Weekly accountability thread: May 13 edition

How are you? Did you meet last week’s goals? What are your goals for this week?

Goals met!

  1. 7/7 days healthy coping - yes! Yesterday was day 33 in a row!
  2. Practice 2 min pauses twice a day- not all days but did when I needed it as a skill, and some practice
  3. Journal daily- 6/7 but did it when I needed to
    4 hip and shoulder pt as directed - yes
  4. Follow pt instructions for swim and run- done

M- off
T- 1000 yd swim, 1 mi run
W- 60 min walk
Th- 1000 yd swim
F - 60 min walk
S - 1000 yd swim
S - 60 min walk

Goals this week same as last. Watch me tell you I have 40 days in a row next week! I can and will do it bc I keep my promises to myself.

Congrats on having everything go so well.

My week ended poorly, as quite a number of things came up on Friday and over the weekend.
Still, 12k steps every day, but only 2 days biking and none swimming; the 3 academic subjects got done 5-6X for at least an hour each time, violin 5X (and starting to sound reasonable), cello only twice.
Good about not getting distracted at the beginning of the week, but with all the horror happening on college campuses (my mother’s side is Jewish, so I am too) I got too hung up looking at social media at the end of the week.

Goals for the week (modified because an illness is running through the family and there are many family obligations this week):
(1) Sports: walk: 7X12k; bike: 3-5X30min; swim: 0X30min (unless my cough clears)
(2) Academic: algebra: 6X1hr; analysis: 6X1hr; physics: 6X1hr
(3) Music: violin: 5X30min; cello (concert this Sunday): 5X20min
(4) Limit ineffective internet usage and do planning ahead of time.

Now 2 weeks until first race - sh*t, where did the time go? A week or so of training left, sandwiched between a few easy days at the start and end of this 2 week period. Do I feel ready? Not really … mini race simulation on Sunday might boost confidence (or not!) … and hopefully race nutrition will feel good (which would be a first!).

On nutrition: I have a strategy … if I eat more good stuff there won’t be any room for less good stuff. First step - have a smoothie every day.

Training last week went more or less to plan. Nice chilled start to the week, focussed on recovery, then building back up a bit towards race simulation session on Sunday. Except I was feeling a bit tired so moved race simulation to today. I did manage an OW swim though - it’s been a very cold spring here but the weather turned at the start of last week and the water temps are already ok. Last week wasn’t about volume, but for the record: 8k swim, 4hrs bike, 2ish hrs run; did all my strength and prehab work. My taper niggle for this race is a sore shoulder … I’m assuming that as it’s a taper niggle it’ll disappear as quickly as it arrived. Not a single smoothie consumed :-0 I’ll worry about that after my race. I did have one today though :slight_smile:

It’s race week! Much excitement! And trepidation! Ticking over training until Thurs when I travel to the race. Got a bike fitting session on Fri (I concede; quite an unusual plan just before a race but there are reasons of course … and your life would not be improved by knowing these details, so I’ll spare you); quick spin and run on Sat before registration and bike racking … and then feet up for the rest of the day; race is on Sun (3.30am alarm :-/).

I hate taper niggles! I hope you have a great race.

1/1 for the week and 34 days in a row of healthy coping skills!
Just swam and a proud of self for sticking to the plan, which was 1200 yds. This made two days in a row which I haven’t done for a bit. Trying to be smart here :slight_smile:

Yesterday was a blur.

Goals for this week

  1. find sheet with pt exercises
  2. make plan for doing them and start tomorrow
  3. supportive nutrition
  4. check back in Sunday

How is your foot?

2/2 for the week (how is it only Wed.?) and THIRTY FIVE DAYS OF HEALTHY COPING SKILLS IN A ROW! FIVE WEEKS! So proud of self.

Not great. Continuing to get treatment on it and hoping that not running for a while will give it time to heal. I had been running a lot so spending time in my bike is nice.

Congratulations! Awesome job these past couple of weeks!

Thanks for the kind words :slight_smile:
I’m sorry your foot is still bugging you but glad you are enjoying the bike time.

I hope you have a fantastic race! Are you doing Chattanooga (which it seems like everyone I know is doing) or something more unique? Either way, I hope you have fun and that it’s a good day!

I hope you have a fantastic race! Are you doing Chattanooga (which it seems like everyone I know is doing) or something more unique? Either way, I hope you have fun and that it’s a good day!

Thank you! Not Chat … I live in Scotland and do my races in the UK/Europe. There’s a race series in the UK called Outlaw - they do an iron distance and a few half iron distances races (and a few other things) … I’m doing a half … it draws a good crowd (1000+ entrants and pretty competitive) but has more of a ‘local tri’ vibe vs IM (not that I dislike IM races it’s just different … and I like supporting an independent race organiser etc).

Sorry to hear your foot is troubling you … sending +ve rehab thoughts :slight_smile:

3/3 for the week and 36 days in a row
Stuck to my plan in the pool today despite temptation to do more bc of anxiety !

Yesterday felt like “how on earth is it only Wednesday”

Yesterday evening I had a lot of anxiety but I used the healthy skills!

Much more interesting than Chattanooga (at least to me in the US ;))!

Really brief 'cause 7 of 8 of us (me included) have or had a respiratory tract infection (again) that my wife (who has it the worst in the family) feels is covid.

12k steps daily, Achilles feeling pretty good and bottom of foot is feeling better. (I switched back to the orthotics I had before the orthopedist.) Timed 2 miles today walking at 13:45 pace/mile when I wasn’t coughing too much. Skipping other exercise until system somewhat recovered.
Violin 2X at about 1 hr each but no cello. Studying about 4 hrs/day but frustratingly slow (only algebra coming easily); today just focused on physics since my progress has been very lethargic and I felt I needed to go back over some of it to make the new material settle in more easily.

Just got the little ones (10 and 13) to sleep about 30 minutes ago (it’s 3:30 am now here), and also been having trouble explaining to my 15-year-old know-it-all why he needs to quarantine when he’s sick. (And hope some of this makes sense.)

Hoping I’m well enough to play the concert on Sunday. (Already had to cancel 2 appts to finish my wife’s teeth implants, violin lessons for 4 of the kids, and missed my girls’ theater performances.)

The diet I’m on (which I think I forgot to mention before) has felt very easy and my weight seems to be coming down slowly. Now the “baby” is only full-term rather than overdue.

Sorry for all the whinging.

Congrats on doing so well Tigerchik.
Hope you feel better Omelette.
Good luck in the race Chowders.

No apologies needed for whining. You aren’t whining. I hope everyone feels better!

37 days in a row :slight_smile:

I am upset about something this morning and am going to journal first thing bc that is the thing that will help me sort out the feelings. I will check back in to say I did this… I need to prioritize the journaling over other stuff that my brain is saying is “important” but can, in fact, wait a half hour

journaling done
it didn’t totally alleviate the feeling. I think I need more time. I may need to speak w the other person involved.

I can and will use my healthy skills for the rest of the day. check in coming later.