Weekly accountability thread - Mar 18

How are you and how was your week?

This coming week triathlon training is a repeat of last week with a little progression in certain sessions. Noticed that my sleep habits have become a bit slack recently so I’m going to make it a good sleep habits week (and esp no reading on phone in bed).


Solid training week: 12+k swim, 7:45 bike, 3:20 run (inc. 4.2k worth of 10k pace intervals, which I’m hoping to slowly build over coming weeks) and 1x strength (but only did 2 of 4 planned 10min supplemental prehab work). Was tired Fri/Sat (not helped by tri squad group endurance ride being a bit surge-y), but good tired. Did well with ‘sleep habits week’ - got to bed a little earlier and no reading news on phone in bed 6/7 days (for some reason I thought it was ok to do it on Sat night … think because Sun was day off training … when really another 30-45mins sleep would have served me better). Got a bit more time invested on new project too.

Training this coming week is similar to past 2 but with no long ride on Sat (plan is to sprinkle a little more easy volume through the first part of the week instead … but we’ll see how much energy I have for that) due to setting up race venue for my Tri club’s duathlon race on Sunday. Looking forward to volunteering duties on Sunday and hoping for nice weather (which is far from guaranteed in Scotland in March! Will repeat ‘sleep habits week’ too to see if I can make the better habits stick.

Last Week:

  1. Swim 4 times—YES
  2. Run a total of 25 miles—NO, I only managed 15miles. My low back started to go out when I woke up on Saturday morning, and thus, I missed my long run and brick run over the weekend.
  3. Bike a total of 100 miles—YES
  4. Yoga 5 times—No, I only managed yoga twice last week.
  5. Read a book for pleasure 5 times for at least 15 minutes—NO

This Week:
I’ll be trying for the same 5 things with the addition of “more” synchronous communication with people.

goals for this week

  1. 7/7 healthy coping skills
  2. continue to follow the PT’s plan for swimming and shoulder strength
  3. journal every day
  4. continue to remind self I am not in a wheelchair, sling, or crutches and my body has a lot going for it
  5. continue to do things that let hamstring tendonitis heal

I still mostly am not enjoying my life right now - there are some bright moments but they feel vastly overshadowed by months of not being able to work out much - so expect daily updates, as they help me.

  1. 6/7
  2. B on this
  3. most days
  4. I once again could have done more of this
  5. done!

same comment as above in the high-functioning depression and anxiety

M - off
T - 2000 yd free, 400 kick
W - 4200 yd kick
T - 2000 free, 1000 kick, 1 mi walk
F - 2700 free, 1800 kick, 1.75 mi walk
S - 2.15 mi jog, 3.1 mi walk
S - 2.15 mi jog, 3.27 mi walk

6700 yd freestyle
7400 yd kick (I’m logging this separately bc I need to know the volume I’m asking of my shoulders, and if I need the Big Kahuna pts at the end of the year I’ll add them as swim points, which I’m not currently doing)
4.3 mi jog
little over 9 mi walking

goals for this week

  1. 7/7 healthy coping skills! I’m mad at myself for having an unhealthy coping skill day last week that ended 31 days in a row of healthy skills
  2. Hip and shoulder PT as directed
  3. Follow the PT plan for swim and jog
  4. Journal daily
  5. Daily appreciation for what my body can do
  6. Practice 2 min pauses 2x a day (this is just that - I set a timer on my phone for 2 min and sit/lay and close my eyes)

goals for this week

  1. 7/7 healthy coping skills! I’m mad at myself for having an unhealthy coping skill day last week that ended 31 days in a row of healthy skills
  2. Hip and shoulder PT as directed
  3. Follow the PT plan for swim and jog
  4. Journal daily
  5. Daily appreciation for what my body can do
  6. Practice 2 min pauses 2x a day (this is just that - I set a timer on my phone for 2 min and sit/lay and close my eyes)

Wondering what your ‘healthy coping skills’ are … no pressure to share if it’s private - was just curious. Rehab is hard (I had 15months of high hamstring tendinopathy not so long ago) but you seem to be very focussed on giving yourself every chance of a full recovery. I’m slightly lacking for helpful recovery related words that aren’t vacuous platitudes so I’ll leave it there!

Rehab is hard (I had 15months of high hamstring tendinopathy not so long ago)
I’d love if you would share, here or via PM, the exercises and how you got back into running! Always curious what works for other people

Wondering what your ‘healthy coping skills’ are … no pressure to share if it’s private - was just curious.
sure. The general themes are
-make myself accountable
-distract myself
-do something that involves thinking about the feeling

do crossword while watching netflix
text or email someone that I’m resisting an urge to engage in particular unhealthy behavior
surf online
come on threads like this and saying I’m having a hard day and I’m going to get through it healthfully
put music on
get fresh air

That’s off the top of my head, but I’ll add more as I think of them

how’s your back now?

today was not a success

I will get back on track tomorrow. I need to nip this in the bud now as it feels like things are backsliding

Luckily my back is starting to get back to normal. I took it relatively easy yesterday and did some time on an elliptical and in a sauna. My goal was to keep the impact level low. My plan today is to do at least a bike trainer ride and yoga.

Good luck with getting back on track today. Take joy in the small achievements you do for your self care today. I find they add up. Momentum can work both ways:)

Take joy in the small achievements you do for your self care today. I find they add up. Momentum can work both ways:slight_smile:

yes. Thank you for that.
Today so far I have

  • resisted the desire to run more than I should have. This is a major win
  • journaled and figured out the feelings that contributed to the use of unhealthy skills yesterday
  • took a shower, forgot to list that on healthy coping skills but that’s almost always a pick-up and is good self care mood-wise, among other things

Last week:

  1. All workouts as planned - I moved and cut short one, otherwise 100%
  2. proper fueling - medium
  3. journal every day - 5/7
  4. finish The Examined Run (anyone else reading this?) - nope
  5. 4 x strength/PT exercises - 1/4

This week:

  1. All workouts as planned
  2. Journal everyday Wed-Sun
  3. Finish The Examined Run
  4. 3 x strength/PT exercises
  5. Proper fueling Wed-Sunday
  6. Check back in Monday AM

I had a successful day yesterday!

Good for you!!

I started today with a nice yoga session. :slight_smile:


after a rough Monday I’ve been on track
I can and will keep doing this

my brain is being a b*tch today… I took Thursday off bc that was the smart decision for my body. I had hoped to swim today but the pool is closed due to snow. The smart decision for my body is to take today off, as jogging isn’t a good choice right now. My brain is not a fan of “two rest days in a week” which is dumb for several reasons. I took three days off in a row a few weeks ago and it HELPED ME BE IN LESS PAIN. And there are no rules in terms of fitness about # of rest days and whatnot.

What’s really going on is I wanted to swim today for the emotional up it provides, and I’m sad I can’t.

That really stinks that you’re having a tough day. If you really want to swim today, is there something that you can do today feeling engaged in the swimming world or mirror that euphoria you feel while swimming without FOMO?

I signed up to volunteer at the special olympics meet this coming Friday and am looking forward to an opportunity to help others be able to race.

thanks for the reply. Spent the AM working and am going to curl up with a book. Sap boil is going well!

You’re very welcome. Good for you. I’ve spent most of my morning today working on establishing a plan for the day and cleaning and straightening my kitchen…feel good things for me. Now to get on with the rest of my plan for the day.

I made it through my difficult day yesterday :slight_smile:
today I anticipate being easier by lots

Great for you! I made it to my swim yesterday evening instead of spending the evening on the couch and putting it off. :slight_smile:

No yoga yesterday for me, but I did have a fairly long run and swim. Plus I took care of a few things around the house to make it more pleasant.