Weekly Accountability Thread: Week of July 1

How are you and how was your week?

I’m good, although slightly grumpy :wink:

Not sure if you recall my post from 2 weeks ago, I was in a mid-season rest week. Since then I’ve just done a solid 19h full distance swim/bike/run week and will try to bring it up to 20-21h this week. There’re aspects of full distance training that I like over the middle distance - the pain is less but for longer. Anyway, my IM Frankfurt is 48 days away…


  1. 7/7 healthy coping - done! Now I have 82 days in a row! Over 11 weeks. I also have two calendar months full of stickers - may and June - I put stickers on the calendar for healthy coping days
  2. Follow PT plans for swim and run - done
  3. Do PT exercises - done
  4. 2 x 2 min pauses - used once as a skill
  5. Eat the amt of calories I said I would - 6/7, had one incredibly anxious day. But my weight was stable, my doctor is ok w this weight (as am I) as long as I keep having periods
  6. Journal daily - did most days

Had some shoulder pain develop which curtailed swimming a bit this week

M - 3300 m swim, 1.6 mi walk
T - 3.18 mi jog as part of jog/walk, 5.6 mi walk
W - 2000 yd swim, 4.6 mi walk
T - 2000 yd swim, 3.18 mi jog as part of jog/walk, 2 mi walk
F - 6.2 mi walk
S - 3.53 mi jog, 2.5 mi walk
S - 6.2 mi walk

7608 yds swim
9.89 mi jog
28.7 mi walk

Goals for this week

  1. 7/7 days in a row healthy coping! Climbing to 100 days!
  2. Journal daily
  3. Practice the pauses!
  4. Do my PT! omelette and I are doing out PT!
  5. Eat the amt of calories I agreed to (min is 2000, this feels scary right now that I am not swimming much but I am trusting my MD here and I know the math works out for this keeping my weight stable)
  6. Keep following the return to jog and swim plans

THANK YOU to everyone who chimes in on this thread. Sending madmike good wishes for his surgery on the third!

I’m good, although slightly grumpy :wink:

Not sure if you recall my post from 2 weeks ago, I was in a mid-season rest week. Since then I’ve just done a solid 19h full distance swim/bike/run week and will try to bring it up to 20-21h this week. There’re aspects of full distance training that I like over the middle distance - the pain is less but for longer. Anyway, my IM Frankfurt is 48 days away…

I do remember. Good to hear from you again!

Sorry I have not been participating. Happy “half new year” (we have 6 months left to go so in theory you make half year resolutions). My problem is that even though I have events on the horizon, I lack direction. The good news is that I have a cadence in life which involves a morning workout and lunch workout or a lunch workout and evening one. That’s about it…usually lunch workout is a swim+short jog, so the other workout involved either another run or biking. But I have no focus on what I will do in any workout I think because I have too many obligations at my company that when I get to training it is “whatever I feel like”.

This week I have Muskoka 70.3 on Sunday so other than today (Canada Day holiday…doing a 3 hrs ride and short run), it is a light week.

@dev - I LOVE a 1/2 year resolution !

@michal_CH good luck with the end of training!

@drTC I continue to be inspired by your healthy coping streak!

My goals -
PT exercises 5/7 days
workouts as written 7/7 days
Supportive nutrition 7/7 days
Journal 7/7 days

I am on flossing teeth streak since my last dentist appointment (I have to count how many days) but to keep that going too 😄

But I have no focus on what I will do in any workout I think because I have too many obligations at my company that when I get to training it is “whatever I feel like”.

if you can train w/o pain and stuff, though, whatever one feels like is not a bad way to keep a decent level of fitness.
Happy Canada Day!

But I have no focus on what I will do in any workout I think because I have too many obligations at my company that when I get to training it is “whatever I feel like”.

if you can train w/o pain and stuff, though, whatever one feels like is not a bad way to keep a decent level of fitness.
Happy Canada Day!

Thanks for the Canada Day wishes. My family has been part of Canada for over 1/3 of its history now (58/156). I just came back from a 90km ride with 3300 ft climbing and an easy 8 km of jogging (actually my sprint is barely faster than jogging so I just jog)

In terms of goals weekly and quarterly, I THINK what is going on with the sport side of my life, is I have weekly priorities for myself and my team at my company, plus 45 day goals, 90 day goals and 180 day goals. In a way it is a tough grind but that’s the discipline we need to get into long before any hope of going to public markets. So by the time it comes to sport, I don’t want the pressure of any specifics. I literally show up at my workout start line and wing it. I usually end up with 13-18 hrs per week (generally both days of weekend at 3-5 hrs) so I have decent “general fitness” and probably because of that, I am never more than 4-6 weeks away from being able to do a race.

In any case, I have Muskoka next week and on the back end of this “half year” I have the IM70.3 Worlds in NZ mid December and I am taking my longest vacation in 8 years going away for 16 days for the NZ trip.

FINALLY - I got a full release from the orthopedic surgeon and can do pretty everything. (“But don’t do anything crazy and EASE back into everything please.”) Still having issues on the bike (can’t cock my wrist to hold the handlebars), so I’m going to try the mountain bike with flat bars this weekend on a flat paved trail. It’s been a long nearly 6 months of doing very little.

Wooo! Glad you can get back to stuff!

1/1 for the week. 83 days in a row!
Yesterday I journaled, did my 2 min pauses, my PT, stuck to the exercise plans, and ate 2020 ish calories.

2/2 and 12 weeks in a row of healthy skills!
2000 calories even

Thanks for this thread.

Good to see folks normalizing healthy coping!

Me, I drove 2600 IronButt miles in a single week traveling to and from Ironman 70.3 Coeur d’Alene where I had hoped to finish top five in my age group to get a qualifier for Nice. Came in a well-deserved sixth place, so now I’m re-calibrating my goals and race plans.

Spent this week recovering from the drive and race and trying to stay consistent with training.

I’m sorry you didn’t get the spot you were hoping for.

Thanks. I try to be realistic about my abilities and I was a totally legit sixth place, so not too broken up about missing the chance to participate at Nice. Plus I was dreading the cost of traveling there, so in some ways I’m off the hook.

I’m actually thinking of deferring my fall IM CA race to next year and to spend the rest of this year losing a few pounds and getting faster at shorter distances. To me, a full Ironman race should be something performed at the middle of your ability range, not the edge.

Thanks for this thread.

Good to see folks normalizing healthy coping!

Me, I drove 2600 IronButt miles in a single week traveling to and from Ironman 70.3 Coeur d’Alene where I had hoped to finish top five in my age group to get a qualifier for Nice. Came in a well-deserved sixth place, so now I’m re-calibrating my goals and race plans.

Spent this week recovering from the drive and race and trying to stay consistent with training.

Sharon did you stay for rolldown or are there no rolldowns past 5th. Are there other 70.3’s in the next month you can be at?

@Tigerchik, on my “no program” I bike commuted 30 min to work and then at lunch jogged 15 min to outdoor pool, ended up swimming 40 min including some sprints and fly (complete random swimming), then on the jog back I extended to 25 min so at this point, I have 2:10 of training in the bag and the ride home will be anywhere from 30-45 min, so it could end up as a three hrs training day on no specific plan. After that I have a few days of tapering for Muskoka 70.3. Last year I missed the last slot in 55-59 by 80 seconds for NZ but I am way heavier now and I think the slots for 70.3 Worlds Marbella will be even harder and I am 59 and the oldest guy in age group.

Two days of tapering on Thu and Fri and then race.

have a great race!

3/3 for the week, proud of self for eating the snack to ensure I was over 2000 cal yesterday

85 days in a row of healthy coping I think! tired… counting feels hard lol

I heard there were two slots to New Zealand that did not get taken, but the slots for Nice are where the women have to rank in the top five age group to get an invitation to go to niece. And I’m not interested in going to New Zealand. That’s a long long way to go to get my butt kicked.

I heard there were two slots to New Zealand that did not get taken, but the slots for Nice are where the women have to rank in the top five age group to get an invitation to go to niece. And I’m not interested in going to New Zealand. That’s a long long way to go to get my butt kicked.

While NZ is a long way to go to get my butt kicked someone has to finish in the bottom half of the field for there to be a top end of the field. My athletic life has gone from back of pack as a kid to mid pack as a young teenager to the front in my late teens and twenties all the way to late 40’s. Now I am back of pack at 59 but someone has to be at the back and that is sport. So I think you should have taken NZ regardless of where you end up in the field.

In the end we all end up in a wooden box or equivalent underground so while alive it’s just realtive. I think if we focus on the other 8B humans who we are beating who are sitting at home it is easier to accept being ‘not so fast’

4/4 for week, 86 days in a row
Hamstring niggling and I stopped jogging after my first jog interval. I’m SO proud of myself.

2150 calories yesterday, drs appt this AM but met the goal from the 6/27 appt of 2000 or more a day