Weekly accountability: Week of Aug. 26

How are you, how was your week, and did you meet last week’s goals? What are your goals for this week?

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Goals this week

  1. 7/7 healthy coping

  2. Journal daily

  3. Practice the 2 min pause skill and use it when needed

  4. Eat the # of calories I am supposed to (2100-2200)

  5. Do PT as directed

  6. Continue to be grateful that my body will let me do daily activity, I’m not in a cast/sling/wheelchair, my brain works really well

  7. Done!!! Now at 138 days and climbing to… 20 weeks in a row at the end of tomorrow, and toward 150. I had a very brief spiral on Fri night that in previous times would’ve sent me into the unhealthy skill but I realized what was happening, pulled out of it, and made a plan for when I am in that particular place (physical place) in the future.

  8. Most days

  9. IDK if I used this? I might have. Need to keep doing it!

  10. 6/7, but the average was 2120 so that is good

  11. done

  12. done

My weight was in the stable range (down 0.4 lbs since the week before but that’s stable) at my Fri appt. I feel frustrated that I’ve had the most calories and least exercise (as in none) the past 6+ weeks yet skipped a period (medically 6 weeks is skipping one, and that was the end of last Tues for me). My doctor thinks it is somewhat stress related, and my stress has dissipated some in the past ten ish days that I’ve been in OK… so I hope the darn thing comes. I keep thinking “blood” and managed a bloody nose the other night and that made me want to laugh/cry.

I am tired of pain, tired of standing up to work (this helps limit pain but gets tiring), very tired of food, tired of not feeling hungry (this is both because I am eating a lot and hunger hormones get weird in anorexics… though you’d think they’d be settling out), AND VERY TIRED OF NOT BEING ABLE TO EXERCISE. Oh, and tired of my body not cooperating when I am doing nothing but rest and good nutrition. There’s a lot that I’m grateful for but I am very tired of all of this.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Goals this week are the same as last.

paging madmike100, chowders, etc :smiley:

paging madmike100, chowders, etc :smiley:

Was lurking! No time for a proper post - off for a few days abroad for son’s graduation. Race on Sunday too! Will post update towards end of week.

Hope your big vent provided some relief :-/

Was lurking! No time for a proper post - off for a few days abroad for son’s graduation. Race on Sunday too! Will post update towards end of week.

Congrats to your son and I look forward to hearing about the race!

2240 calories yesterday, was not a fun day… felt full and bloated and awful all day. Didn’t have time to journal. Will try to make time for that today.

139 days in a row! Today will mark 140 days… 20 weeks. :slight_smile: have promised self

140 days - 20 weeks - of healthy coping in a row! WOOOO!

141 days in a row!
three more days and I have yet another calendar month filled w stickers. :slight_smile: this is going to look so good on my calendar.

journaled yesterday and ate 2180 calories (this is close enough to 2200 and it probably is 2200; there was one thing I eyeball measured instead of actually measured and I tend to err on the side of “call it 8 oz even if I think it’s closer to 10”)