Weekly accountability thread: Week of July 22

How are you and how was your week? What are your goals for next week?

Goals for this week:

  • another solid week of training, easing off a bit towards the end of the week (race is the following Thursday)
  • get all strength and prehab/rehab done
  • good nutrition every day
  • no reading phone at bedtime
  • spend a little time on new project each day

Solid week of training done: 8k swim, ~7.5hrs bike, ~3.5hrs run, got my key sessions done
Strength, shoulder rehab and other prehab mostly done (feels like maybe my shoulder is a bit less sore and for less time after swimming)
Good nutrition - 6/7 days
No reading phone at bedtime - 7/7 days
Time on new project - hmm, a little but not so much - need maybe new tactics

It’s race week! Travel to France tomorrow to take on the fearsome Alpe d’Huez triathlon (on Thurs). Going with a crew from my tri squad, so should be a great trip socially. Goal for race is simply to relish the experience.

I got over 100 days of healthy coping in a row!!! THAT happened last week (was seeking to eradicate a particular unhealthy behavior)


  1. 7/7 healthy coping - done, now at 96 days in a row. Ask me for tips to stop using your unhealthy skills because I am a queen :slight_smile: for real though am happy to share and check in soon to see the 100 day mark
  2. Journal every day - no but did a little bit. I like journals I was just so busy!
  3. Keep to half an hour of cardio a day- done
  4. PT as directed- done
  5. Hit calorie goal- 6/7 as yesterday was low. I will get back on track today. Weight was stable on thurs at my appt, I had a period last week, I don’t need to gain weight (yay! So much yay) but I do need to eat what I am supposed to
  6. Practice pauses - did sometimes and used the skill

Goals for this week are the same as last plus keep gratitude for what I can do (eg a little swim and walk, I am not in a cast, I am not on crutches, I am not in a wheelchair etc) I am going to hit day 100 this week :smiley: this is the “trying to eradicate a particular unhealthy skill” count and I am so proud.

  1. 7/7 healthy coping done! now 103 days in a row!
  2. Done most days, did when I needed it
  3. Went up to 35 min on some days based on careful analysis of 30 min being okay
  4. done
  5. Wed was 1880 calories not 2000, had a super tough day. At least 1880 is not too far off 2000. My weight was stable at my Thurs appt :slight_smile:
  6. I practiced the pauses and used the skill
  7. I was grateful for what I can do

M - 1200 yd swim, 0.44 mi walk
T - 1 mi walk
W - 1 mi walk
T - 1200 yd swim, 0.44 mi walk
F - 1 mi walk
S - 1200 yd swim, 0.62 mi walk
S - 1.2 mi walk

goals for this week are below. Made a smart decision this AM not to swim as shoulder was super achy yesterday, even though it felt ok overnight taking an extra day between swims is the smart choice.

  1. 7/7 healthy coping so will be at… ONE HUNDRED TEN next week
  2. journal daily
  3. practice the 2 min pauses (it’s a calm down strategy)
  4. eat the # of calories I am supposed to
  5. do PT as directed
  6. be grateful for what I can do sport wise

It’s race week! Travel to France tomorrow to take on the fearsome Alpe d’Huez triathlon (on Thurs). Going with a crew from my tri squad, so should be a great trip socially. Goal for race is simply to relish the experience.


Your quote from two weeks ago is still up on my computer because I’m still scared 2000 calories is too high (even w data saying it isn’t). I’ve said it before and I’ll thank you again. Thanks for helping me.

Dr. Tigerchik wrote:
ate 2000 calories yesterday (I dislike this number now as I think it’s too high if my only exercise is a mile walk but I see my doctor tomorrow so we’ll go from there)
stuck to the 30 min walk today, no twinges like yesterday so that’s good

still both hopeful and scared in terms of will I be able to get back to jogging say 30 min a day
Come back and tell me that number is too high when your period is regular and you’ve recovered from your injuries! I have no doubt you’ll get back to swimming and running as you please - you have all the determination in the world on your side 💪

You’ve got this 💪

Great, Tigerchik, on keeping up with your plan.
And good luck, Chowders, at your race.

I only accomplished my exercise goal of 10 miles walking/day, but I can live with that. I only got 19 miles done in the first 3 days, but got my psychology/physiology good afterwards, averaging a little under 13 miles/day for the last 4. I’m doing lots of short sections of 2+ miles, with occasional longer stuff thrown in, always stopping if something feels out of whack.

My current plan is working in 2 to 3-hour sections, where I walk about 1/4 the time and work on 2 other (academic) areas for the same amount of time each. (The remaining 1/4 is “transition”.)

So the goal I can specify for the week is 10-12 miles/day walking.
As far as the rest goes, all I can say is I want to work on academics and not be too irresponsible with eating. Once I get into the rhythm of these work sections I can be more precise. I’ll start working on violin when the docs implied my neck should be good enough to submerge. (They implied that it would be next week, and there’s no follow-up appointment, so I’m assuming that’s it.)

I got a new test result about the biopsy of the growth on the neck this morning, but it was all medical mumbo-jumbo, so I’ll need to find out what’s going on…

I hope someone can translate the mumbo jumbo soon

1/1 for the week on healthy coping and 2000 calories. Proud of self… the efforts to eat enough will pay off (a) when I have a weight check on thurs and it is stable again bc it will be more evidence to my brain that this is what I need even on basically 0 exercise (b) when I have a period next month (c) when my body can do more sport

104 days in a row of healthy coping! So today will be 105… hitting a multiple of 5 always feels big

Thanks for the support. Mantra today is “you can do this for two more days so will have done the 2000 calories for 7 days in a row and it can be readjusted thurs if needed”

105 days in a row of healthy coping! 15 weeks!!! That’s a lot of weeks!

ate 2000 calories yesterday. This number is still freaking my brain out despite it having kept my weight stable last week. Glad it gets re-evaluated tomorrow.

Good for staying with the program Tigerchik.

Finally got a call back from the doctor. The last test is done and everything is completely fine.

I’ve been trying to find a walking rhythm. I’m taking breaks when I feel something going wrong and now the feet/legs feel pretty good, in spite of upping distance too fast. (The neck is also feeling better, although it still bothers me a bit.)

So my distances have been:
Mon: 13+ miles
Tue: 6+
Wed: 20+ (the first time this distance in a long time; 3 sections of 6-8 miles each)

Not too much focus on academics yet (and no violin) so I can find my walking rhythm.

Finally got a call back from the doctor. The last test is done and everything is completely fine.

WOOO!!! I’m so glad to hear that!

You’ve got this 💪

I did indeed have 7/7 days (looking Thurs-Wed, as my doctors appts are Thursday mornings) with eating 2000 calories or more. My weight was stable; last week it was 0.4 lbs down from the number it has basically been for the 6 weeks preceeding it, and this week I was back to that “6 week” number. I’m still amazed I’m not gaining weight on 2000 calories a day. 2000 is the goal again this week.

thanks to everyone for the continued support. My love,

You’ve got this 💪

I did indeed have 7/7 days (looking Thurs-Wed, as my doctors appts are Thursday mornings) with eating 2000 calories or more. My weight was stable; last week it was 0.4 lbs down from the number it has basically been for the 6 weeks preceeding it, and this week I was back to that “6 week” number. I’m still amazed I’m not gaining weight on 2000 calories a day. 2000 is the goal again this week.

thanks to everyone for the continued support. My love,

Fantastic work, especially since you can’t work the stress off through exercise.

I’ve kept to the (exercise) plan, although a little more difficulty/bad news. (I’m ready to be done with this.)

Thursday: Wife looks at the incision and says it looks too bad to give me a haircut. Also says there’s no way I can start swimming by end of July. We start our walk and at the far end of the loop (about a mile away) I get some sort of a sting at the narrowest part of the left Achilles. Since it happened just as I was pushing off with that leg and we never saw the bug, I wasn’t sure if it was a sting or the Achilles. (I got lucky there.) So I waited 8 hours before doing any walking (to make sure it wasn’t the Achilles) and then did 8 miles (in pieces) to make 10 miles for the day.
Friday: Walked 13 miles (in pieces again) before my left ankle had swollen to the point where it was rubbing painfully with the shoe.
I’m going to try to get some (slow) distance today in crocs.
I have managed to get some studying in during the last few days and should have plenty of time to do more lately.
On a positive note, the neck feels considerably better. I’m also at 64 miles for the week, so averaging 10/day doesn’t require much. And I’m getting a good mindset for upping to 15-20/day.

Friday: Walked 13 miles (in pieces again) before my left ankle had swollen to the point where it was rubbing painfully with the shoe.

I’m sorry. I know the name of a type of shoe that the upper is basically a sock - I’ll find the pic for you tomorrow. I’m so exhausted right now I can’t do it immediately. If I don’t get to it, ask me

109 days in a row
2000 calories on Fri and Sat. Still scared I will gain on this even though I haven’t. I repeat chowder’s “come back and tell me it is too high when you are running and swimming”.

I’m ready to be done with this

Naa, they don’t call him madMike for nothing 😉

Glad to hear the good news re neck confirmed. Well done keeping up the walking - I keep thinking that’s probably really good for your general health.