Weekly accountability thread: June 24 edition

How are you and how was your week? What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Goals met mostly!

  1. 7/7 days of healthy coping - done, and am SEVENTY FIVE in a row, which is a huge number! I think my previous record was 77 so watch me eclipse that this week!
  2. Stick to pt plan for return to run and swim -done
  3. PT exercises - done
  4. Journal daily - I did not do this all days. I was so busy. I have time today to catch up a bit and am looking forward to doing so
  5. 2 x 2 min pauses daily - no but I used the skill
  6. Keep following the get-healthier plan I agreed to w my doctor: done, as I met or overachieved on the calorie minimum we set (eating more if hungrier is 100 good and is desirable). My weight was down a tenth of a pound from the week before, so basically stable. The good news is I got my period after 7 weeks without one from the highly dumb move of undereating and losing a bunch of weight the first 5+ months of the year. I have an appt this week so we will see if I have to gain some weight on purpose or if the goal can just be eat enough for this activity level to keep periods. And if you find this all TMI, too bad, there isn’t a womens forum anymore and periods are important for female athletes, and so is not starving yourself,
    so I will not shut up. :slight_smile:

M - 2500 m swim, 3.6 mi jog/walk (10 x 2 min jog)
T - 2500 m swim, 4 mi walk
W - 2500 m swim, 3.7 mi jog/walk (10 x 2 min jog)
T - 2500 m swim, 2.5 mi walk
F - 1700 m swim, 5.5 mi jog walk (10 x 3 min jog)
S - 3300 m swim, 4.4 mi walk
S - 9.8 mi jog/walk (jog 10 x 3 min)

Goals for this week- same as last, and keep eating the number of calories I am supposed to

76 days in a row
2800 calories eaten yesterday (400 of them cookies and chocolate at 11 pm in the last leg of a 14hr travel day… trying not to freak out about it having been over by that many calories after having been sedentary yesterday except for my swim)

Today will make 11 weeks!! Check back tomorrow bc I keep my promises to myself.

77 days - 11 weeks - of not using the unhealthy coping skill I have been working on eliminating. I think I have now tied my fall record:)

Food did not go well yesterday. I will do better today.

78 days of healthy coping!
Did better w food yesterday
Upset that shoulder is being a little bothersome again; grateful return to run is going ok

I’ve been slacking this year and finally trying to get back in shape. Have been doing walk runs and seeing some progress, but I’m not cutting pounds as fast as I want to. Did 8mi on Tues and Wed.

I’m headed to a big meetup in NYC in 3 months and absolutely have to be in good shape by then.

I’ve been slacking this year and finally trying to get back in shape. Have been doing walk runs and seeing some progress, but I’m not cutting pounds as fast as I want to. Did 8mi on Tues and Wed.

I’m headed to a big meetup in NYC in 3 months and absolutely have to be in good shape by then.

A meetup like a bunch of people meeting up to find out who’s the fastest, or a meetup like a HS or college reunion in which it’s important to look good?

I’ve been slacking this year and finally trying to get back in shape. Have been doing walk runs and seeing some progress, but I’m not cutting pounds as fast as I want to. Did 8mi on Tues and Wed.

I’m headed to a big meetup in NYC in 3 months and absolutely have to be in good shape by then.

A meetup like a bunch of people meeting up to find out who’s the fastest, or a meetup like a HS or college reunion in which it’s important to look good?

It’s a finance meetup. I don’t want to look fat haha.

Had a doctor’s appt yesterday; weight was stable and now has been for a month. Stable is really really good. Since I had a period this month she’s ok w my staying at that weight (can’t lose any; gaining some still fine). Calorie target this week is at least 2000- that is the min and I need to eat more if I am hungry for it. I was yesterday and hit 2400. Proud of self because the choice to eat the “extra” 400 was hard in both choosing the extra calories in general and I broke a food rule by eating pbj instead of more eggs. This will pay off when:

  • scale number is the same or a little higher on 7/5
  • the Red Cross doesn’t turn me away from trying to donate blood on 7/5 for not meeting their weight minimum
  • I get a period next month
  • the return to jogging keeps going well


Sorry, I was MIA this week. I have been doing my PT. Not every day, but more regularly.

I’ve been slacking this year and finally trying to get back in shape. Have been doing walk runs and seeing some progress, but I’m not cutting pounds as fast as I want to. Did 8mi on Tues and Wed.

I’m headed to a big meetup in NYC in 3 months and absolutely have to be in good shape by then.

A meetup like a bunch of people meeting up to find out who’s the fastest, or a meetup like a HS or college reunion in which it’s important to look good?

It’s a finance meetup. I don’t want to look fat haha.

I would love to go to a meet up that was explicitly to see who got the fattest unlike a reunion or whatever where that’s just the unstated purpose - let’s be honest about things!

Signed a person who is mostly (but not always) recovered from some very detrimental eating habits and body thoughts.

Just a quick check-in.

No definite goals this week since kind of crazy. For the first time in my life my group was not called for jury duty (Tuesday), so I didn’t have to start the colonoscopy prep over there. Colonoscopy yesterday went fine, and results (pre-biopsy of a small polyp) seem good. In addition, weight the morning of same was the lowest in a while, since I just drank water and that special “Gatorade” the day before…

No real athletic goals until after the operation to remove the growth on the back of my neck July 3rd. My foot has not been bothering me lately (probably because I haven’t been on it very much), so I’m going to see if I can start pool running. I’ll need to keep my neck out of the water if I want to start before July 17th (2 weeks after the surgery). They said I can’t do upper-body work before then, but lower-body is OK.

Finished the analysis course (following syllabus 18.100B) on Wednesday, now figuring out what to do in the same area and adding a topology course to the studying goals.

Don’t think I can do any reasonable race this year, but hope to start my base for a good season next year. I don’t need a lot of speed for the races I like to do (and at 67 I don’t have it), but I need structural stability over the long haul, so hoping I can have that by next year if starting now, as well as being at a weight that is “helpful”, rather than whale-like (although 6 lbs. better than 2 months ago).

Tigerchik: Congrats on sticking with the program. By the way, Costco muffins have about 900 calories; I find them overly easy to eat…

I’m happy to hear from you and glad your surgery is next week.

80 days in a row of healthy coping!
Ate the 2000 calories yesterday that I was supposed to. Proud of self. Annoyed that I am currently in a place where my life entails being proud of myself for choosing to eat dinner but that is where I am right now and I will get out of this and get to a place where eating dinner is just a thing I do instead of playing “am I eating dinner?” games in my head. I have been in that place before and I can get there again.

80 days! PR’ing every day!

81 days in a row!
2250 calories yesterday :slight_smile: doing it. Had a pretty calm day brain-wise w food