Weekly accountability thread: week of June 17

How are you and how was your week? What are your goals for the coming week?

Goals this week:
0. 7/7 health coping skills! I keep my promises to myself. I will get the milestones of 62 days (two months straight), 63 days (7 weeks), 64 days (it’s 8 squared which is a lot of eights. Eight of ‘em in fact. I’m a mathematician…), 65 days (multiples of 5 sound big)… and I think my “pr” from fall was 77 in a row and once I hit that I can PR every single day so how cool is that?

  1. PT exercises as directed

  2. Hopefully try running (see PT this afternoon) and stick to plan there

  3. No increase in total swim volume from last week. I am traveling and am anxious about how things are going to look this week but the goal remains No Pain.

  4. Related to the above, hard 3000 yard (or 2700m) cap on any given swim

  5. Pauses! For real!

  6. Journal daily

  7. DONE! Currently 68 days in a row :smiley:

  8. done

  9. yes! got to do two walk jogs!

  10. check

  11. check, and adjusted this later in the week due to a knot in my infraspinatus muscle, proud of self for sticking to plans

  12. I once again didnt’ do this

  13. all or most

M - 3000 yd swim, 3.6 mi walk
T - 3000 yd swim, 2.4 mi walk
W - full rest day (didn’t even go for walk)
T - 2000 m swim, 0.88 mi jog as part of jog walk, 1.5 mi walk
F - 1400m swim, 3.7 mi walk
S -1600m swim, 0.88 mi jog as part of jog walk, 2.1 mi walk
S - 6.3 mi walk

Totals 11,468 yd swim, 1.76 mi jog, 19.6 mi walk

Goals for this week: same as last, and keep gaining weight… I felt a little more comfortable sharing this stuff in women’s but I am going to do it here now. I had an anorexia relapse from late Dec to early May, when I went to see my doctor and told her what was happening. I’ve been back to weekly doctor’s appts since, and while I am medically fine to work out I need to gain back at least some of the 11 ish pounds I lost. This feels more pressing to me now that I am at 7.5 weeks or so since my last period. Periods are important! Though we upped my calories in May, I kept losing weight, and I am only at two weeks in a row of gaining (0.2 lbs two weeks ago and 1 lb last week). Weight check days are Thursdays. I don’t think anyone likes gaining weight; this isn’t easy. But it is simple in terms of “I need to eat enough.” :slight_smile:

One of the things that made me go to my doc was a woman I know and respect sharing that she took time off from college running to get help for her eating disorder, so I am being more public about this because I think it does help people sometimes but this sharing is mostly selfish; I need the place to share and have more accountability and support. You need do nothing here aside from read - and perhaps hope for me that my brain won’t scream so loudly against things like the 300 more calories I should have eaten last night and just couldn’t get myself to do it. I. Will. Gain. Weight. This. Week.

Thanks everyone .
High Maintenance

Gretchen Walsh said she got that fly record bc she had a plan and stick to it.
She was talking about racing, but I file these things away…
I will stick to my plans. I do stick to my plans. That is how I need to think about it. Not I will but I do. (It is true!)

Dr T, thanks for trusting us with this info and sorry to hear you have that challenge to deal with. Sending positive vibes.

Dr T, thanks for trusting us with this info and sorry to hear you have that challenge to deal with. Sending positive vibes.

Thanks. The good news is mentally I’m in the best space I’ve ever been in regarding food and body stuff, which is helpful. :slight_smile: and I have a really fantastic MD in Maine and one in OK (I split time between the two places). Plus lots of real life support (like, non forum humans). And forum humans. I am going to get out of this.

You have a great streak going!

I got distracted for awhile, but am back.

Goals this week:

  1. PT exercises
  2. journal
  3. revisit athletic goals and revise plan as necessary

I like your sig line

It stems from something mean that a friend said about a friend of a friend, but I think it’s a pretty good motto to live by. :slight_smile:

It’s 2 weeks until ‘A’ race (well, 12 days now). Taper time and don’t do anything stupid.
Sticking with 5/7 target for smoothies and 7/7 for no phone in bed.

Smoothies 2/7 :frowning: Mixture of poor planning and just not feeling it :-/
No phone in bed 7/7 :slight_smile:
Did a little S/B/R and my strength work. A bit up and down - not feeling as fresh as I’d like some days - not sure why. No taper niggles tho :slight_smile: Backed off swimming to see if that helped sore shoulder settle - it did. Feels like that + rehab is starting to work. Have been doing daily mobility work focussed around my hips and that (or something else I’m unaware of) seems to be helping alleviate the ‘weird hip squintness’ I’ve been feeling.

Race week! As I write it’s 4 days until ‘A’ race - so just ticking over now and hoping the freshness comes. Main goal is just to go well and feel like I’m racing all the way to the end (unlike my last race where I finished still moving forwards but rather more slowly that I would have liked!).

I’m glad your shoulder is doing better and the hip. I love the “racing all the way to the end” phrasing!

Cheers to a great day for you. I can’t wait to hear about it next week.

1/1 for the week and 69 days in a row of healthy coping skills! Check in tomorrow for ten weeks!

I ate what I believe to be the “gain half a pound to pound a week” number of calories. It was so much food. I’m proud of myself.

2/2 for the week
70 days - ten weeks - in a row!!
Ate enough yesterday:)
Started my period overnight which was as unexpected as it is awesome. :slight_smile:

@ drtigerchick - amazing and very inspirational

@ chowders - happy race week!

@ omelette - do your pt today!

@ omelette - do your pt today!

Indeed! omelette! do your PT today!

(and thank you)

I did them!

I did them!


do them today too!

Now I have to!

5/5 for the week
73 days in a row
On thurs I ate 2670 calories and yesterday was 3000-3100 I think. Doing the hard sh*t (weight having been 0.1 lb less on thurs which is basically maintenance, so more calories)
I am proud of me. This isn’t easy. It is simple but it isn’t easy!

I’m having the hardest week of the year, a week that I promised everybody I would dedicate to resting & de-training, a week that I wouldn’t bike nor run.

Managed 3 swims so far (9km) and convinced myself that a 17km bike work commute doesn’t count… One more day and I can stop feeling guilty.

Did a simulated Oly training session in the heat (feels like is 97). Anticipation and mental game was much harder than the actual heat so this turned into a breakthrough session for me. Executed the whole session according to plan (emphasis on hydration and managing RPE).

Mentally, this is turning into a big boost for me. Thanks for this thread and letting me share.