Wetsuit recommendation for former swimmer

I have been putting it off for some time, but I need to suck it up and purchase a wetsuit. I come from a swimming background and don’t want something that limits my feel for the water or range of motion. Also, I don’t want to spend a lot of money on it. Can someone suggest a brand/style to check out?


I am a former swimmer as well. My first wetsuit I purchased was an Orca Speedsuit. I hated it. It limited my shoulder rotation and I had no feel for the water. I borrowed a friend’s (also a former swimmer) Desoto T1 for Timberman last year and dropped 4 minutes off my swim time. I am not sure ALL of that was because of the wetsuit, but I know a lot of it was. I love the 2 piece option. I feel like I get much more mobility and can maintain my feel for the water.

I got the T1 with the zipper up the back.

You can still get the T1’s discounted at DeSoto, I think. You might be able to save some (~$50) by going with the TRES bottom.

The separate top doesn’t pull and it is VERY stretchy and only 2mm.

I just checked. they have some great prices in their sale section.

My QR Superfull should arrive today. Do some searches on this forum for good info on wetsuits. Aus_tri had a report. I think he was the first one out of the water at IMOO. Also, Tom Demmerly had a comparsion among three wetsuits.

One of the tri magazines (tri inside?) had recent equipment reviews. The wetsuit one notch below the superfull was the highest rated. They looked at about a dozen wetsuits in the review. I recall they likes the buoncy, fit, zipper, and some other features in the QR.

I also decided on ther QR based on a talk w/ their company salesman. Go to their website and give them a call. We discussed all 3 models they sell and their pros/cons, how the wetsuits would fit me, etc.

I decided on the super full as it would be the least constricting and provide the most movement. Fit was very important to me. I do not want to feel uncomfortable. If you do get the Superfull, don’t forget to size down one size (QR’s advice).

Lastly, I bought online and asked the sales rep about wetsuits. Again the superfull got glowing recommendations. I even got a 30 day moneyback guarantee and the online store, who I have bought from before, even said I could try it out in a pool so long as I fullly rinsed it before returning if I was not satisfied.

The superfulls aren’t cheap. $500. But the shipping was cheap, no sales tax, and I used a 15% coupon.

PM me for store name.

Good luck in your pursuit. I have an OLY tri next week, so I will report on how thew suit held up.

Wetsuits are like bikes…different brands fit the same person differently and different people of the same size prefer different brands. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on it, then I’m guessing that the performance difference between the high and low end QR isn’t much. The same is probably true for the DeSoto.

I’ve swum in Aquaman, Old QR, Desoto, and new QR. They all have their pluses and minuses. Overall, I liked the top end 2004 QR the best so far, but the DeSoto was a very close second…probably splitting hairs. Be careful with reviews as they are only one persons opinion. Zoot’s Wetzoot got a somewhat unfavorable review in one of the latest tri mags, but feedback from a few athletes at Ralph’s was top notch. I’m not sure of availability though.

I’d simply suggest trying on as many suits as you can…Aquaman, Desoto, Ironman, Orca, Promotion, QR, Xterra, and, Zoot are just a few of the brands out there. So…as you can see there will be a wide range of prices and fits. I’m going to say that most of the top end suits are very close performance and quality-wise, it will just depend more on how it fits you than anything.

Also, I don’t want to spend a lot of money on it
may I suggest saran wrap? not much out there that is very cheap.

UPS just delivered my QR Superfull (2005 model).

As per my earlier post I bought a size smaller as per QR. I just tried in on but have not jumped into my pool yet. In a word SWEEEEEEET.

So much range of motion and comfort in the shoulders. I have a feeling I will not be dissapointed.

For what it’s worth I am 5’11" amd weigh in at 205, yet bought the ML while QR’s website sizes me in at a L. Yeah, it’s snug, but the good, comfortable feeling “snug”, not a tight feeling “snug”.

Don’t exclude this one from wetsuits you are considering.

What did you see as the advantages over the Hydrofull model? I’m not sure I buy it that the “sharkskin” forearms actually make you faster.

Based on my conversations w/ QR, it was all based on fit and comfort. I am not necessarily looking for more speed. I am too much of a beginner and will not benefit from the sharksin speed enhancement (yet).

I guess when they told me to size down, I figured the suit must be more flexible vs. the hydrofull and I associated that with more freedom of movement and therefore comfort.

Cost is important, but too many times I have cheaped out on things and eventually upgraded to the upper end model. I guess I would say I am a “quality” buyer, my wife just says I always have to have the best. But she admits that the more expensive stuff usually is better quality, lasts longer and performs better.

So in summary, the more expensive or top end models usually perform better for me. And since I am in the very fortunate position of being able to afford it, I bought it!

I love my aquaman. Having the legs cut up some allows me to get

it off super fast!!!


Orca Pflex

There is no substitute.

ProMotion sleevless. I started as a competitive swimmer, turned open water swimmer, turning to Tri.

Love my ProMotion, good customer service, great product. I like the sleevless because it gives great range of motion and I dont mind cold arms. And the price is right.