Weekly how are you thread (replicating Feb 19 post from women’s)

This works as follows
On Monday I post and ask you how your week was and what your goals are for the coming one. We have been doing this for years in the womens.
Mine for this week
7/7 healthy coping (you aren’t getting more details)
Ease back into jog walk
Shoulder and hip strength daily
Journal daily

Check in for last week
6 swims , 16150 total freestyle
1 jog, 1.5 mi
1 full rest day
Did hip and shoulder stuff most days
Journaled most days
7/7 healthy coping
Big win was third consecutive period after going off birth control (it was tanking my thyroid). Yay for keeping self healthy!!

I occasionally lurked in the Women’s but for whatever reason never posted and now I regret that. I will post here.

Main goal for this week, which is almost over, is to get all my run miles in and not psych myself out about the speed work.

Here to support the thread.

YAY PERIODS. (As I sit, checking my tracker, hoping that the imminent arrival is why I felt so flat today.)

You are very capable of the speedwork!
I love your screen name !

Here to support the thread.

YAY PERIODS. (As I sit, checking my tracker, hoping that the imminent arrival is why I felt so flat today.)

Yay indeed :slight_smile:

I hope your week is going well!

Same to you!! Happy Saturday :slight_smile:

it is, thanks - am 6/6 healthy coping skills which is a priority goal right now

YIKES I have 70.3 oceanside 6 weeks away and barely gotten on my trainer (I had a few weeks that were 4 sessions, but most of the time zero to three sessions [er week and nothing really hard yet). So I have to get on the trainer, I have mainly been swimming and recently ramped up my jogging/shuffling.

Most days I come home from work and don’t feel like training between 8-10 pm but that’s the slot when I don’t have work or family life in the way to get on the trainer. At lunch time I swim. Early morning used to be good, but my day starts with too much work with stuff that happens overseas before I wake up that needs attention right away!!!

On a plus note, I own that 8-10 pm workout time slot so I should stop making excuses about not having energy at end of day.

Hey girlfriend, I like the thread.
I ran 8 miles at Sycamore Canyon today—1266 ft of climbing.
I helped my ex look for a new place to live. We’re being nicer apart. I’m proud of us.
Congrats on your period.

YIKES I have 70.3 oceanside 6 weeks away and barely gotten on my trainer (I had a few weeks that were 4 sessions, but most of the time zero to three sessions [er week and nothing really hard yet). So I have to get on the trainer, I have mainly been swimming and recently ramped up my jogging/shuffling.

Most days I come home from work and don’t feel like training between 8-10 pm but that’s the slot when I don’t have work or family life in the way to get on the trainer. At lunch time I swim. Early morning used to be good, but my day starts with too much work with stuff that happens overseas before I wake up that needs attention right away!!!

On a plus note, I own that 8-10 pm workout time slot so I should stop making excuses about not having energy at end of day.

one of the things we tend to do on the weekly thread is you can report in by day if it helps you to say “I just finished my late night session!” or whatnot. It’s like the Swim Thread accountability if one wants it to be.

I helped my ex look for a new place to live. We’re being nicer apart. I’m proud of us.

That’s good! I’m glad things are better. Yay for your run, too!

posting for accountability that I will have a rest day today. This is important so I stick to the plan for adding back jog/walk (sticking to the plan is one of my two biggest priority goals right now), and my body needs it in terms of swimming - I did not swim well yesterday.

will be repeating to self
I am capable of sticking to the plan. I have, in fact, been doing this.
I want to get good at sticking to plans. (I have very good reasons for this).

You have shown such consistency— I have absolutely no doubt that you can follow your plan. Enjoy your rest day!

I have a vague notion today to get a pedicure w/ my daughter & generally mess around at home. Our lemon tree is full of lemons so we’ve been talking about baking with them. We have given away two full grocery bags of them already.

I have a vague notion today to get a pedicure w/ my daughter & generally mess around at home. Our lemon tree is full of lemons so we’ve been talking about baking with them. We have given away two full grocery bags of them already.

when life gives you lemons…

rest day going well so far!

I appreciate the check ins

Steady on

Last week, I tried to listen more often and with more attention. That was interesting

I also skied, swam, and ran

Next week, I want to swim and run. I will also spend some time 1:1 with wife and each boy.

Be good to yourselves, people

Haven’t posted in ages, but here to bump up and support Dr Tigerchik and the womens.
Have been doing less ‘training’ and more ‘moving for fun and health’… got some 2nd hand alpine touring gear, which has been a blast. My family can’t understand why I’d want to ski up a hill, but here we are. Stayed at a hotel with a lovely pool last weekend and had my first swim in many months. I was surprisingly pleased with my times - and then I realized it was a 23m pool and my watch was set to 25m. ha!! Get out the Strava pitchforks… :wink:

Hi! Good to see you.
My brother likes alpine skiing. What goes up must come down…

Hi! Do you downhill or xc ski or both?


Now flipping over to the new week

i got major sick at the end of last week, lost sense of smell for a few days but it wasn’t covid. Looks like today I’m finally feeling OK-ish. I fell short of the 100/100 Challenge (Eric’s) because of sickness, I still got in my 100th activity but it was a very sickly walk. This week was always going to be a recovery week anyways, so I’m going to take it easy and let the body keep healing. I track my HRV and it tank on Friday, and today it’s starting to trend up and appear more normal.

I don’t have any racing plans for the year, mostly going to focus on getting strong on the bike, the gym, and the brain.

Have a nice week everyone, stay healthy.