Weirdest thing you have seen on the run/bike?

She calls out, “Is there a flasher on your bicycle?” (Huh?) I slow, but don’t stop, respond “No,” and rapidly turn left and up the hill at max speed.

I don’t think she was asking if you had a blinking light on your bike.

I’m still not sure what she was after . . . but good sense prevailed over curiosity. I didn’t need to know.

Another weird experience that probably loses something in translation . . .

We were riding on a familiar road on Christmas Eve a few years back. It was a cold, rainy day. Up ahead, I see a guy pulled to the side of the road. He’s on a 26" mountain bike and he’s wearing a tattered orange jump suit under a tattered brown winter coat. He’s got a big pack on his back. He has a very long, unkempt, graying beard and long, unkempt, graying hair under a floppy brown western hat. He looks exactly like the “bear man” in the 2010 movie version of “True Grit.” He flags us down to stop us – his mannerisms portray a great deal of urgency – as if there is grave danger ahead.

Once we stop, this guy’s mannerisms are exactly like the “bear man” in True Grit. Even his voice – the tone, the halting cadence, the accent – it’s as if the “bear man” has copped a mountain bike and come out for a ride. (If you don’t know the “bear man” character, find him on YouTube. “Is anyone in need of medical attention?”) At any rate, he warns us of a very large loose dog up ahead. (We know the dog.) He explains that the dog is extremely dangerous and that we should carefully reconsider our route. He points to a tattered leg of his jumpsuit and notes that “the animal I speak of is the dog that just did this to my clothing.” He then says that, “If I encounter the dog again, I will strike him upside the head with this here machete!” whereupon he draws the machete up over his head out of its holster strapped to his back.

We assure him that we are prepared to meet the dog and defend ourselves, if necessary. (In this part of rural Tennessee, most cyclists ride armed, in case of mad dogs or rednecks.) Suitably assured, the “bear man” allows us to pass. As we ride away, before we say another word, we turn to each other simultaneously and say to each other, in our best “bear man” voices, “Is anyone in need of medical attention?” Hilarious.

We named the Strava segment on that stretch in his honor. It’s “Bear Man’s Trail.”

The tattered orange jump suit didn’t scream something like “escape prison convict” or anything? and you go talk to the guy with the machette and crazy beard who was on the lamb but you wont go help a half naked girl? haha

I run the same path 3-5 times a week. Here it is for those in Houston:

I see the same people everyday. Everyone knows everyone. For some reason this one women will never look at me. I get it. But I would think after seeing me for the 100th time she would, I don’t know, give some kind of acknowledgement. So that I am clear: I am in no way offended and have no expectations. It’s just, I don’t know, a little weird. I go to a birthday party for my 7 year old and as it turns out I see this women there. Cool. I go and introduce myself. Her son and mine are in the same grade, same school. They play together at the party. They get first and second in the laser tag because they strategize together. 2 days later I see her up the road. Great! I am going to finally get the courtesy nod. Nope. 100 runs later its as if the party never happened.

I do not wear spandex running around my neighborhood / that would be weird.

Today I was riding in a place called Sai Kung Country Park in Hong Kong. It’s one of the few places where there aren’t a lot of cars but the locals let their cattle run free so you have to watch for cows all the time, especially on descents. They are absolutely indifferent to your passing and you can buzz by them and they don’t move.

So saw about 50 today. As I was coming over one of the big ass hills and going down I saw something and thought it must be the smalles cow ever and it was actually a huge monkey.

Showed me it’s gigantic balls and screached at me as I zoomed by.

Routinely see wild boar running across the road as well.

No, but I certainly have done it in less. I’ve outrun Imperial starships, not the local bulk-cruisers, mind you. I’m talking about the big Corellian ships now

Big deal . . . tell us what’s important: Do you have the current KOM on that segment?

listen - there are no double letters in my name so clearly I did not cheat…and no I was not wearing my Garmin - the GPS gets wonky once it gets close to wormholes. You can ask Chewie, he was there.

Would you really call it a “wormhole” though? It was clearly a gravity well, but we don’t know what was on the other end

Ok. The mad dog I get… But what life experience taught you that other thing?

I’d understand if randmart said that…

Thanks, man

If you don’t know the “bear man” character, find him on YouTube. “Is anyone in need of medical attention?”

I do not wear spandex running around my neighborhood / that would be weird.

How so? I wear my lycra when I ride and if I am doing a brick I wear a tri suit. That way I can set up a transition area to practice.

Just this last Sunday I was out on a country road for a long endurance ride and heard a high pitched whine, almost like bee’s. I then noticed a few headlights coming from the opposite direction, that turned into dozen of headlights. It ended up being about 50 people on scooters on a huge scooter group ride in the country going past me. They looked like a large group of Shriners in a parade. I was laughing to hard to think about stopping to take my phone out of my jersey pocket to take a picture. All I could think of was, Heaven’s Little Devils.

They looked like a large group of Shriners in a parade … All I could think of was, Heaven’s Little Devils.

So, not these guys then?

A home with TWO Miatas in the driveway

One 1st Gen with the flip up headlights, the other was 2nd Gen with the little oval ones

One of them had a rear spoiler on it, but I forget which right now

One might have been a convertible, too

I’m *sure *they’re not going anywhere, so I’ll have to get a pic, next time I’m over that way

Some Updates

  • I neglected to mention they are both white
  • They* do *get moved around on the lawn so they’re at least driveable
  • A third one has been acquired; also white, but with black racing stripes down the middle

I promise to get a pic; this NEEDS to be documented. I mean, what kind of a person would own THREE white Miatas?

I promise to get a pic; this NEEDS to be documented. I mean, what kind of a person would own THREE white Miatas?

An SCCA racer. Probably hundreds of them have at least three.

An SCCA racer. Probably hundreds of them have at least three.

Could be

Where I live, I see mostly hot rods and drag racers

Mods vs. Rockers.

I was biking on a bike path here in CO a month back and saw a horse pulling a guy on a skateboard. Yes, a horse pulling a skateboarder.

About 3 months ago, on a run on my usual PCH path here in San Diego, I discovered ‘sports bra yoga shorts moto helmet cycling girl’. I’m running southbound at Via de la Valle and in the distance, wait, is that what I think it is? Yup, a (I’m guessing) late 20’s, fit, trim young woman wearing what appears to be the shortest, tightest yoga shorts you’ve ever seen, a sports bra and a full faced off road motorcycle helmet. I’m pretty sure it was on a road bike.

I mention this to my buddy who cycles the route frequently, and he’s like - oh yeah I just saw her the other day. We meet up for a ride the next week - see her. I run the next week - see her. He texted me yesterday - saw her. I swear anytime either of us goes out, any time of day, there she appears, like an apparition.

Next time I’m going to chase her down and ask what the deal is - I’m guessing some terrible accident where the doctor says “OK but if you knock your head/jaw/nose one more time, it’s game over”, hence the helmet.

I usually open the door to the patio while on the trainer and position the fan between the trainer and the doorway to allow cool air in. Recently while spinning away a racoon sauntered over, poked it’s head in the doorway, and stared at me. I clapped my hands and hollered to scare it away. I thought those guys were nocturnal.

Does this count even though I was on the trainer? I’ll just be opening the windows for cool air from now on.

I thought those guys were nocturnal.

What time of day was it? Those 3rd Shift creatures usually start moving around at dusk, and can hang out until past dawn

I’ve seen coyotes loping around past sunrise, if it’s cool and cloudy enough to make it seem like it’s a couple hours earlier than it really is

I thought those guys were nocturnal.

They are. If you see one very much after dawn or before dusk, it’s probably rabid. They forget all about being nocturnal when rabies gets hold. Things get weird, even for a raccoon.

A home with TWO Miatas in the driveway

One 1st Gen with the flip up headlights, the other was 2nd Gen with the little oval ones

One of them had a rear spoiler on it, but I forget which right now

One might have been a convertible, too

I’m *sure *they’re not going anywhere, so I’ll have to get a pic, next time I’m over that way

Some Updates

  • I neglected to mention they are both white
  • They* do *get moved around on the lawn so they’re at least driveable
  • A third one has been acquired; also white, but with black racing stripes down the middle

I promise to get a pic; this NEEDS to be documented. I mean, what kind of a person would own THREE white Miatas?

Def. a racer. One of my workmates owns 6 cars, and 2 of them are Miatas.

With 3, it’s easy - there’s the racer, the donor car, and the project.