Well that was a nice ride spoiled

This whole thread is a prime example of the whole dog-owners vs non-dog-owners debate. A lot of dog owners seem to think that their dogs are never going to do anyone any harm and can’t recognise the fact that it’s unsociable and/or dangerous to have them running amok. I’m sure he/she is just a darling when they’re with you, but I don’t want some animal with unknown intentions running at me. Even if it’s not being aggressive, there’s still a chance it’ll do something stupid and take me down as proven here.

It’s exactly the same as the motorists vs cyclists debate; a lot of motorists just don’t realise how dangerous and/or unsociable it is to pass a cyclist within a foot at 60+ mph and get all defensive when you point it out. If you take the time to see it from the other person’s point-of-view you wouldn’t do it in the first place.

Of course it’s sad that the little dog got squashed, but letting it run out in the road is just negligent. Having said that, I probably would have stopped once I thought the immediate danger had passed and especially once she caught up in the car. Just carrying on your ride is pretty cold!

This whole thread is a prime example of the whole dog-owners vs non-dog-owners debate.

Um, did you miss the part(s) where a bunch of dog owners are chiming in stating that the OP did the right thing and that the dog owner in this case is wrong and at fault? This “whole thread” is nothing more than an OP getting something off his chest, receiving support, having 1-2 dog owners be the guy you want them to be, and the rest of the thread (including the dog owners) bashing them for it.

I’m a dog person, lots of dogs amongst my family and friends, including both pets and farm/working dogs, have always loved them. My experience is largely similar to yours, but I would caveat that my perception of a dog’s behaviour is going to be very different to somebody who hasn’t been around dogs all their life. Dogs off the leash in parks are also far less likely to be hostile than dogs on farms or out in the countryside.

My take on this is:

  • personally I would have stopped when the 2nd dog stopped and tried to calm the situation down. A dog (particularly a farm/country dog) is quite likely to nip or worse in the excitement of chasing a moving target, but having stopped the chase it’s extremely unlikely to then attack a full-grown man who is standing his ground, and if it tries then you should be able to repel it fairly easily with a kick or by putting the bike between you and it. However, I can understand that not everybody sees dogs the way I do, and that with adrenaline pumping through your veins that cycling off at top speed is an understandable response.
  • I think what most people in this thread are missing is that the owner was quite possibly close to temporary insanity. This wasn’t a considered response, it was the visceral response of somebody who may not have even seen the incident but just ran out and saw her dog dead on the ground and the cyclist taking off into the distance. I’m not in any way equating the life of a dog with the life of a child, but in terms of the immediate emotional response triggered in an owner/parent by seeing one killed, it’s not far off. It’s entirely possible that she’s a basically decent person who was out of her mind
  • if you’re saying that your emotional response to seeing your dog killed would have been to chase down the cyclist and beat him up, I get that. If you’re saying you’d have done the same thing as a considered response after reflecting on the fact that the dog was running loose on the road and that the rider was just trying to escape your second dog, then I have to say you’re totally wrong. This was an unfortunate accident, nobody deserves to have their face rearranged for doing something they couldn’t have avoided, or for their immediate fight or flight response to a charged and highly stressful situation.

I do think the OP’s time would have been better spent on writing a letter to the owner explaining what happened from his perspective and expressing his sorrow for the loss of her dog, rather than posting a somewhat callous thread about it on here. Might have had a more positive outcome in terms of both helping her to get closure, and getting her to see her actions from somebody else’s perspective and being a more responsible owner and driver in future.

He couldn’t have stopped because the second dog. Bu I do agree he could at least felt bad about it.
…By this point I’m a hundred feet or more past the yard the dogs came from. I feel bad about the 1st dog, but I presume the 2nd one is still loose back there somewhere…

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.

It’s psychos like you that make me inclined to not stop if I ever hit a dog. If dog owners are going to respond like this, I suppose it answers a question our group has had regarding if we should conceal carry while riding since there is an aggressive dog on our route.
We had a local dog slam into our back fence, break through, and maul one of our dogs to death. I have absolutely no inclination to wait for a very vocal dog chasing me, much less a screaming owner who probably isn’t thinking straight either to see if either is going to be hostile. By the time she hops in the car and chases, the answer is very clear that she is being hostile.

Apparently my experience with dogs has been very different from most of you. I’ve been cycling and running for about 15 yrs on a boulevard which has a large park next to it. The blvd is a 5.2 mi loop and the safest place to ride in my area. The large park is about 3.0 miles on its perimeter. It is not a dog park per se but, acc to those who’ve lived there their whole lives, it has been standard practice to let dogs run free in this park, since at least 1980. Every 6 months or so, Animal Control will come off and on for a week or two but then they let us be. In running with my dogs through this park, I’ve only ever encountered 2 hostile dogs out of at least 5000 or so dogs in our 15 yrs, and both of those dogs were actually on leashes. I’ve always had Golden Retrievers and Golden mixes so all of my dogs have been very gentle.

I got bit on Memorial day weekend by a retriever mix. By a park I run by every week. Jackass took his dog and rode off, so I got to get the rabies shots.

2 years ago I got chased by a dog on a busy road. It made it halfway through the street and got nailed by a car.

I have two dogs, and the situations will never happen with mine because they are always leashed. Way too many people overestimate how much control they have on their dog.

Btw, you’re an idiot. I would have have rode on as well. The lady in the story didn’t seem to give a shit about her dogs if she let’s them run free, so why should he?

The only thing to fear in a dog is its owner. As you appear to demonstrate.

…so you see a dog running loose in front of you and all you do is stirring a little into the lane, instead of breaking hard??? I don’t get it. You were lucky you have stayed on your bike.

I don’t understand why there is such a war going on on the streets between cyclists and dog owners. If both would relax a little a lot of fighting could be avoided/prevented.

Coming back to the point with the small child. Would you pass an unattended toddler with 35 mph?? No, for sure not. But dogs are expected to run in straight lines?

Would you stop and show some empathy if you would have run over this toddler? Yes

When I read your subject line, I expected to read something funny that happened to you on your ride…it is very inappropriate to say the least.

Who said life was fair? There are consequences for our decisions. Irresponsible dog owner lets her dog run free breaking the law. Dog dies because of her decision. Not the bikers fault.

Of course the biker feels bad for killing the dog but not his fault. I wouldn’t have stopped either dumbass lady may have had a gun.

You making someones face hamburger wouldn’t go over well either, make a bad situation worse.

Again consequences for our decisions. You speed and don’t get in an accident; no consequences. Speed cause an accident and someone is injured because of your bad decision there are consequences. The lady let her dog run free against the law for who knows how long and got away with it. She was complacent as most of us are with cellphones, texting and driving etc. But cause a problem because of bad decisions and the hammer drops. In this case the hammer was the dog’s death. (A death that I regret and even mourn but realize it is not the bicyclists fault.)

So you didn’t even brake to attempt to avoid the dog, and subsequently killed it… Then you didn’t have the decency to stop once you were clear of the second dog. And you then blamed the woman, who just watched you kill her dog, screaming at her while cycling away.

You’re a f*cking dick.

Well that was a nice ride spoiled

The title sets the tone for the post.

He couldn’t have stopped because the second dog. Bu I do agree he could at least felt bad about it.
…By this point I’m a hundred feet or more past the yard the dogs came from. I feel bad about the 1st dog, but I presume the 2nd one is still loose back there somewhere…

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.

Wow. You are starting to sound like the people who run cyclists off the road because they belong on the sidewalk.

The cyclist did not kill this dog. The owner did, by not keeping the dog restrained according to state law. Dogs are wild animals. You cannot 100% train them to stay where they belong. They do not understand properly lines, roads, approaching vehicles, etc. If you do not fence or leash them, they will eventually wander somewhere where they do not belong.
The story ends with a dead dog. But if the rider stopped, the story could end with a dog attack. There is no way to read a unknown dog’s state of mind when they are running and barking. Best thing to do is to separate yourself from the situation.

WOW!!! Lots of armchair quarterbacks lurking around. Unless you were there and experienced the exact same circumstances its really hard to say what you’d do.

I’m sorry it happened to you, sucks the dog was killed but good fortune that you weren’t hurt and didn’t have any more of confrontation with the dog owner/motorist.

I’ve not hit a dog with my bike but have hit two with cars unfortunately - a beagle and a rottweiler. Both were obviously running at large off of their property. Both owners were very upset and sad that their dogs were hit, one killed instantly and the other ran off virtually unscathed - the beagle oddly enough. I felt horrible that it had happened but…

I’ve owned and trained working retrievers most of my adult life. I love all of my dogs but I don’t expect others to love all of my dogs and please don’t expect me to love all of your dogs, especially if they don’t behave appropriately and aren’t well cared for. Obedience training is easy to do and only costs a little bit of your time and will save your dogs life at some point.

Simply put, if you allow your dogs to run out of your control how much do you really care about them? If your putting your dogs in a position to get hit on the road do you really have their best in mind? If both dogs are chasing a car or a bike it’s not too much of a stretch that it’s a habit, a habit that can be broken if you want it to stop as opposed to being broken when the dog is killed by a car or a bike. We as dog owners are typically lazy and expect others to tolerate the bad habits of our loved pets and don’t see their bad habits the same as others see them.

Did the trooper ever get back to you with the results of the conversation.

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.

If you ever have the misfortune of being involved in a violent encounter, you will revisit this post. And it will be used to cast you as the aggressor.

I’m replying to a number of people here on more than one topic, not just this post
…so you see a dog running loose in front of you and all you do is stirring a little into the lane, instead of breaking hard??? I don’t get it. You were lucky you have stayed on your bike. …But dogs are expected to run in straight lines?
I’m actually calling BS on this…the OP hit a dog (I don’t care the size) square, kills it at 20plus and kept a it up right? Yea right…BS.
Post a video, copy of the police report or pics of blood on your bike or this whole story is TOTAL BS.
I was very damned lucky. I was sure I was going down, but all the force was vertical. From the moment I saw the dog dart out to the moment of impact couldn’t have been much more than a single second. What I couldn’t comprehend was that the dog would come straight down the road toward me. Dogs never do that in my experience; they always want to come at you from the side or rear, and on first sight I was expecting this one to do the same. Not to mention that it was a suicidal trajectory, what animal does that? Instinct was keep it as straight as possible because the dog will make a last millisecond move but in any case my balance is the best it can be. And being on the brakes when I hit is a sure way to go over the bars. Like I said, damned lucky.

  • personally I would have stopped when the 2nd dog stopped and tried to calm the situation down. A dog (particularly a farm/country dog) is quite likely to nip or worse in the excitement of chasing a moving target, but having stopped the chase it’s extremely unlikely to then attack a full-grown man who is standing his ground, and if it tries then you should be able to repel it fairly easily with a kick or by putting the bike between you and it.
    Here’s the thing with the 2nd dog - it was on an intercept course and not barking, which in my experience means they’re not trying to frighten, they’re intending to attack. The only defense I had at that moment was to roar at the dog, which had the desired effect - it was startled and broke stride. But by doing so, I have very firmly established myself as an aggressor to the dog, and there’s no way I would allow it get anywhere near me when all of its defensive instincts are engaged.
    i’ll bet if you’d been going 20-25 mph, you could’ve avoided running over the very small dog… at the very least, if you ride this same road again, maybe ride the brakes on the downhills?
    Like the rest of your responses, this is idiotic. On a rural road you ride frequently, you ride your brakes down hills on the off chance something very unusual might happen? I have been up that climb hundreds of times, never saw a loose dog on that road. If I see a loose dog and it makes a run at me, I remember for next time, but I also call the Animal Control Bureau and report it.
    When I read your subject line, I expected to read something funny that happened to you on your ride…it is very inappropriate to say the least.
    rather than posting a somewhat callous thread about it on here
    Just carrying on your ride is pretty cold!
    your extremely callous manner of handling this incident is what gets my temper up
    I probably would have stopped once I thought the immediate danger had passed and especially once she caught up in the car
    I’m not sure why I made the original post. Certainly I was still rattled, part of it was to pass on a precautionary message. But not about the dogs, I wouldn’t expect that scenario to be repeated in a thousand years. What was on my mind was that another human being made 2 attempts to attack me with a motor vehicle. In the conversation with the state trooper and the large majority of replies in this thread, that didn’t get a mention, it focused on the dogs. In the space of 2 minutes or so, I had to react to 4 potential or actual threats, and the 2 from the driver/owner still have me pretty disturbed. Once she caught up in the car, I feared for my life, which was well-founded as she made another run at me when I didn’t stop. Calloused and cold? Damn. Extremely thankful to be unharmed and still shaken by it.

If I hear back from the trooper that she was reasonable when he talked to her, I will ask him if he thinks it advisable for me to stop by. If he feels it’s OK, I will do so. If she went on some kind of rant with him, I guess I’ll avoid that road and warn the local cycling community about what happened.

So you didn’t even brake to attempt to avoid the dog, and subsequently killed it… Then you didn’t have the decency to stop once you were clear of the second dog. And you then blamed the woman, who just watched you kill her dog, screaming at her while cycling away.

You’re a f*cking dick.
See my replies in the post above. I’d love to see how you would have handled the exact same situation.

You sir, have more control than I. I would most certainly be stopping by. First to give that lady an earful and then to have her arrested.

You could have gone back after the second dog threat had ended.

I agree… the dog should not have been in the street, but you could have a little compassion for the family with the dead dog.

yes, should have gone back and said, “I feel sorry for your dog that you are an asshole owner that let it run free in the road. But at least it was only a bike and not a truck that squashed it”

What if it was a 5 year old kid that ran out in front of his bike???

Same response???

The kid shouldn’t be allowed to run in the street either.

Funny timing on this. I’m at the track on Tuesday night running quarter repeats when a boy (about 5) decides he’s going to race me. He starts running and swerving in front of me slowing me down. His parents recognize this, call his name, and the kid comes to a dead stop right in front of me. I do moves from the Matrix and somehow avoid running him over and going down myself. Parents yell an apology. I flash a “thumbs up” as I run on my way.

At no point did the kid ever jump at me, charge me, or try to bite me. Nor, was I ever in fear that would happen.

So, yeah, they are different.

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.

Clearly you have never been chased by a dog while on a bike. Off the top of my head, I know at least four people who have been bitten by dogs while biking. If a dog is chasing me, I’m not stopping for any reason, even if I just ran over your mother.

You could have gone back after the second dog threat had ended.

I agree… the dog should not have been in the street, but you could have a little compassion for the family with the dead dog.

yes, should have gone back and said, “I feel sorry for your dog that you are an asshole owner that let it run free in the road. But at least it was only a bike and not a truck that squashed it”

What if it was a 5 year old kid that ran out in front of his bike???

Same response???

The kid shouldn’t be allowed to run in the street either.

Funny timing on this. I’m at the track on Tuesday night running quarter repeats when a boy (about 5) decides he’s going to race me. He starts running and swerving in front of me slowing me down. His parents recognize this, call his name, and the kid comes to a dead stop right in front of me. I do moves from the Matrix and somehow avoid running him over and going down myself. Parents yell an apology. I flash a “thumbs up” as I run on my way.

At no point did the kid ever jump at me, charge me, or try to bite me. Nor, was I ever in fear that would happen.

So, yeah, they are different.

Yeah… way different. What if you hit the kid and hurt or killed him?

My point is… that even though it was the kids/parents fault… you would have certainly stopped and had apologized.

Glad you are alright. So many ways that could have gone badly for you. I’ve been a dog owner, been bitten by other dogs (off the bike), and been chased while riding. That shit is scary. Anyone that says you are in the wrong is nuts. I’m sure the owner was emotional over losing her pet, & would have understood her being upset and chasing you down to say something to you in the heat of the moment, but her actions were out of control when she tried to run you off the road.

How soon are you planning on riding that route again?