… I thought I would put in a plug for Bob Woodward’s latest book, “Bush at war.” This really should be required reading for anyone who wants to discuss the current world situation, and the role of the US executive branch in it.
A chronicle of the Bush administration’s response to 911, this book brings you right inside the Whitehouse, and the Machiavellian power games going on in the halls of power are pretty damn intriguing; seeing them exposed can really change one’s perspective on this whole can of worms we find ourselves in.
It seems the man who brought down Nixon still wields enough respect to get access no one else can, and we owe it to ourselves to take advantage of this, and read what the principles in the White House have told him - it’s often quite different from what they have told us.
Good points on the book. This whole situation is affecting everyone. There was tremendous fuss at the Westminster Dog show last week in NYC. They eventually sorted things out, but apparently the German Shepards and the French Poodles refused to participate.
I don’t want to get into a debate regarding world politics or offer my opinions on them, but I recommend two websites that can assist people, particularly Americans, whose mainstream media outlets do not show much of the other side to issues. The other viewpoint doesn’t necessarily have all of the answers, but it’s worth reviewing.
Every person here can help others to be more open-minded and share research, whether the topic be bikes, wheels, drafting, supplements, etc., while maintaining a positive, encouraging environment that doesn’t drag into negativity. This forum has a wealth of knowledge to share. That’s my opinion anyway.