me a free set for being a firefighter. We talked for a few minutes, he is a super nice guy! Very innovative product! I hope that he is able to sell tons of these laces.

I find Riplaces more comfortable than lace locks. If you are happy with them, stay with them. Just a slightly different idea.