Weekly Accountability Thread: May 20 Edition

How are you? Did you meet your goals for last week? What are your goals for this week?

Goals met!

  1. 7/7 healthy coping skills to bag 40 days in a row - done! Yesterday was day 40!!! So proud of self!
  2. Practice 2 x 2 min pause calm-brain strategy: did a few times as practice and used a few times as a skill
  3. Hip and shoulder PT as directed - done
  4. Swim and run as directed - done (directions on run after M hurt was don’t run so I didn’t and wasn’t tempted as am having pain)
  5. Journal daily - done!

Week had
1 one- mile run which didn’t go well
6 swims for 10,700 yds total
A bunch of walking
PT exercises

Goals for this week are same as last so can report 47 days in a row next week.
Swim goal is keep it to 2000 or under

Tigerchik: Fantastic on keeping to your goals; sorry you’re having trouble physically.

Review of the week (making allowance for the “bug” I’m now finishing off):
Mon-Thursday: Pretty good: 12k walking pretty good, getting faster; academics: good; music: not up to goals, but still reasonable
Friday-Saturday: Not good; allowed myself to get too sucked into internet; only good thing was the walking, where I allowed a little jogging on downhills Friday when outside and did about 13:45/mile, and did almost 10k (distance) on the treadmill on Saturday.
Sunday: Bailed on everything but the (youth-orchestra) concert Sunday night, as I had been having uncontrollable coughing in the evenings on Friday and Saturday. Concerts went fine (“the” cellist with the lowest-level orchestra, and violist with the highest orch.); 4 cough drops helped hold off the coughing; only had to really fight them off on the last page.
Held steady on the diet every day.

This week:
Continue the diet (“eating” day today).
Sports: Walk/run?: 12k steps hopefully going up to 10k distance; bike: at least half the time once it doesn’t aggravate my cough; swim: out until cough clears.
Academic: physics, analysis, algebra: 6X1 hr/day each
Music: vln: 5X30 min
Other important (but flexible) stuff: 2hrs/day

Yay, Monday! Maybe :slight_smile:

Last week:

  1. could not find the sheet with my PT exercises on it so I did some random other stuff - better than nothing, but not as good as I am aiming for
  2. Proper fueling - A-/B+ for the week
  3. Check in on Sunday - my checking in goals conflict with my other goals of putting down the phone/computer.

This week:

  1. Continue to look for PT exercises and if I cannot find them today make a separate concrete plan and follow it
  2. Journal every day (stealing one from Dr. Tigerchick)
  3. Proper fueling

Thanks for posting!

Goal is to get back to swimming with the Master’s team after falling off the swim wagon back in February. Got a race coming up in a month, so I can’t delay it forever.

  1. Check in on Sunday - my checking in goals conflict with my other goals of putting down the phone/computer.

time off screens is nice :slight_smile: as is journaling!

It’s race week! Much excitement! And trepidation! Ticking over training until Thurs when I travel to the race. Got a bike fitting session on Fri (I concede; quite an unusual plan just before a race but there are reasons of course … and your life would not be improved by knowing these details, so I’ll spare you); quick spin and run on Sat before registration and bike racking … and then feet up for the rest of the day; race is on Sun (3.30am alarm :-/).

I really enjoyed my race weekend. Was there with a good friend who was doing his first triathlon for a while, plus some teammates - so the people side of things was great fun. The weather was perfect too :-). Race performance was a B- (vs my plan) … was slowed a bit by tight glutes on the bike and some nutrition/nausea issues (which despite experimenting I haven’t yet cracked) … but still managed to land an AG podium 🥈🥳 … and the body held up (last time I did this race I had to stop during the run due to a muscle injury). Immediately post race I was a bit disappointed that I hadn’t felt stronger, especially during the run (which got slower each lap) but now I’ve had some time to reflect I’m just grateful to have the opportunity to do this sort of thing.

Haven’t really had a chance to think about goals for this week, beyond rest & recover. Smoothie ingredients are in hand though. It’s 5 weeks until my first ‘A” race of the season.

I like your well rounded approach to this thread - you seem to have a rich & varied life! Do take care with the cough … I know you know this but there is only downside to adding more stressors while your body is recovering.

Wooo AG podium! I’m sorry it was a B- in comparison to what you wanted, though.

1/1 for the week and 41 days in a row! Wait til tomorrow when I will be reporting six weeks :slight_smile:

I was really upset about a work thing yesterday and dealt w it healthily via talking to a couple colleagues and getting professional support, I did some two min pauses to just breathe, and I journaled. V proud of self

2/2 for the week and 6 weeks in a row of healthy coping skills!

Long time observer of the forums… I like the idea of this thread. There’s enough negativity out there so to have a positive reinforcement for the community - it’s a good thing.

Made it through all of last week’s sessions. Had some time trials upfront to assess training progress. Was less than impressed with my performance (endurance and ability to take on increasing volume continues to improve but not seeing gains in speed that I’d like to see).

This week is progressing along well enough. Hitting the sessions and the target training zones / RPEs. Some travel coming up that is going to cause me to adjust to just the plan a bit (won’t have access to pool or bike so need to adjust runs).

Again, this thread is good for me - keeping me accountable to someone other than myself. Two thumbs up.

welcome! Thanks for contributing and I’m glad you’re here.

Thanks for the good vibes.

(And congrats to Tigerchik to keep her streak going.)

Did poorly at the end of last week and Monday (not sticking with the program,) but realized today that I’m not really getting much sleep with this cough. (No longer sick, but system still clearing.)

OK yesterday with by far the most (fast) walking in a long time. (Achilles has been feeling better, so I did 10.33 miles outside averaging about 14:20/mile with no running. Working on cadence.) About 3 hours on physics, along with the usual trying to get the kids to do what they have to do.

Didn’t sleep well again last night (maybe 3 hrs actual sleep) and multiple events with the kids today, so I don’t know how well it will end up, but hoping for the best.

I’m glad your Achilles is feeling better!

43rd day in a row yesterday (and 3/3 for the week)! STACKING DAYS

4/4 for the week and 44 days in a row
Wanted to swim more than 2000 today and so proud of self for not doing it.

Endless Summer 100/100 started this morning, as it has for the past 10 Summers


“Wake up and smell the bug spray”

5/5 for the week.
Coping healthfully w extreme anxiety lately
45 days in a row :slight_smile: I keep a calendar w a sticker for each healthy coping day and May is going to be all stickers! Will be the first full page of stickers since fall . I can do it!

6/6, and way less anxious today
46 days in a row!