Weekly Accountability Thread: June 3 edition

How are you and how was your week? What are your goals for the coming week?

Goals met mostly!

  1. 7/7 healthy coping - done, have 54 days in a row. STACKING DAYS
  2. PT as directed - done
  3. Journal daily - I missed one day but that is ok. I am very good at journaling when I need it, and general regular journaling
  4. Practice 2 min pauses - I did some practice and used the skill when I needed it
  5. Keep swims to 2200- I did not do this on some days. Things felt good (then I got a little sore spot and had to take a day off for it to go away).

M- 5.4 mi walk
T - 2200 yd swim, 3.5 mi walk
W - 3000 yd swim, 2.5 mi walk
T - 2400 yd swim, 2.5 mi walk
F - 6.2 mi walk
S - 2000 yd swim, 2.8 mi walk
S - 2800 yd swim, 3.9 mi walk

Total 12,400 yds which is basically the same as last week (12,500)

Goals for this week:

  1. 7/7 healthy coping skills
  2. Swim distance cap 2400 yds or 40 min! Remind self CUMULATIVE DAYS MATTER and I can’t give in to feeling good one day and adding, too risky no matter how tempting. Remind self I WILL get back to getting to be in the pool for an hour. Remind self this is a lot better than the 1k swims I was doing a month ago. Generally, remind self not to be an idiot.
  3. PT as directed
  4. Journal daily
  5. Practice the two min pauses. For real.

It’s 4 weeks until my first ‘A’ race of the season. This week (and next week) I’m aiming to nail a nice solid chunk of training - nothing special just decent volume and key sessions done well. And some heat prep (could be 30C at my race … and it’s certainly not that here).

0/1 on smoothies … let’s say success this week will be 5/7. Again, if I eat lots of good quality food then I won’t have space for poor quality food.

Phone downstairs at night - non-negotiable.

Training was solid overall. Got my bike/run key sessions done. Got some heat prep sessions done. Have had a sore shoulder for a few weeks and my sciatic nerve was playing up one day so swim got affected a bit. Swim: 10k, bike: 8hrs, run: 3.5hrs. Got my strength work done, apart from some upper body work that I skipped due to shoulder.
Smoothies: 4/7 (1 fewer than I said I’d have; 1 more than last week)
No phone in bed: 7/7 :slight_smile:
Put shorter cranks on my TT bike. Probably a bit close to the race, but wasn’t happy with how things were feeling. Short test ride was positive … we’ll see.

It’s 3 weeks until ‘A’ race. Sh*t!
Training plan roughly same as last week.
Smoothies 5/7
No phone in bed 7/7
See physio about my sore shoulder and the weird hip squint-ness I’ve been feeling.
Do not fiddle with TT bike position.

Feel free to describe the shoulder pain here, or DM me. Happy to help if I can. I’m not a PT but I’ve learned a lot about shoulders.
I am glad you’re seeing a physio and hope that person can help.

you, uh, weren’t ALSO supposed to develop hip and shoulder issues from participating in the thread. I didn’t think I was contagious…

Feel free to describe the shoulder pain here, or DM me. Happy to help if I can. I’m not a PT but I’ve learned a lot about shoulders.
I am glad you’re seeing a physio and hope that person can help.

you, uh, weren’t ALSO supposed to develop hip and shoulder issues from participating in the thread. I didn’t think I was contagious…

Kind of you to offer - thanks. Shoulders a little tricky to describe but where I’m feeling it might be the deltoid or maybe at the top of the biceps beneath the deltoid (I am total layman btw but looking at a diagram of shoulder muscles that’s what it seems like). I’m assuming it’s just a bit of swimmers shoulder … when my form gets sloppy(ier) the arm on the sore side tends to go a bit wide under water (front crawl of course … triathlete not swimmer!) … which I think leads to more pressure on the shoulder (rather than the lats doing their share of the work). I’ve been doing some general rehab work (targeting scapula mobility and little loading plus rotator cuff stuff) - might be helping - I did a 4k swim on Fri and during it I only had a bit of sensation (rather than pain) … but it did get sore afterwards (and kind of a sore across a lot of the main body of the side of the shoulder … and ‘clicking’ when I internally rotate the shoulder). Then 2k OW on Sat - a little soreness still from the day before (but less sore than after Fri swim). Now 2 days later I have no pain - will see how it is swimming tomorrow.

If you have any ideas from your experiences then I’m all ears.

As for shoulder/hip contagion 😆 I’m not even sure it’s actually my hips … but I’ll spare you that tale!

Feel free to describe the shoulder pain here, or DM me. Happy to help if I can. I’m not a PT but I’ve learned a lot about shoulders.
I am glad you’re seeing a physio and hope that person can help.

you, uh, weren’t ALSO supposed to develop hip and shoulder issues from participating in the thread. I didn’t think I was contagious…

Kind of you to offer - thanks. Shoulders a little tricky to describe but where I’m feeling it might be the deltoid or maybe at the top of the biceps beneath the deltoid (I am total layman btw but looking at a diagram of shoulder muscles that’s what it seems like). I’m assuming it’s just a bit of swimmers shoulder … when my form gets sloppy(ier) the arm on the sore side tends to go a bit wide under water (front crawl of course … triathlete not swimmer!) … which I think leads to more pressure on the shoulder (rather than the lats doing their share of the work). I’ve been doing some general rehab work (targeting scapula mobility and little loading plus rotator cuff stuff) - might be helping - I did a 4k swim on Fri and during it I only had a bit of sensation (rather than pain) … but it did get sore afterwards (and kind of a sore across a lot of the main body of the side of the shoulder … and ‘clicking’ when I internally rotate the shoulder). Then 2k OW on Sat - a little soreness still from the day before (but less sore than after Fri swim). Now 2 days later I have no pain - will see how it is swimming tomorrow.

If you have any ideas from your experiences then I’m all ears.

As for shoulder/hip contagion 😆 I’m not even sure it’s actually my hips … but I’ll spare you that tale!

Look up “serratus pushup” or “push up plus”. My guess is you have some scapular instability and hence scapular control issues, and that’s causing the pain.
WHen you’re sitting, walking, etc, think scapula “down and back”.

1/1 for the week so far and 55 days in a row! I can’t wait to tell you tomorrow I am at 8 weeks!
Stuck to my 2400 yd plan and am proud of self for not adding another 10 min, because I considered it. That would have been extra dumb given I was having technical issues w my stroke this AM, and the little sore spot in my lat was acting up a bit. *congratulates self for sticking to plan

56 days - 8 weeks - in a row without the unhealthy coping skill I am seeking to eliminate from my life for good :slight_smile:

(And 2/2 for the week obviously)


3/3 and 57 days in a row, clipping along toward 60 (and beyond)!

4/4 for the week and 58 days in a row!

I resisted the urge to add another 15 min of swim time this AM and am overly pleased w myself.

5/5 for the week and 59 days in a row!

6/6 for the week and 60 days!