Well that was a nice ride spoiled

TL;DR - I killed a dog and got chased/confronted/threatened by the owner in her car

Mid 70’s, low humidity, finally. There’s a hill with 600 ft elevation gain less than 5 miles from my house that has 5 different combinations of roads to the top of varying difficulty. Lots of cyclists include this hill in their routes or just ride loops up and down it, which I do frequently.

I went out late this afternoon and went up one side, then started back up from a different direction. This approach climbs part way, then drops 100 ft or so, then back up to the top. Just after I pass through the bottom of the drop in the middle at 35? mph, a very small dog darts out of a yard ahead and to my right. It makes a beeline straight down the road toward me. By the time I see it, it’s already within 20 - 30 ft of me. I make one steering input to go from the fog line more toward the middle of the lane, but it makes the same move and I straighten the handlebars knowing the impact is coming. There’s a sickening crunch and both wheels go squarely over it, and no yelp or squeal from the dog. Before I have a chance to even think about this, another larger dog is running at me from the same yard. He is running at an angle to me and will be able intercept me at my foot. I give a huge yell which makes startles him and he briefly stops, while I give it everything I have to get past him. I’m going uphill now and slowing rapidly, thinking about how I’m going to deal with it if it continues pursuit. A woman is screaming at the dog from the yard, and I realize in a bit that he has stopped chasing. By this point I’m a hundred feet or more past the yard the dogs came from. I feel bad about the 1st dog, but I presume the 2nd one is still loose back there somewhere and I’m not chancing going back.

I carry on up the hill toward the top. I hear a car coming up behind me, which in itself is not unusual, but my spidey sense is tingling big time. It stays behind for half a minute or so, again could be anybody and they’re just making sure it’s safe to pass. But then I hear the engine rev hard and I cross the fog line onto the shoulder looking for an escape point or at least a soft place to land. The car roars along side me and swings right to run me off the road. I’m able to brake hard and swerve left behind the rear of the car and pass the now stopped car on the left. I woman is shouting out the window that I killed her dog and steps out into the road behind me. I shout back at her that the dog could have killed me and keep on going. She gets back in the car and I hear it coming hard. There’s a house on the right with a driveway with a car in it, and I pull into it between the car and a low wall, too narrow a space for her car. She goes straight on, screaming something as she passes.

I stop to catch my breath in the driveway. After a minute, I’m thinking about just getting to the top and heading home, when it dawns on me she hasn’t come back down the road to her home. Shit. If she’s up there waiting somewhere, the odds aren’t so great for me. So I’m pondering when a man comes out of the home whose driveway I’m in and asks if I’m OK. I give some kind of noncommittal answer, and he asks if there’s anything he can do. I end up telling him I hit a dog and the owner is chasing me. He pulls out his phone and says I ought to call the police. I haven’t even thought of that, and not sure I want to get any further into this, but he says again I ought to call. He’s right. I don’t want to be forever looking over my shoulder up there, and maybe she doesn’t bother to try to distinguish me from other bikers that ride out there and takes revenge on someone else, so I agree. I end up meeting a trooper at the top of the hill and give him all the details.

The trooper says he can find the house from my description of it and the car, and will talk to the woman to make sure she understands that it’s her fault the dog was out loose on a public road (a violation of state law) and could have been run over by any passing vehicle. I ask that he also point out that trying to commit vehicular assault isn’t really OK either. Oh yeah, that too, he says. He takes my phone # and says he’ll let me know the result of the conversation. I will understand if he is asked to attend to more pressing needs, but I kinda hope he has the conversation and she can accept the reality of the situation.

I’d love to read the post she’s writing on Facebook or whatever forum she wastes time on.

Stay safe out there. And I’m staying out there, understanding the risks.


Sounds like your seat is too high.

Could have ended much worse. What a mess.


I get that it was unavoidable … but you didn’t even stop to apologize and talk to her???

Whether you think so or not… animals are like family members to a lot of people.

That dog could have been part of her family for years.

Your attitude frankly comes across as non-caring.

Maybe I’m taking it wrong… and I’m glad ur OK.

All three of you made bad choices apparently. I’m sure hindsight and all, but can you imagine sitting on your front porch watching your dog get run over by a hit and run cyclist? Not excusing her behavior at all, and glad you’re ok, but it would have helped if you stopped after you were clear of the 2nd dog.

You missed the part where another animal comes out to chase him. Stopping not an option.


I get that it was unavoidable … but you didn’t even stop to apologize and talk to her???

You attitude frankly comes across as non-caring.
Still a loose dog back there that had already exhibited hostility. I would have stopped if not for that. Safely clear of the 2nd dog was too far for any communication except screaming. At which she proved to be adept.

He couldn’t have stopped because the second dog. But I do agree he could at least felt bad about it.

He couldn’t have stopped because the second dog. Bu I do agree he could at least felt bad about it.
…By this point I’m a hundred feet or more past the yard the dogs came from. I feel bad about the 1st dog, but I presume the 2nd one is still loose back there somewhere…

He couldn’t have stopped because the second dog. Bu I do agree he could at least felt bad about it.
…By this point I’m a hundred feet or more past the yard the dogs came from. I feel bad about the 1st dog, but I presume the 2nd one is still loose back there somewhere…

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.

I like to think I would have stopped too…but I can totally totally understand the OP’s perspective and his judgment about the 2nd dog. Really terrible situation and amazing luck not to go down after hitting the dog.

He couldn’t have stopped because the second dog. Bu I do agree he could at least felt bad about it.
…By this point I’m a hundred feet or more past the yard the dogs came from. I feel bad about the 1st dog, but I presume the 2nd one is still loose back there somewhere…

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.

You are smoking the drapes.

OP did exactly what he should have. I’m not staying around to see if I can become a chew toy. Hey, don’t want your dog who gets excited and chases things to get run over? Keep it on a leash or in a fenced-in yard.

Oh, and it’ll make no difference to his collarbone when he’s flipping ass over ankles because some excited dog jumps up at him as he’s riding.

He couldn’t have stopped because the second dog. Bu I do agree he could at least felt bad about it.
…By this point I’m a hundred feet or more past the yard the dogs came from. I feel bad about the 1st dog, but I presume the 2nd one is still loose back there somewhere…

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.

You are smoking the drapes. OP did exactly what he should have. I’m not staying around to see if I can become a chew toy. Hey, don’t want your dog who gets excited and chases things to get run over? Keep it on a leash or in a fenced-in yard. Oh, and it’ll make no difference to his collarbone when he’s flipping ass over ankles because some excited dog jumps up at him as he’s riding.

Yeah, so the dog is dead and the cyclist is unhurt, seems like a fair deal to me.

Did you mean to put this in pink? While most dogs would exhibit the behavior you mentioned, it’s been shown many times there is no shortage of dogs acting like this that do attack. Should he have made more of an effort to stop? Yes. Was his judgement clouded and his body operating in fight or flight? Yes. It’s easy to armchair qb it from in front of a computer screen and your not the one who nearly crashed and could have ended up hospitalized followed by an unknown threat from a second dog.

Also, to beat the shit out of someone because you’re dog ran out into the road (which could/should be mitigated by an owner via a leash, fence, training, etc). and put them in danger of crashing hard? I understanding loving a pet, but that’s some serious anger issues you’ve got. But I guess if you wouldn’t mind going to jail for assault

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.
You’re an idiot like a lot of dog owners. No one can imagine that their precious pooch would ever harm anyone. But none of you understand that a dog interprets a fast-moving human far differently than one that is stationary or moving slowly. This has happened to me several times while running and cycling - a dog comes racing toward me, teeth bared in full-on attack mode. I have been fortunate to have been able to avoid being bitten, but only just. I have been cornered by a dog while running and was lucky enough to find a stout limb on the ground with which to defend myself. That dog had every intent to do me harm, and only desisted when I got a couple of good licks in. I was scared shitless, big German Shepherd.

Every year in our not-so-populous area there is a child mauled and occasionally killed by a dog or dogs who suddenly perceived that child as a threat. There is no way I’m going to take the time and risk to figure out if a particular animal is just posturing or truly intends to attack.

You are welcome to come on out and take your best shot.

Keep your dog on a leash and in your yard and things like this don’t happen. It’s illegal for your dog to run loose, then on top of that you want to go beat the guys face in? People and their dogs drive me crazy. I have a Doberman and you will not ever find him chasing anybody and if he ran into the street and got hit I wouldn’t blame the driver for not stopping. He shouldn’t have run into the street. If anything the lady should have apologized to the biker.

He couldn’t have stopped because the second dog. Bu I do agree he could at least felt bad about it.
…By this point I’m a hundred feet or more past the yard the dogs came from. I feel bad about the 1st dog, but I presume the 2nd one is still loose back there somewhere…

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.

20 years ago I was dragged off my bike by a loose dog on a country road. Chewed the shit out of me and was coming back around for more. I spent most of the rest of the day in an ER after a passing farmer took me and my bike there in the back of his truck.

I swore that day that I would kill any dog that attacked me again. Until you have really been attacked by a dog you have no idea how terrifying it is.

I own four dogs. Love them like family. If someones dog comes after me on the roads I’m doing whatever it takes to prevent my previous outcome. Like someone else said: don’t want a bad outcome for your dog? then don’t let it run wild.

He couldn’t have stopped because the second dog. Bu I do agree he could at least felt bad about it.
…By this point I’m a hundred feet or more past the yard the dogs came from. I feel bad about the 1st dog, but I presume the 2nd one is still loose back there somewhere…

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.

You’re an idiot.

Lucky you hit that dog perfect so not to wreck. I wouldn’t have stopped since another dog was coming either and I would have probably yelled at her back for the dog almost killing me too. I don’t think you did anything wrong but I was also chased by a pit-bull this week during a run so I am over the pet owners that think they can leave their dogs loose.

Have you ever had a dog??? Do you know dogs just like to chase things and bark when they’re excited??? If you had stopped right after hitting the small dog, the bigger dog would come right up to you but I very much doubt that he would have attacked you. He probably would’ve just wagged his tail and barked. You run over someone’s dog, you stop and apologize. If this dog had been mine, I would’ve chased you in the car, cut you off, and beaten the fucking shit out of you. You wouldn’t have been able to do shit for a month or more b/c your face would be hamburger. You’re a fucking bastard as far as I am concerned.
You’re an idiot like a lot of dog owners. No one can imagine that their precious pooch would ever harm anyone. But none of you understand that a dog interprets a fast-moving human far differently than one that is stationary or moving slowly. This has happened to me several times while running and cycling - a dog comes racing toward me, teeth bared in full-on attack mode. I have been fortunate to have been able to avoid being bitten, but only just. I have been cornered by a dog while running and was lucky enough to find a stout limb on the ground with which to defend myself. That dog had every intent to do me harm, and only desisted when I got a couple of good licks in. I was scared shitless, big German Shepherd.
Every year in our not-so-populous area there is a child mauled and occasionally killed by a dog or dogs who suddenly perceived that child as a threat. There is no way I’m going to take the time and risk to figure out if a particular animal is just posturing or truly intends to attack.
You are welcome to come on out and take your best shot.

I’ve had dogs chase me plenty of times but have never come close to having any problems. You may be right, maybe I am an idiot, but anyone who hits my dog and does not even stop to apologize, that person is a fucking marked man. I live at the end of a dead-end street so not much chance of your scenario occurring.